

【作者】 张永忠

【导师】 王宝辉; 谢朝阳;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 化学工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文根据绿色化学原理,研究设计了以水为溶剂,以马莱酸酐、丙烯酸、次亚磷酸钠为原料,过氧化氢为引发剂,添加催化剂一步合成的低磷有机聚膦羧酸型多元共聚物缓蚀阻垢剂的方法,最佳工艺条件及合适的物料比,并对产品进行了缓蚀阻垢性能的测试,总磷含量(以PO43-计≤1.46%),经静态、动态实验及现场试验结果表明:该产品具有优异的缓蚀阻垢性能,含磷低,符合环保要求,具有广阔应用前景。研究的主要内容是,以水为溶剂聚羧酸反应高效的催化剂;筛选以水为溶剂聚羧酸反应的引发剂;聚合物单体及物料比的选择;聚合物磷化条件试验;对产品进行结构分析、分子量测定、缓蚀阻垢性能的测试、未反应单体的测定、总磷含量的测定。设计出条经济、高效的工艺合成路线;确定聚合物的分子量。

【Abstract】 With principle of green chemistry, we design a one-step synthesis method todevelop a polybasic copolymer, phosphonic carboxylic acid, which takes water as solution,malefic anhydride, acrylic acid and sodium hypophosphite as raw materials and hydrogenperoxide as initiator with some catalyst added. Optimized processing conditions andproper mole ratio of reactants also have been established, and the total phosphorouscontent is less than 1.46%(based on PO43-). The results of static, dynamic and field testsshow that this kind of product has a excellent corrosion inhibition and scale inhibition, lowphosphorous content, meets requirements of environment protection and has a promisingapplication future.The major research fields is to produce polycarboxyl acid based on aqueous solvents, including developing catalysts with high efficiency, screening initiator, determining conditions for polymer phosphorization, analyzing structure analysis,measuringmolecular weight, testing corrosion inhibition and scale inhibition ofproduct, metering unreacted monomer, assaying total phosphorous content, establishing a economic,effective synthesis process and evaluation molecular of polymers produced.

  • 【分类号】TQ085
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】390

