

The Research & Design of Four-location Oil Field Screw Pump of Rubber Stator Injection-vulcanization Unit and Three-dimensional Dynamic Simulation

【作者】 薛胜火

【导师】 吕柏源;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 油田螺杆泵目前在油田生产中得到广泛应用,其核心部件橡胶定子目前的传统生产设备及方法已不能满足“高质、高效、低耗、低成本”的要求。针对其存在的缺点与不足,全新设计了四工位油田螺杆泵橡胶定子注射硫化机组。用一步法注射成型技术取代了传统的两步法和压注法,大大提高了制品的质量和生产效率。本文主要工作成果如下:1、首次设计了橡胶定子注射设备的四工位移动系统。橡胶定子由于传统的单机单工位生产使注射装置闲置时间太长,不能有效地利用注射机的效能。开发的四工位移动装置,简单实用,使单台设备对多个模具进行注射,最大限度地发挥注射装置的效能,大大地提高生产效率,降低生产成本。2、设计了螺旋啮合喂料增压装置,获得了必要的高注射压力和高生产能力;设计了螺旋移动压合装置,压合系统作用力与注射机螺杆在同一轴线,大大增强了对中性能,消除了偏心力矩;提高了设备的工作可靠性,延长了整机寿命。3、设计了全新的塑化—注射同步进行的一步法电动注射装置,与传统采用液压注射方法或液压压注方法相比较,具有结构简单紧凑、节省能源、维护保养方便、造价低廉等优点,易于实现文明生产和改善工作环境。4、设计中运用了先进的数字—传感技术,以实施对机头压力、压合力和轴向力的监控,实现胶料的信息定量和压合装置的数字操作,使设备运行安全可靠,易于实现自动化和保证制品质量的稳定性。5、用CAD技术对注射硫化机组进行了三维设计,并由此作为CAE的物理模型,进一步应用CAE技术对螺杆、定板、压合螺旋副螺母进行了三维有限元(FEA)分析,对其结构强度和刚度进行了精确地分析;并对有肋板与无肋板加强的定板进行了有限元分析的对比,进而对零部件进行优化设计。6、设计了一体式的硫化—模具系统,突破了传统的注射模具与硫化装置分体的布置方案与结构。7、利用三维模拟软件3dsmax对注射装置进行三维动态模拟仿真,运用三维爆炸效果来表明各零部件的连接关系,以便验证设计符合安装、拆卸、尺寸配合和操作等要求,证明本设计达到了设计的目的。四工位油田螺杆泵橡胶定子注射硫化机组采用了一步法注射成型技术,解决了大容量制品的注射问题,由于注射压力高,因此制品致密性好能,大大提高制品的寿命。本机组不但能用在橡胶定子上,而且本机组的工作原理在橡胶制品的生产方面亦具有很广泛的应用前景,将会带来明显的社会效益和经济效益。

【Abstract】 Oil field screw pump is widely used in the oil field now. And the equipmentand method of its key part—rubber stator can not meet the demand of high quality,high effiency, low consume and low cost. For the disadvantage and shortage, thefour-location oil field screw pump rubber stator injection-vulcanization unit is newlydesigned. The effiency and production quality are greatly improved, with thetraditional two steps method and force-feeding method replaced by the one stepinjection technology.1. The four-location moving device of rubber stator injection-vulcanization isfirst designed. The traditional unit has only one location, so it can not make the mostuse of its ability for the long leave-unused period. The developed four-locationmoving device is easy and of good utilities; it can let one injection machine injectseveral molds, so it can increase the production efficiency and reduce the productioncost greatly.2. The helical meshed feeding supercharging device is designed, and thenecessary higher production and high injection pressure are obtained. The helicalmoving compression device is designed, this device directly act in the direction ofthe axis of the screw. So this increase the centre aligning capability, eliminate theeccentric moment, increase the operational reliability of the equipment, and lengthenthe operating life of the whole machine. 3. The electric injection device is newly designed. Plastication and injection isdone with one step. Compared to traditional hydraulic injection method andhydraulic force-feeding method, the new design is simple and compact in structure;it can save energy, maintained easily and made cheaply; it can produce incivilization for it improves the working environment.4. The advanced digital sensing technology is used. It can check the headpressure, compression force and axial force. Then the information quantifying ofrubber and digital operation of compression device are realized, making theequipment work safely; and automation and stability of the production quality canbe realized easily.5. The three-dimensional model of the injection-vulcanization unit is done withCAD, and are used as the physical model to CAE. The three-dimensional FEAanalyses of screw, stationary board and nut of compression screw pair are done withCAE technology. The FEA analysis of stationary board with rib is contrasted to thatwithout rib.6. The integral vulcanization and die system is designed, changing the traditionalconfiguration and structure, for the traditional one’s mould is separated to thevulcanization equipment.7. The injection device is dynamically simulated with three-dimensionalsoftware 3dmax. The link relations between parts are indicated withthree-dimensional explosion effect. This can prove that the design accords tooperational demand, installation and disassembly dimension.The one step injection technology is used in the four-location oil field screwpump rubber stator injection-vulcanization unit. It solves the injection problem ofthe large volume product. The compactability is good because of the high injectionpressure. So the operating life of the rubber stator is greatly lengthened. The unit canbe used in rubber production of the stator, but also its working principle can beapplied in the production of rubber product; it has wide future of application and itwill produce obvious social and economic benefit.

  • 【分类号】TE933.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】108

