

The Study on Physical and Population Genetic Characteristics of Yunnan Mongolian

【作者】 刘海萍

【导师】 陆舜华;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 动物学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 云南蒙古族自北方入滇距今750多年,其体质特征及群体遗传学特性的系统研究资料尚未见报道。为此,作者于2005年10月对云南省通海县兴蒙乡的439例(男202例,女237例)蒙古族成人的体质特征和208例(男105例,女103例)蒙古族中学生的群体遗传学特征进行了调查和研究。研究项目为67项体质指标及其38项派生指数,以及25项群体遗传学特征指标。采用体质人类学和群体遗传学相结合的方式,从头面部特征、体部特征、皮褶厚度、身体围度、体型、形态遗传性状、不对称行为特征、舌运动类型等多方面进行研究,运用聚类分析和主成分分析探讨云南蒙古族与我国北方地区蒙古族及其他人群体质和遗传学特征的异同性。结果表明:(1)云南蒙古族体质特征:肤色多为黄色,发色黑色,眼色褐色,具有上眼睑皱褶,约1/3人有蒙古褶。鼻根中等(男65.84%,女43.04%)或低(男31.19%,女56.54%),鼻翼发育中等,狭鼻型,唇较厚,耳垂为三角形或圆形。男性头长宽比例多呈中头型(56.44%),头长高比例呈高头型(62.87%),头宽高比例呈中头型(35.64%);女性则为中头(49.37%)、高头(58.23%)和阔头型(46.84%)。两性超狭面型(男39.11%,女32.07%)和狭面型(男32.67%,女30.80%)居多。男女身高均值分别为163.2cm和152.9cm,中躯干型(男52.48%,女54.85%),中腿型(男42.08%,女44.73%)。男女均以中肩(男37.13%,女55.27%)、中胸(男53.96%,女45.99%)和窄骨盆型(男53.96%,女60.76%)占多数。指距(男167.4cm,女154.6cm)略大于身高。男女体重均值分别为57.30kg和51.61kg。Rohrer指数分型,男性多为瘦长型(46.04%)和中间型(39.11%),女性为中间型(39.66%)和矮胖型(35.44%)。男性平均体型为均衡的中胚层型(2.5-5.0-2.6),女性为内胚层-中胚层均衡型(4.3-4.5-1.8),两性体型相对接近布依族和侗族,与内蒙蒙古族体型差异较大;(2)绝大多数体质项目及体质指数性别间具有极显著差异,男女体质特征具有增龄性变化;(3)群体遗传学特征:云南蒙古族头发为直发,多数人发际无尖,直鼻梁,宽鼻孔,非突型下颏,有耳垂,铲型门齿出现率高。直型拇指与环指长型出现率接近80%。指甲类型男性以方型居多(50.48%),女性则为长型(54.37%)。足趾以拇趾长型(60.58%)占多数。5种舌运动类型出现率偏低。7项不对称行为特征均以右型占优势;(4)少数遗传学特征具有性别间极显著差异。9项形态指标彼此间相关性极小。4项与手足相关指标中,仅拇指类型-环食指长相关显著。5种舌运动类型两两项间和7项不对称行为特征两两项间均相关不显著;(5)云南蒙古族体质特征介于南北人群之间,群体遗传学特征接近南方群体,均与北方地区蒙古族群体差异较大。本文首次报道了南方蒙古族群体的体质特征与遗传学特性研究资料,采用体质人类学和群体遗传学相结合的方式并辅以多种数理统计方法,对云南蒙古族的体质特征及群体遗传学特性进行了综合评价。

【Abstract】 There has been 750 years since Yunnan province was overrun by the Mongolian in 1253. No data were reported systematically in this area for Yunnan Mongolian. Therefore, the present paper studied the physical characteristics of the Mongolian adults (202 males and 237 females) and the population genetic characteristics of the Mongolian students (105 boys and 103 girls) from the middle school in Xingmeng village of Tonghai country from Yunnan province. This study included 67 physical characteristics and 38 indexes derived from them, and 25 population genetic characteristics.The physical characteristics of Yunnan Mongolian were studied using anthropological and population genetic characters including craniofacial and body ones, skinfold thicknesses, girths of some portion in the body, somatotypes, genetic morphological ones, asymmetric behavior ones, types of moving tongue and so on. The methods of clustering analysis and principal component analysis were used to analyze the differences on physical and population genetic characteristics between Yunnan Mongolian and other Northern Mongolian groups or other minority ones in China.The results are as the follows: (1) The physical characteristics of Yunnan Mongolian follows. For the majority, the skin color is yellow with the dark hair, and the eye is brown with the eyefold of the upper eyelid. About one third people has Mongoloid fold. The nose is long and narrow with the medium (Male 65.84%, Female 43.04%) or low (Male 31.19%, Female 56.54%) nasal root. The alae nasi is also medium, while the lip is thick and the lobe is triquetrous or round. The length-width, length-height and width-height index of head mainly belongs to mesocephaly (56.44%), hypsicephaly (62.87%) and metriocephaly (35.64%) respectively in males, and mesocephaly (49.37%), hypsicephaly (58.23%) and tapeinocephaly (46.84%) in females. The major morphological facial type is hyperleptoprosopy (Male 39.11%, Female 32.07%) and leptoprosopy (Male 32.67%, Female 30.80%). The means of stature of male and female are 163.2cm and 152.9cm respectively. The indices of body part belong to mesolength (Male 52.48%, Female 54.85%), mesatiskely (Male 42.08%, Female 44.73%), medium shoulder (Male 37.13%, Female 55.27%), medium breast (Male 53.96%, Female 45.99%) and narrow pelvis (Male 53.96%, Female 60.76%). The span (Male 167.4cm, Female 154.6cm) is longer slightly than stature. The mean body weight is 57.30kg in male and 51.61kg in female. Rohrer’s index shows that it is the asthenic type (46.04%) and the moderate type (39.11%) in male but the moderate type (39.66%) and the sthenic type (35.44%) in female are the dominant types. The mean somatotypes in male 2.5-5.0-2.6 and in female 4.3-4.5-1.8 are balanced mesomorph and endomorph-mesomorph, respectively. The somatotypes in both male and female are similar relatively to those of Dong nationality and Buyi nationality, but different from the Mongols in Inner Mongolia. (2) The most of anthropometric items show sexual dimorphism obviously. Some of the physical traits in Yunnan Mongolian show the age-related variations. (3) The results of population genetics show that Yunnan Mongolian have straight hair without hair point in the forehead, straight bridge of the nose, wide nares, non-projected chin and lobe. The high-frequency traits are spade fore-tooth, straight thumb and relative length of annularis over index (about 80%). The main type of nail is square (50.48%) in male but long in female (54.37%). The long inner toe is the main type of the plantar digital formila. The incidences of five types of tongue’s movement are low relatively. The right type is the dominant one in seven asymmetric behavior traits. (4) There are sexual differences in several genetic traits. Nine morphological traits show less correlation from each other. Among four traits of hand and foot, only the type of thumb is correlated obviously with palmar digital formula. The obvious correlation is not found between all of types of tongue’s movement and asymmetric behavior traits. (5) The physical characteristics of Yunnan Mongolian are situated between northern and southern groups. The characteristics of population genetics are similar to southern groups but different from the Mongolian in northern area.In this paper, the physical and genetic characteristics of southern Mongolian were reported for the first time. The physical characteristics of Yunnan Mongolian were discussed synthetically combining anthropological, population genetics methods with the Multivariate Statistical Analysis method.

  • 【分类号】Q987
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】363

