

Research on the Objectives of Tourism Education in the Universities in China

【作者】 郭栩东

【导师】 谢春山;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中国的旅游本科教育发端于70年代末期,第一所旅游院校建立于1978年。在过去的20多年中,尤其是90年代,不论是高等教育还是职业教育都取得了平稳而迅速的发展。早期旅游本科教育培养目标导致课程涵盖了学科的方方面面。尽管直到现在,旅游教育仍以教师为中心,多半旅游教育课程都是从教师的学历背景及教育机构的起源发展起来的。授课也主要是根据教师的需求而不是市场的需求或学生的就业需求。这种现象非常普遍。以教育为中心的实践活动存在许多弊端,从而影响了中国旅游教育的可持续发展。二十一世纪的中国旅游教育将培养出无论在国际,还是在国内旅游人才市场上,都需要拥有宽厚的学科基础知识,在知识运用和技能操作方面具有创新精神的优秀旅游人才。本文正是从这一理解出发,本着立足现实、放眼未来的原则,考察我国本科旅游教育培养目标的现状,以21世纪经济全球化、旅游人才国际化为背景,构建当代中国新型旅游本科教育的人才培养目标。全文共分为六部分:第一部分绪言阐述了论文的主题和选题,指出了文章研究的实用价值与理论价值,对与本文研究范围内有关文献进行评述和提出所要解决的问题。第二部分是对中国旅游本科教育培养目标相关理论问题研究,对相关的概念与理念进行了论述。第三部分全面分析目前中国旅游本科教育培养目标的现状及存在问题。第四部分是综合宏观背景,指出高质量的旅游本科教育是21世纪经济全球化、旅游人才国际化的必要选择。第五部分是本文重点:提出构建“复合性应用型旅游人才”---中国旅游本科教育的培养目标,并提出了切实可行的人才培养新模式。第六部分结语:重申本文的主要观点与见解,点明主要成绩及创新之处,指出本文的不足及有待进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 Tourism education in the university in China originated in late 1970s. The first tourism college in China was established in 1978. During the past 20 years, particularly in 1990s, it was seen a tremendous and stable development in higher education and vocational education. On the early stage of tourism education in universities, the objectives conduced the curriculum cover all sorts of subjects. Until to date, the mode of tourism education is till teacher-centered, however, most tourism curriculums were originated and developed from the teachers’education background and origin of education institutions. Teaching was based on the needs of the teacher rather than the needs of the employer or employment of the students. That was very common at that time. There are many disadvantages in the practice of education-centered activities, which affect the durable development of tourism education in China. The tourism education in China in the 21st century, aims to develop outstanding talents who acquire abundant knowledge, while skilled at practice and creative in operation. This paper is based on this concept, with the principle of standing firm on reality and looking forward to the future, to look into the situation of China’s tourism education in the universities, thus to meet the objective of developing the new talents in tourism industry thought university education.There are six parts in this paper: the first part sets forth the theme of this thesis, explains the practical and theoretical value of the research, criticizes some articles of the relative topics, and brings up the problems that need to be solved. The second part is to look into the theoretical problems in China’s tourism education in university, and expound the relative concepts. The third part is to analyze the actuality and problems of tourism education in universities in China. The fourth part overviews the gross background, sorts it out that the high quality education in university is the essential choice of economic globalization and internalization of tourism talents. The following part is the key section of this thesis, making it clear that the objective of China’s tourism education in university is to breed“multi-talents”, and the new mode to achieve it. The last part is conclusion, restates the main idea of this thesis, and points out the main achievement, creativeness, and shortcoming as well.

  • 【分类号】F590
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】467

