

Research on Chloride Ion Permeability and Corrosion & Protection of Steel in Reinforced Concrete

【作者】 邹国军

【导师】 张三平;

【作者基本信息】 机械科学研究总院 , 材料学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 从上个世纪中期,混凝土结构因耐久性不良造成过早失效及崩塌破坏的事故在国内外都屡见不鲜,世界各国为此付出的代价十分沉重。由于工程安全因素更由于耗费巨资的经济因素,混凝土结构日益突出的耐久性问题,越来越受到世界各国学术界和工程界的广泛重视。所以为了有效解决钢筋混凝土腐蚀的问题,有必要对腐蚀的基本现象和因素进行探讨,以便在建筑结构物设计阶段或腐蚀初期就预防,减少损失,同时提高混凝土的耐久性,对节约资源、能源及资金均有重大的意义。本论文研究了钢筋混凝土在室内盐水浸泡、海水环境下的腐蚀行为,并在实验室条件下研究了钢筋混凝土的腐蚀。通过线性扫描方法研究在水环境中以及实验室浸泡盐水中的混凝土钢筋腐蚀,在其自腐蚀电位±10mv范围内,获得极化电阻Rp;同时通过重量法测量混凝土钢筋在自然环境中的腐蚀速度。通过在实验室对钢筋腐蚀进行监测,然后对比自然环境下的测量结果以及失重试样结果,分析两者的相关性,对比不同环境下钢筋腐蚀变化过程。在实验室模拟环境和海水以及淡水实际环境中进行挂样实验,研究混凝土保护层的抗Cl~-渗透性。初步获得氯离子的扩散深度和扩散系数的相关性。进行快速氯离子渗透试验,研究累积电量与氯离子有效扩散系数的相关性,藉此相关性找出适宜的累积电量来评估各类混凝土的耐久性。最后,探讨钢筋混凝土中的钢筋外加两种不同表层的防护处理涂环氧树脂涂料和热镀锌对钢筋混凝土握裹行为的影响。实验结果表明钢筋表面涂覆保护层后其粗糙度减少,对钢筋握裹力有一定的影响。通过实验,积累了典型自然环境中钢筋混凝土及其防护系统的环境腐蚀数据;研究了混凝土及其防护系统腐蚀破坏规律和防护机理及性能,比较分析了钢筋表层未处理与防蚀处理钢筋握裹强度的变化,为提高钢筋混泥土基础设施的耐久性、可靠性、安全性提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 Since the middle last century, more and more concrete buildings had occurredearly failure and collapsing accident because of their poor durability at home andabroad. Each nation puts in heavy costs to deal with above conditions. The concretestructure durability problem is increasingly predominant because of engineering safeand vast expenditure economic factors,. It is emphasized broadly by the academicrealm and engineering field gradually. Therefore, in order to effectively do withcorrosion problems of reinforced concrete, it is necessary to discuss corrosionphenomena and the basic factors. In the building structure design stage or earlycorrosion it has to prevent and cut down losses. In terms of capital, resources andenergy conservation, improving concrete durability have major significance.This research designs the corrosion research programs which include laboratoryexperiment and marine environment with electrochemical method and the method ofweight loss. Reinforcement corrosion of reinforced concrete in the water environmentand laboratory conditions is researched by linear polarization method, linear scan of±10mv in the open circuit potential and get polarization resistance Rp of reinforcedsteel, on the other hand the weight of concrete reinforced in the natural environment ismeasured and get the corrosion rate.The article studies about the principle of chloride permeability in reinforcedconcrete by soak in saline. According to the test results, we get initial depth and thediffusion coefficient.At the same time, the samples are soaked in Qingdao and insolated in Wuhanatmospheric environment. Carry on the fast chlorine ion permeates to experiment,and evaluate durability of kinds of concrete by studying on the Relativity betweenaccumulating electricity quantity and coefficient of diffusion of the chloride ion.In the end, the article studies effect of corrosion on cohesive force of steel barthat has two kinds of different protective layers. This thesis designs two kinds ofreinforcing bar which is processed with epoxy layer and heat plate zinc.The experimental results some conclusions and accumulates corrosionenvironmental data about corrosion and protection of reinforced concrete, and studyon corrosion of concrete and reinforced concrete and their protective & damagedprocess, comparison and analysis of the samples which are with treatment and withouttreatment, which offers necessary and reliable data to our countries infrastructures andgreat engineering of choosing materials reasonably. This study will developevaluation technology of atmosphere corrosion actions on reinforced concretematerials and protective systems which offers scientific theories and assessmentmethods on selecting materials for improving reliability, security of architecture.

  • 【分类号】TG172
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】738

