

Study on Preparation for High Intake of C3S Cement Clinker with Industrial Waste Residue

【作者】 高宇

【导师】 孙晓君; 赵继忠;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 材料工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 水泥是一种用途广泛的建筑材料,有着巨大的市场需求。目前我国的水泥生产绝大部分采用自然材料进行,生产水平较低。研究、生产出高胶凝性水泥熟料矿物体系,已势在必行。因此,高效节能的硅酸盐水泥生产工艺的研发具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。根据课题的研究内容,本论文从研究利用工业废渣改善水泥生料易烧性入手,运用金相显微镜、X射线衍射、等离子电感耦合光谱仪、环境扫描电镜和能谱仪等测试方法,对在1450℃下高C3S水泥熟料制备和形成机理进行了详细的研究。通过在实验室中对工业化生产的模拟,初步探讨了高C3S水泥熟料的工业烧成制度。本论文首先对在1450℃下烧制高C3S水泥熟料进行了研究。研究结果表明,用磷渣等代替部分水泥原料,采用KH=0.98、SM=2.2、IM=1.6的熟料率值,磷渣掺量为7%时,可以在1450℃下烧制成合格的高C3S水泥熟料。熟料中C3S结晶完整,颗粒数量多、分布均匀,其他主要熟料矿物相也烧成较好。用高C3S熟料制得的水泥,早期强度达到30MPa以上,后期强度可以达到70MPa以上。本论文还对磷渣在改善高C3S水泥熟料烧成过程中的作用机理进行了研究。研究结果表明,磷渣中大量存在的微细晶体在C3S形成过程中起到了“晶核作用”,明显降低了C3S表观形成反应的活化能,促进了C3S在较低过饱和度下的生成。磷渣中的玻璃体不仅可以降低高温液相出现的温度,而且增加了液相量。

【Abstract】 Cement, widely used as constructional materials, has extensive market demand. But now the production of cement in our country is mainly based on natural materials, and the production level is comparatively low. So there is an increasing call to study and produce high gelatinous property cement clinker. Because of these, the research and development of portland cement producing technics with high efficiency and low energy consumption has profound theoretical and practical significance.This thesis emphasizes on the study of using industrial waste residue to improve the burnability of raw materials. With XRD, ICP, SEM, and ESCA, the preparation and formation mechanism of high intake of C3S in clinker under lower temperature(1450℃) was analyzed specificly. The industrial buring system are also discussed by simulating the industrialization production in lab.This paper started with the formation of high intake of C3S clinker under lower temperature(1450℃). Results from experiments indicated that: when 7% of raw materials are substituted by phosphorous slag, KH is 0.98, SM is 2.2 and IM is 1.6, the high intake of C3S clinker can be produced eligibly under 1450℃. And the crystallization of C3S, with numbers of grains, is perfect, and distributed symmetrically. Other phases in clinker are excellent as well. The early-age compressive strength is over 30Mpa and above 70Mpa in the later-age.The operation mechanism of phosphorous slag was also studied in course of forming high intake of C3S clinker. The result shows that numbers of minute crystal in phosphorous slag play an role of crystal seed, which can reduce the active energy of exterior reaction of C3S and accelerate the form of C3S at a lower supersaturation. The vitreous body in phosphorous slag can not only reduce the temperature that the liquid phase need, but also increase the quantity of liquid phase.

  • 【分类号】TQ172.44
  • 【下载频次】272

