

【作者】 刘翔宇

【导师】 崔晓华; 文军;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 机械工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,资源紧缺和环境恶化问题日益突出,节水已成为各个国家面临的一个严峻的课题。循环冷却水作为工业企业的血液,占我国工业取水量的70%以上,但它的循环重复利用率低,因排放而形成的浪费和污染现象十分普遍。与国外相比,我国的循环水处理技术还比较落后,尤其是将成熟、优良的药剂配方方案与自动控制技术相结合的研究与应用还处于起步阶段。基于单片机、PLC、微机的自动加药监控系统在国内已开始有应用,但它们都是属于间接控制方式,以一定的算法推导出添加各种药剂的量,无法真正、在线地知道循环水中的药剂含量,加药的准确性与均匀性无法保证,过量或欠量加药现象难以避免。本文应用荧光测量技术,以实验的方法选择荧光示踪型水处理剂并评价其检测信号的适用性,验证了以荧光测量技术直接准确检测循环水中药剂含量的设想,明确了以水处理剂浓度为直接控制对象来研制自动加药装置的技术路线。本文围绕研究开发循环水处理自动加药控制装置任务,阐述了以单片机为信号处理核心单元,选择单片机芯片和设计单片机控制系统过程,包括硬件电路设计和软件设计;论述了系统控制方案的选择方法,确定了符合生产工艺要求的、合适的控制方法,并对改善调节品质进行了论述;介绍了配置合理适度的执行装置以满足生产管理的需求。本文针对所研制的循环水处理自动加药装置,对其在生产中的实际应用情况进行了考查。通过对比分析该装置在大庆宏伟热电厂循环水系统中投用前后的情况,表明该装置工作可靠,监测灵敏,报警及时,可推广应用。

【Abstract】 Now, lack of resources and environmental degradation problems have become increasingly prominent, water conservation has become a grim task that every country will be faced.Circulating cooling water for the blood of industrial enterprises, accounting for industrial water consumption of 70%. But its repeat cycle of a low utilization rate, emissions created by the waste and pollution is widespread.In comparison with foreign countries, China’s Circulating Water treatment technology is relatively backward, especially those of the mature, Pharmacy prescription excellent programs and automatic control technology combining the research and application is still in the infancy stage.Based on SCM、PLC、the computer automatically drugging and monitoring system in the country has begun to use, but they belong to indirect control, with a certain algorithm is derived by adding various pharmaceutical amount,not real,Online aware of the pharmaceutical circulating water content, increase the accuracy of drug and uniformity can not be guaranteed. excessive or deficient amount Drugging was difficult to avoid.Using fluorescence measurement technology, Experimental methods to the choice of fluorescent tracer type water treatment agent and evaluate their applicability to the detection signal, proved to direct fluorescence measurement technology to accurately detect circulating water content of the idea of Pharmacy, clear water concentration of direct control object to the development of the automatic drug devices technical routes.This article focus on the research and development Circulating Water of drug treatment automatic control device tasks, describes the microcontroller core for signal processing modules, and the choice of single chip microcontroller control system design process. Circuit design including hardware and software design; exposition of the system control method of choice, identified in line with the requirements of the production process, the appropriate control, and to improve the quality of regulation in the paper; on the allocation of appropriate implementation of a reasonable device to meet the needs of production management. This article has made a Circulating Water of drug treatment automatic device, the production in the practical application of the test. By comparing and analyzing the device in DaqingHongwei power plant grand system of circulating water system used before and after the vote shows that, this device is sensitive and reliable, and could be applied broadly.

  • 【分类号】TQ085
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】620

