

【作者】 唐俊

【导师】 万茂松;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 机械工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 客车行业自上世纪九十年代末发展至今,不仅在产品和技术上,而且在管理和营销上,都取得了巨大的进步。目前市场需求平稳上升,但行业内竞争也日趋激烈,存在着低集中度、高同质化、低效益等问题。KL汽车工业公司虽不是国内最早的客车制造企业,但却是发展最快、影响力最大而且品牌最著名的一家公司,近几年稳居客车行业三甲。南京NJL汽车制造厂2003年起同KL汽车工业公司进行合作,专业生产中、小型客车,产销量稳步提升,但近来也面临着市场需求疲软,产品同质化严重,原材料价格上涨,经济效益下降等各类问题,企业经营状况恶化。如何提高企业的赢利能力,通常认为一是对外开拓,走专业化发展道路,二是对内挖潜,降本增效,三是寻找合资合作。本文所研究的课题正是通过对企业内部物流管理体系的研究与改进,优化管理,达到降本增效之目的,从而解决企业当前所面临的困难。物流科学是当代最有影响的新学科之一。它是管理工程与技术工程相结合的综合学科,应用系统工程的科学成果,以提高物流系统的效率。现代企业物流作为一种先进的组织方式和管理技术,被广泛认为是企业在降低物资消耗(第一利润源),提高劳动生产率(第二利润源)以外的重要的利润源泉(第三利润源)。本文通过查阅大量的相关理论资料及深入公司内部进行细致的调研,从南京NJL工厂的基本情况介绍和相关物流管理理论的阐述入手,对工厂目前物流体系的管理现状、存在的隐患及发展的趋势分别作了具体介绍,运用现代物流管理的共性理论和方法,结合南京NJL的个体特征,针对组织结构、采购管理、生产管理及库存管理等方面,进行了细致的分析与研究,确定对物流体系开展一系列物流管理改善。通过优化结构、改进流程、提高手段、引进技术等方式,来更好地提高物流效率,降低物流成本,增加经济效益,从而提高企业竞争力。本篇论文的主要内容包括以下几个部分:第一章首先介绍客车制造行业背景、生存环境及发展途径,其次阐述了物流管理对制造企业发展所起的作用,接着又介绍目前同类中小客车制造企业物流管理现状,最后对KL公司和南京NJL工厂的基本情况分别进行介绍,并明确两者之间的关系,由南京NJL工厂目前存在的经营问题引出本课题,提出开展课题研究的必要性。第二章详细介绍了物流管理尤其是有关企业供应物流、生产物流管理及物流信息系统方面的概念和理论。第三章从南京NJL工厂物流系统管理现状及存在问题的介绍入手,通过对物流组织结构、采购供应管理、仓储与配送管理、在制品管理及生产计划管理等几方面的调查研究,找出影响企业物流成本的各道环节,并分析产生问题的原因。第四章运用物流管理相关理论并联系南京NJL工厂实际情况,分别针对每个环节进行相应改进或重新规划,达到本课题的解决实际问题之目的。本文旨在通过理论联系实际,对南京NJL工厂物流体系进行一系列的改进、改善,达到降低该企业物流成本,提高盈利能力的目的,并为行业内其他类似规模的企业提供一些有价值的参考。

【Abstract】 Bus industry of China has had an enormous progress since the end of 1990’s, not onlyin the product and technology, but also in the management and marketing. At present,the bus market grows smoothly, in the meantime the competition is fierce between busmanufacturers. It causes a lot of problems such as low profit and high similarity, etc.KL Company is not the earliest bus manufactory, but it has the fastest development,the most famous brand and the biggest influence. In recent years, KL Company hasbeen firmly ahead of the bus industry. Nanjing Jinlong Bus Manufactory Co., Ltd. (NJLfor short) was co-operated with KL Company from 2003, whose main products are ofthe middle and mini bus. The quantity of output and sales has been increased steadily.However, NJL also encountered some obstacles, such as the increasing of raw materialprice, the slumping of demand, the aggravating of competition and the serious similarextent of product.How to improve the ability of gaining more profits, it is known normally:—firstly, should expand the sale market, specializing the products;—secondly, should dig the inside potentiality of enterprise to decrease sorts of cost;—thirdly, should seek the advantageous cooperation with the superior enterprise.Logistics is a kind of new science, having the most influence in the present age. It is asynthetic subject combined with administrant engineering and technical engineering,utilizing the scientific achievement of system engineering in order to improve theefficiency of Logistics system. As a advanced organizational method and managingtechnique, it is widely regarded as very important profit spot (the third spot), besidesdecreasing the cost of materials (the first spot)and improving the productivity oflabor(the second spot).The topic of this paper is that solving the difficult and problems NJL facing now, byresearching and utilizing the logistics theories and methods. On the base of consultingof large quantity of materials and the inside research of NJL, this paper described theexisting problems of logistics management and analyzed the reasons clearly. In order todecrease the cost, increase the profits and improve the competitive power, the rebuildingor improvement of logistics management in NJL must be carded out.This paper consists of the following four chapters. In chapter one, first, it is introduced that the background, the existing environmentand the ways of development about the bus manufactory such as NJL. Next, it ispresented that "Logistics Management" is useful to improving the benefits of company.After that, the status of Logistics Managing at present in miniature or middle-sized busmanufactory is particularly described. Finally, the basic situation of KL Company andNJL and the relationship between them is introduced. Tiffs chapter also illustrates thenecessities of utilizing the logistics theories to solve NJL problems at present.In chapter two, the concepts and theories about enterprise logistics management arethoroughly introduced, especially relating to Supply Logistics and Production Logisticsof the manufacturing enterprise.In chapter three, by analyzing the current situation and existing problems of logisticsorganization and management in NJL, the respects that need to be improved urgentlyare founded out, as well as the reasons that bring those problems are explained. Theanalysis is unfolded from four facts as follows: the structure of logistics organization,purchasing, warehousing and storage, production managing.In chapter four, using the theories of logistics and associating the reality in each side,the aim of this paper is to rebuild or improve the enterprise logistics system and achievethe purpose that solve the present, practical problems in NJLIn short, this paper aims to decrease the costs of logistics management and improvethe benefits in NJL, as well as to supply some valuable reference to other similarproducers in the same field through the research of the enterprise logistics managementadopted by NJL.

  • 【分类号】F252
  • 【下载频次】301

