

【作者】 周麟

【导师】 佘光辉;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 林业, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 《森林资源规划设计调查主要技术规定》对于规范经营单位的规划设计调查,保护和发展森林资源、发挥森林资源的多功能效益等方面,起到了积极的促进作用。但随着我国政府对生态环境建设的日益重视和投资力度的加大,林业指导思想也实现了从“传统的木材永续利用”到“三大效益兼顾,生态效益优先”的转变,特别是新技术和新方法的应用与普及推广,使原“技术规定”已不适应新时期林业发展的新变化与新要求。淳安县作为浙江省林业用地面积最大的县被选定为试点县,其目的就是为了研究新颁“技术规定”的科学性、实用性、可操作性。在制定和完善符合实际的森林资源二类调查操作细则,摸索新的“技术规定”指导下的森林资源二类调查工作经验,提高调查效率和精度,促进森林资源的科学经营管理等具有重要的意义,也是当前迫切需要解决的重要课题。本专题研究的方法是利用定性和定量相结合的方式进行的,首先对原“技术规定”在新时期林业发展的新变化与新要求的不适应性进行研究分析,结合对国外林业发达国家森林资源调查的方法进行研究分析和国内林权制度改革对“技术规定”的影响,然后分析新“技术规定”修订的背景,修订的指导思想,主要修订内容等并运用淳安县森林资源调查的实例对新“技术规定”进行具体应用分析,得到应用分析结论。原“技术规定”已不适应新时期林业发展的新变化与新要求,主要表现在:1、林地分类与《森林法》及其《森林法实施条例》不完全适应。2、受当时技术条件的限制,没有对新技术、新方法的应用提出要求。3、对复层异龄林特别是择伐林的调查内容规定已不太适宜。4、与森林分类经营的联系不太密切。淳安县在浙江省是首个按照国家林业局2003后新颁技术规定和森林分类经营的要求,运用了GPS和计算机技术,采用抽样控制和小班调查相结合的方法,查清本县森林、林木和林地资源,研究和建立符合集体林区森林经营特点的地理信息系统。特别是调查内容、技术标准和调查方法侧重生态建设需要,信息丰富,改变了以往侧重资源数据调查的做法,取得了重大突破,其应用分析结果如下:1、规范了森林分类区划界定,新规程以小班调查为基础,对生态公益林进行了系统规范。同时,浙江省各县(市、区)已经按照国家的区划技术标准完成了森林分类区划,并要求保持相对稳定。二类调查要充分应用业已完成的区划界定成果,尽可能地与原有结果相衔接。淳安试点共区划生态公益林面积138171.5 hm~2,占全县林地面积的38.5%,蓄积量5210276 m~3,占乔木林蓄积量的47.1%。全县生态公益林按事权等级划分为国家级公益林、省级公益林、市级公益林和县级公益林,按保护等级划分为特殊保护、重点保护和一般保护,地类结构涉及有林地、疏林和灌木林。上述结果已作为国家、浙江省两级重点生态公益林区划界定工作的成果,落实了森林生态效益补偿资金,当地政府依据上述成果制定了相应的保护与经营管理方案。2、探索了生态学调查内容根据新的“技术规定”,在淳安的试点探索性地对群落结构类型和自然度两项生态学科内容进行了调查研究。群落结构类型的区分,在试点调查中主要局限于生态公益林的乔木林分。其结果是:全县生态公益林乔木林林分面积120386.1hm~2,其中完整结构类型面积。7079.8 hm~2,占生态公益林面积的5.9%;复杂结构类型面积103973.3 hm~2,占86.4%;简单结构类型面积9333.0 hm~2,占7.7%。自然度类型的划分,根据其生态学概念,在试点调查中主要应用于天然乔木林和天然灌木林。其结果是:全县天然乔木林和天然灌木林面积199228.4 hm~2,自然度Ⅰ级即原始或受人为影响很小而处于基本原始状态的植被面积16890.2 hm~2,占天然林面积的8.5%;自然度Ⅱ级即有明显人为干扰的天然植被或处于演替中期或后期的次生群落的面积168442.1 hm~2,占84.5%:自然度Ⅲ级即人为干扰很大,演替逆行处于极为残次的次生植被阶段或天然植被几乎破坏殆尽,难于恢复的逆行演替后期的面积13896.1 hm~2,占7.0%。新“技术规定”的研究,对制定和完善符合实际的森林资源二类调查操作细则,摸索新的“技术规定”指导下的森林资源二类调查工作经验,提高调查效率和精度,促进森林资源的科学经营管理等具有重要的意义。希望本文能为领导决策提供依据,为森林经理的发展发挥积极的作用。

【Abstract】 "The Main Technique Provision for Forest Planning and Designing" plays an importantroll in standardizing the programming and investigating management units, protecting forestresources and developing multi-function performances of the forest resources. The government ispaying more attention to and spending more money on the ecosystem, and environmentconstruction, thus, the forestry guiding thought has changed from: "making lasting use of timber"to "the three greatest performances developing together while the ecosystem performance takingprecedence" With the widely application of new technique and methods, the previous TechniqueProvision is not suitable for the new changes and requests.As a county in Zhejiang, Chun’an, which has the biggest area for forestry, is selected to makeexperiments. Its purpose is to study the scientific approach, function and maneuverability of thelatest technique Provision. It plays an important roll in establishing and completing practicaldetailed regulations for the second survey of forest resources, summarizing the experience of thesurvey according to the newly revised Technique Provision, improving the efficiency and accuracyand promoting the scientific management of the forest resources. It is also the important item thatneeds to be solved urgently at present.This special subject is studied by combining the nature deciding with ration deciding. First, itis studied and analyzed how the previous Technique Provision is not suitable for the new changesand requests of the new forestry. We do research on the method to survey the forest resources indeveloped countries and the effect that the reform of local forest proprietorship has upon theTechnician Provision. Then we analyze the background in which the new Technician Provision isrevised. We also carry out a concrete analysis on the new Technician Provision according to thesurvey of the forest resources in China.The previous Technique Provision is not suitable for the new changes and requests of theforestry at the moment. The reasons are as follows:1. The woodland classification does not agree with the Forest Law or its implementregulations.2. Restricted to the technique at that time, no requests are put forward to the application ofnew technique and methods.3. The rules for survey the "multi-layer-and-different-age forest," especially the"choose-to-cut forest" are not suitable.4. It is not very close to the management of forests.Chun’an is the first county in Zhejing that use the GRS and the calculator technique, combinesampling control with subcompartment inquisition to check its forest, wood and woodlandresources, study and establish the geographic information system which agrees with the collectiveforest management characteristics, according to the new revised Technique Provision and requestsfor managing the forest established by the National Forestry Bureau, 2003. focus on the need forecosystem construction. It has got rich information. This is different from those previous surveywhich focused on the resource figures. It has made a breakthrough. It is applied and analyzed asfollows:1. It standardizes how to classify the forests. The newly revised Provision Standardize theecological public welfare forest, focusing on the subcompartment inquisition. And at the sametime, all the counties and cities in Zhejiang have classified their forests according to the new classification standards and make it stable. Forest resources management survey should make fulluse of the results of the classification to agree with the previous results as much as possible.Chun’an classified 138171.5hm~2 of ecological public welfare forest, 38.5%of all the forestsin the county, The wood stored adds up to 5210276m~3, 47.19% of the amount stored in all theforests. The Ecological Public welfare forest are divided into nation- class; province-class,city-class and county-class according to its proprietorship and special protection, point protectionand general protection according to its importance. The land structure involves woodland,condense wood and bush wood. These have been recognized as the results of classifying theecological public welfare forest of the nation class and province class. The forestry ecologiccompensation has been settled. The local government has established plans concerning thepreservation and management according to the results.2. It explored the contents of the ecological survey. According to the new Technique Provision,experiments were done to study the community structure and the nature degree. The communitystructure is restricted to the arbors. The result is: the arbor area in all over the county’s ecologicalpublic welfare forest adds up to 120386.1hm~2and 7079.8hm~2 of it, 5.9% of the whole area of theecological public welfare forests has the complete community structure. The area of thecomplicated community structure is 103973.3hm~2, 86.4% of the whole area. Simple communitystructure is 9333.0hm~2, 7.7%. The classification of the nature degree, according to the ecologicalconcepts, focuses on natural arbors and natural shrubs. Its result is: the area of arbors and shrubs is199228.4hm~2. Community of DegreeⅠ, which means being original or hardly influenced byhuman beings, is 16890.2hm~2, 8.5% of the whole area of the natural forests. Community ofDegreeⅡ, which means being obviously affected by humans or the secondary community in themiddle or late course of the differentiations, is 168442.1hm~2, 84.5%. Community of DegreeⅢ,which means being greatly affected by humans, nearly destroyed or hard to go back to the latecourse of the differentiation, is 13896.1hm~2, 7.0%.The studies of the new Technique Provision plays an important roll in establishing andcompleting the practical regulations for forest resources management survey, looking for theexperience as improving the scientific management of forest resources. It is hoped that my articlecan provide the policy makes with some basic and play an active roll in managing the forests.

  • 【分类号】S757.27
  • 【被引频次】8
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