

On Logical Acknowledge of Lyric Prose Teaching in Middle School

【作者】 王婷婷

【导师】 李瑛;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 抒情散文指现代抒情散文。这一文体在我国散文发展史上具有重要地位,一些名作成为中学课文传统篇目。近几年,抒情散文成为高考语文现代文阅读题选文的主要对象。然而,抒情散文阅读是学生失分最多的一道题。造成这种情况的原因复杂,学生的逻辑思维能力差,不能把握抒情散文独特的逻辑要素是主要原因之一。目前,中学语文教学不够重视对抒情散文逻辑特质的解析,缺乏相应的研究成果作为教学的理论依托。抒情散文的逻辑性与形象性融为一体,也很难把握。这些因素使抒情散文逻辑要素的解析成为阅读教学的薄弱环节。典范的抒情散文是形象思维与逻辑思维完美融合的结晶,忽视了其中的任何一个方面都会造成文意理解的缺失。构思是作者对文章的内容与形式进行全面“预构”的过程,即设计“如何写”的规划。构思时要开拓明晰的思路,设立巧妙的线索,确定意象组合的方式。这些过程蕴含严密的逻辑性。思路是思想或思维的轨迹,是材料排列的顺序,是文章逻辑的核心。线索是作者组织材料的脉络或描写、记叙的脉络。意象是围绕材料的逻辑重心而组合成优美意境的原材料,意境是否具有艺术魅力,在很大程度上取决于意象的组合方式。另一方面,现代抒情散文独具魅力的话语也蕴含逻辑性。在抒情散文中,联想与象征是常用的表达形式;修辞手法是组织言辞的主要手段;关键句是言语的精华;重点词语是构成言辞的宝贵质料。这些构成抒情散文话语的重要成份,都蕴含独特的逻辑要素。不理解抒情散文的逻辑特质,就不能准确把握散文的形象性,无法准确解析散文的意义。基于此,目前有必要强调处于相对次要地位的散文的逻辑特质具有独特的认知功能,中学抒情散文教学应该挖掘其蕴含的逻辑认知特质。而且只有把握了这一点,才能更好地解析抒情散文。教师应有意识地引导学生认识抒情散文构思的逻辑特质,把握其思路、线索、意象组合的逻辑特征;解析渗透于象征、联想、修辞、关键句、重要词语中的抒情散文话语的逻辑因素,逐步提高学生的逻辑思维能力,充分发挥现代抒情散文教学的逻辑认知功能。目前,很少有人从抒情散文独特的逻辑性这一角度研究散文,立足于中学散文教学而探究其逻辑特质的理论成果几近于无。全面整合、系统研究蕴含在抒情散文艺术思维中的逻辑要素,不仅是散文理论界应该解决的问题,也是中学散文教学实践不能回避的难点。我们应该全面认识、具体解析现代抒情散文的逻辑特质,为发展散文理论,健全中学散文教学,提升学生的阅读能力,提供系统的知识,开拓新的思路。

【Abstract】 In this article, Lyric Prose means modern lyric prose, this literature style has an important position in the developing history of prose, some masterwork even become traditional table of contents in middle school textbooks. In recent years, lyric prose became the main selection of modern article reading in college entrance exam. However, modern prose reading is the question that students lose the most marks. The reason for this situation is very complex, but the poor ability of logical thinking, and can not hold the unique logical factor is the main reason. Currently, literature and language teaching in middle school underemphasize the analysis of logic quality of lyric prose, and lack corresponsive research findings to support teaching theory, how to make the logicality and iconicity of lyric prose become one is also very difficult. All these factors make the analysis of logical quality of lyric prose become the weak link in article reading teaching.The model lyric prose is the crystal formation of perfect combination of imaginal thinking and logical thinking, and neglect of any one aspect will cause misunderstanding of the articles. Conceive is a process of making an overall preliminary sketch of content and form of the article, which means design how to write, the writer need open up perspicuous train of thinking, design clever clue and define the compound mode of imago. This process includes rigorous logicality. Train of thought or the orbit of thinking is array order of material and the logical core of article. Clue is the skeleton of material or skeleton of description and narration, imago is centered on logical weight of material and form the original material with graceful artistic conception, whether the artistic conception has artistic charm, largely depend on the compound mode of the artistic conception. On the other hand, modern lyric prose’s special charming language also includes logicality. In modern prose, association and symbol are the commonly used express form, figure of speech is the main method of organizing speech, key sentence is the marrow of the speech, key words are value material for forming speech, all these important ingredient that compose speech of lyric prose implicit unique logical essentials, if the students do not understand the unique logical quality of lyric prose’s art, can not accurately hold the iconicity of prose and analyze the meaning of prose.On the basis of this, currently it is necessary to emphasize the logical quality comparatively taking the second place, has the special function of perception, the lyric prose teaching in middle school should dig out its logical perception quality, and only hold this, they can analyze lyric prose much better. The teachers should consciously guide the students to know the logic quality of conceiving lyric prose, and seize the logic features of its train of thought, clue, composition of imago; analyze the logic factors that penetrate in the symbol, association, figure of speech, key sentences and important words and expression of speech in lyric prose, gradually improve the logic thinking ability, and fully bring the function of logical perception in the modern lyric prose teaching into play.At present, few people study prose from the aspect of unique logicality, and the theory study results on the basis of prose teaching in middle school almost nothing. So fully integrate and systematically study of the logic factors implicit in the artistic thinking of lyric prose, not only is the question that should be handled in prose theory circle, but also the difficulty that prose teaching practice in middle school can not retreat. We should comprehensively learn and concretely analyze the logic quality of modern lyric prose, and provide systematic knowledge and open up new train of thought for developing prose theory, improve prose teaching and reading ability of students in middle school.

【关键词】 抒情散文阅读教学逻辑构思话语
【Key words】 Lyric prosereading teachinglogicconceivespeech
  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】404

