

Installation of the Thermal Property Database of Tyre Rubber and It’s Application in the Finite Element Analysis System of Tyre Temperature Field

【作者】 柯顺魁

【导师】 马连湘;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,由于车速的不断提高,轮胎在滚动过程中的生热加大、温升过高,以至于导致交通事故的现象不断增多,轮胎设计研究人员正积极地探寻如何在保证高湿抓着性和低滚动阻力的前提下有效控制轮胎温升的途径,对轮胎温度场的研究是一重要课题,而该课题研究的基础是预知各种轮胎胶料的热物性参数。本文在课题组已取得的研究成果基础上,综合考虑各种轮胎用橡胶材料的热物性参数并建立轮胎胶料热物性参数数据库,方便程序调用计算,进一步完善轮胎温度场有限元分析系统。用瞬态法激光导热仪测得了包括胎体帘布层胶、胎冠基部胶、钢丝带束层胶、尼龙冠带层胶、胎侧胶、胎侧护胶、胎冠胶、密封层胶、胎圈钢丝层胶以及三角胶芯胶在25℃~105℃温度范围内的导热系数、比热及热扩散系数数据。在证明其有效性的基础上,作为热物性参数数据库中的原始数据。用DMA 242型动态力学分析仪对上述十种胶料在-20℃~100℃的温度范围内,在5Hz、10Hz、16.666Hz、25Hz以及33.333Hz频率条件下的储能模量E′、损耗模量E″及损耗因子tanδ进行了测量,通过公式q=Q/t=fπE″ε02对其生热率进行了计算,作为轮胎温度场计算的条件数据。建立基于关系数据模式的轮胎胶料热物性数据库系统。这部分工作主要包括:围绕着轮胎胶料热物性数据库系统开发的系统目标,对其功能结构进行分析;比较了当前流行的操作系统和数据库系统的特点后,建立基于关系数据模式的轮胎胶料热物性参数数据库系统。同时对系统开发的关键技术及数据库系统中的数据安全性问题进行阐述。开发出数据库系统主要功能是用于存储上述热物性实验数据,同时系统能够响应记录的添加、删除、修改等动态操作功能;通过各种轮胎胶料的热物性参数与温度的数据拟合曲线,研究者可对轮胎各部位胶料的生热趋势进行分析。此外,系统还对各种轮胎胶料的数据表和数据报表进行了设计,用户可随时对数据表进行增减;用户可通过选择导出Excel报表和直接打印数据报表两种方式对系统输出的数据报表进行查看。将开发出的轮胎胶料热物性参数数据库应用到课题组前期开发的FEATT系统(轮胎温度场有限元分析系统)中,以便实现更精确的轮胎温度场模拟。课题组前期开发的FEATT系统是将各种轮胎胶料的热物性参数都视为常数来进行温度场模拟计算,而现实中的轮胎各部位胶料因为在轮胎滚动过程中承受热量的不同,往往反映出不同的热物理性质。那么将每种胶料的热物性参数都作为单一因素考虑,在轮胎温度场计算的过程中分别调用对应胶料的热物性参数则可以有效弥补将各种轮胎胶料视为常数条件的不足,实现更准确的轮胎温度场模拟。综合考虑了轮胎胶料热物性参数对其影响的FEATT系统功能简介。在简单介绍了FEATT系统功能的基础上,分别对比了将热物性参数当作常数考虑的轮胎温度场计算和采用本文开发的数据库对轮胎温度场进行了计算。结果表明:采用两种方法模拟出的轮胎温度场有着相似的生热趋势,但将胶料的热物性参数设为常数考虑的各部位节点温度要明显地高于调用了胶料热物性参数计算时的节点温度。论文中详细地对FEATT系统的轮胎温度场计算实例与轮胎轮鼓实测实验进行了对比分析。虽然两者计算得出的轮胎温度场数值上存在着误差,但误差能够控制在一定的范围内,这样充分说明了开发的FEATT系统的精确性和有效性。另外,根据对比结果输出,结合轮胎的实际工作条件,对轮胎温度场的温升特点进行了分析。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the phenomenon of traffic accident occurred with high frequency due to the fact that tyre generated more heat and its temperature rose higher. Tyre researchers and designers are struggling for an effective way to control the tyre heat generation under the circumstance of ensuring the low rolling resistance and high wet grabs. So the research of tyre temperature field is an important research problem. However, the research foundation of this problem is to know all kinds of thermal property parameters in advance. This paper’s main focus is to comprehensively think over all kinds of tyre rubber and through installation of thermal property parameter database, to make the progress of program transformation and calculation of tyre temperature field more easier, to perfect the finite element analysis system of tyre temperature field.Rubber recipes about this research are ten commonly used tyre rubber materials. The temperature measure range is 25℃~105℃and thermal property parameters are measured by transient LFA Nanoflash. Based on the verification of its validity, we saved them as the original data of thermal property parameter database.Heat generation rate calculation about this research is ten common used tyre rubber materials mentioned above. The temperature measure range is -20℃~100℃and the measure frequency are 5Hz, 10Hz, 16.666Hz, 25Hz and 33.333Hz. We use DMA experiment to measure storage modulate (E’), loss modulate (E") and loss factor (tanδ). We used the formula of q=Q/t=fπE"ε02 to calculate heat generation rate. Then we saved them as experience data in thermal property parameter database.Set up tyre rubber thermal property database system based on relational data model. The main task about this part including following works: Focus on the system purpose about the tyre robber thermal property parameters database’s development, we analyzed its functional structure; After compared with the character of the operating and database system in prevail, we set up tyre rubber thermal property database system based on relational data model. In the same time, we explained the key technology and database security problem about the system development. The main function of this system is to store the experimental data mentioned above. Simultaneity, this system can dynamically response to the performance of record append, delete, update etc. Through temperature and diversified thermal property parameters simulation, the users can analysis the tyre diversified rubber material heat generate trend. In addition, system designed the data tables and data reports about diverse tyre rubber, users can append and delete it at any moment. Users can examine the data reports either by the way of exporting Excel or by direct data report print.Put tyre rubber thermal property parameter database into the FEATT (Finite element analysis tyre temperature) system application, to make the process of tyre temperature simulation more precisely. FEATT designed by former research group deemed diverse tyre rubber as the constant number in the process of tyre temperature simulate calculation. However, duo to the fact that practical tyre rubber often endured different quantity of heat in the process of tyre rolling. So they will represent different thermal physical character. We deemed every kind of tyre rubber as single factor, thus we can effectively make up the disadvantages about deemed diverse tyre rubber as constant number only through the way of transfer the response tyre rubber in the process of tyre temperature calculation. By doing this, we can effectively accomplish tyre temperature simulation more precisely.Brief introduction about FEATT system after comprehensively thinking over diverse tyre rubber’s influence on the tyre temperature field. Based on brief introduction of FEATT system, we contrast the process of calculate tyre temperature field by deeming thermal property parameters as the constant number with calculated it by comprehensively thinking over diverse thermal property parameter’s influence. The result show that they had resemble heat generation trend, but the grid temperature of deeming thermal property parameters as the constant number is much higher than comprehensively thinking over diverse thermal property parameter’s influence. In this paper, focus on the tyre temperature field calculate instance outputted by FEATT and the tyre temperature field calculate instance outputted by tyre rotation experiment, we contrasted and analysis its character in detail. Although there are some error in the tyre temperature field calculated number, but the error can be controlled in a common range, so this adequately testified its accuracy and validity. In addition, according to the results outputted by the two methods, in relation to the tyre practical working condition, we analysis to the tyre temperature field’s heat generation character.

  • 【分类号】TQ336.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】426

