

Research on Building Specific Training Model of Male 400m Runners of the National Level 2

【作者】 杨波

【导师】 王秀香;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 400m跑属于极限强度的周期性运动,被视为一项以速度为主的体能类短跑项目,其全程速度的变化一般可分为三个阶段,即加速阶段、最高速度保持阶段和速度衰减阶段。400m跑从起跑加速到获得最大速度后又逐渐降低的统计学规律,实质上反应了能量供应方式从磷酸原系统、糖酵解系统到有氧氧化系统的转变过程。提高400m跑最佳运动成绩的关键是合理利用磷酸原系统的供能能力,最大限度地延长糖酵解系统供能的时间,以及尽量减小有氧氧化系统供能的比例。本文运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查和实验等方法,从重视基层业余水平田径运动员的训练、加强对业余水平运动员训练方法的研究为出发点,针对学校体育教学及业余训练中水平一般且未达到国家二级锻炼标准的400m跑运动员,依据国内400m跑专项高水平教练员、优秀体育教师多年训练实践的成功经验以及相关文献资料的积累,以影响400m跑专项成绩提高的主要内容指标,即速度指标、速度耐力指标、有氧耐力指标以及力量指标四个方面为切入点,从理论上初步对男子400m跑二级运动员专项训练的指标模式进行构建,并运用模式训练相关理论原理,通过实验前、后运动员成绩的对比分析,寻求符合其专项训练的最终指标模式。旨在为400m跑专项运动员及体育考生成绩达到并突破国家二级水平,提供一些经验和建议,同时也为基层教练员、体育教师制定400m跑专项训练的方法和手段,提供借鉴和参考。本论文在研究过程中,得出以下结论:1.对于未达到二级水平的400m跑运动员,速度指标、速度耐力指标、有氧耐力指标、力量指标是影响专项成绩提高的主要指标。专项速度训练、速度耐力训练、力量训练是重点,专项速度耐力训练是关键。2.采用60m、100m跑作为速度指标,200m、300m、500m跑作为速度耐力指标,3000m跑作为有氧耐力指标,后抛铅球、立定十级跳远作为力量指标,实践中初步证明符合未达到二级水平的400m跑运动员训练。3.实验表明,符合男子400m跑二级运动员专项训练的控制指标模式特征是:速度指标中60m跑成绩模式特征为6.8s-7.3s,100m跑为11.4s-12.0s;速度耐力指标中200m、300m、500m跑成绩模式特征分别为23.5s-25.7s,37.0s-39.4s,68.5s-73.0s;有氧耐力指标中3000m跑成绩模式特征为9min40s-10min10s;力量指标中后抛铅球、立定十级跳远的成绩模式特征为9.00m-11.50m,21.00m-26.00m。

【Abstract】 The 400-meters dash belongs to ultimate periodic games and is regarded as a short-distance run which can be divided into 3 periods—the period of acceleration, period of remaining maximum speed and the period of attenuation. The 400-meters dash follows the statistic rules which can be reflected from the following stage: starting the race, accelerating, reaching the maximum speed and gradually attenuating. In fact, it reflects the process that energy is provided. It is a changing process of energy providing—from phosphagen system,glycolysis system to aerobic oxidization system.The key point of improving the speed of 400 meters dash is to rationally use the energy providing ability of phosphagen system to prolong the energy providing time of glycolysis system to a maximum size and to reduce the energy providing rate of aerobic oxidization system.The instruments the author used in the experiment are literature review, interviews, questionnaires and case study. Start from the point of view of strengthening amateur sportsmen’s training method in view of the 400-meters sportsmen who haven’t reached level 2 target in school PE teaching and amateur training according to the successful experience and long time of practice of some qualified 400 meters trainers and some out standing PE teachers as well as the accumulation of the related literature review the author construct theoretically the model of training 400 meters male dash with the target of improving the speed of 400 meters dash. That is to say from the following 4 aspics, speed index,speed endurance index,aerobic endurance index,strength index。Listing the relative theory of mode training by analyzing and comparing the results got by the subjects both before and after the experiment the author tries to find out a suitable final index mode for specific training .The aim is to provide some recommendations for 400 meters dash sportsmen and PE candidates to reach or ever make a breakthrough for the national level 2. Another aim is to provide some useful advice of speciality training for the PE teachers or trainers at the basic level.The author got the following conclusions after the research:1. For the 400 meter runners who haven’t level 2 there are 4 main index that can influence the improvement of speciality scores: speed index,speed endurance index,aerobic endurance index and strength index. Among them speciality speed training, speed endurance training and strength training are important which speciality speed endurance training are crucial.2. 60-meter and 100 meter running are used as speed index,200-meter, 300-meter and 500-meter running are used as speed endurance index,3000-meter running is used as aerobic endurance index,throwing back shot - putting and standing and jumping with ten steps are used as strength index. All above can preliminarily be proved that they are suitable for those 400-meter runners who haven’t reached level 2.3. The experiment in this thesis shows that the features of the controlling index mode for level 2 men-400-meter runners speciality training are in speed index。The 60-meter score model features are 0.8s~7.3s and the 100 meters is 11.4s~12.0s speed endurance index,the features for 200 meter , 300 meter and 500 meter running are 23.5s~25.7s,37.0s~39.4s,68.5s~73.0s separately; in aerobic endurance index the score model features for 3000m running is 9min 40s~10min 10s; in strength training index,the score model features for throwing back shot - putting and for standing and jumping with 10 steps are 9.00m-11.50m,21.00m-26.00m separately.

【关键词】 400m跑二级运动员模式构建指标
【Key words】 400 meter dashlevel 2 sportsmanmodelconstructindex
  • 【分类号】G822.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】278

