

Study on Implementing Three-dimensional Integrated Curriculum in High School Physics

【作者】 高国庆

【导师】 陶·哈斯巴根;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,国内教育新一轮课程改革正进行的如火如荼,各地学校都在积极落实新的课程标准。新课程标准把过去只强调知识与技能的教学大纲改为以知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观三维一体的课程目标。而《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》和新颁布的高中各科课程标准都只是纲领性的、理论性的文件,只是改革的新理念,各地在实际落实过程中方法各异,利用传统的教学模式落实新课程标准出现了很多的问题,在这改革的关键时期,寻找落实新课程标准的有效方法成为广大教育工作者的共识。“过程完整化教学模式”正是落实新课程目标的有效途径。“过程完整化教学模式”借鉴了建构主义的多元认知理论,是高级启发式教学,它和新课程标准要求的知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观三维一体的课程目标非常一致,在实施过程注重师生互动,突出教师是主导,学生是主体,要求学习方法多样化,提倡自主学习、合作学习、探究学习,在教师的指导下,让学生自己建构知识。本人在高中物理教学中进行了一年多的实践研究,使用过程完整化教学模式落实新课程标准。本人将任教班级划分成实验班和对照班,通过对学生的问卷调查、学生学习成绩质量分析和实例举证,获得了大量的第一手材料。实践表明,新教学模式是落实三维一体课程目标的有效途径,它在课堂上能极大地调动学生的积极性和主导性,让学生体验学习的过程,自己建构知识,对培养学生良好的学习态度和科学的价值观、世界观具有极大的促进作用。同时,使用新的教学模式,对教师自身的变化也是很明显的,他们能很快适应教学改革的形势,积极落实新课程标准,配合新课程改革的理念,提高自己的认识,改进教学方法,使之很快成为教学改革中的佼佼者,在省市级优质课大赛和青年教师课堂教学大赛中脱颖而出。

【Abstract】 At present, the new curriculum reform is in full swing,every school is actively implementing the new curriculum standards all over the country. New curriculum standards emphasize knowledge and skills, process and methods and emotional attitudes, which is the three-dimensional integrated curriculum. While the Basic Education Curriculum Reform (Trial) and the new high school curriculum standards are only guidelines and theoretical document for the curriculum of each subject. And it is a new concept of the reform, so the actual process of implementing various in different ways in different parts, and a lot of schools use the traditional teaching methods to implement the new curriculum standards, so they have a lot of difficulities in this critical period of reform. To Find effective ways to implement the new curriculum standards becomes the consensus of educators, so“Teaching integrity of the process model”is an effective way of implementing the new curriculum.“Teaching integrity of the process model”refers to the multiple cognitive constructivism theory that is the pool of senior, and it demands improving the studennts’knowledge and skills , values the process and methods, pays attention to cultivate the students’emotional attitude, which is exactly the same as pusposes of three-dimensional integration of the curriculum: teacher-student interaction in the implementation process-oriented. That outstanding teachers lead students is the main requirement of diverse learning methods to promote self-learning, cooperative learning, study and explore. Under the guidance of teachers, students construct their own knowledge.The auther has been in high school physics teaching practising for nearly two years, using“Teaching Integrity of the Process Model”to implement the new curriculum standards. The auther’s classes were divided into control and experimentalones, then through a questionnaire survey , student achievement quality analysis, and examples of proof, the auther gained a great deal of first-hand material. Practice shows that the new teaching model is an effective way for the implementation of three-dimensional integrated curriculum, in the classroom it can greatly mobilizes and dominant the enthusiasm of the students, allowing students to experience a learning process, construct their own knowledge, cultivate students’good attitude and scientific values. Meanwhile, through the use of new modes of teaching, teachers also have changed a lot, which is very obvious: they can adapt quickly to the new situation, actively implementing the new curriculum standards in order to keep up with the new curriculum reform ideas, and raising their awareness, improving teaching methods. So teaching reform will soon become better and better.

  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】241

