

A Preliminary Discussion on Guarantee of Network Human Rights under the Background of Internet Regulation

【作者】 陈峰

【导师】 黄学贤;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 互联网作为一把“双刃剑”,既创造了自由表达的公共空间,又打开了传播不良信息的方便之门。互联网管制已引起各国政府的普遍关注,并逐渐成为全球性共识。但是,各国管制互联网的具体做法却是各不相同,就是在一国内对互联网管制的声音也是不同的。这相应地引发了对管制的标准和限度的争执,其中尤为突出的是有关互联网管制是否侵犯人权以及如何保障人权的讨论。以“网络人权保障”作为互联网管制的标准可以合理地限定互联网管制的范围,为国际间有关互联网管制争议提供对话的平台,也为指导我国互联网管制提供理论支持。论文主张通过确立“网络人权”作为互联网管制的标准、完善保障网络人权的若干基本原则、设置网络人权保障机构、完善程序性制度以及责任救济途径等措施来完善我国网络人权保障体系。并特别指出保障网络人权应警惕和避免落入完全以西方人权观为标准的“网络帝国主义”的圈套,最后对网络人权保障的立法体系进行了展望。

【Abstract】 The internet, as a double-blade sword, not only creates a free talking space, but also opens the convenient door of delivering illegal and harmful information. The Internet regulation has bee generally drawn great emphasis on by every state and, been a common sense gradually. However, the detailed methods of every country are quite different, the same as the situation even within one country. That evokes the controversies about the standard and horizon of the regulation, especially within which the controversies on whether internet regulation violating the human rights or how to protect human rights. Take Protecting the Network Human Rights as the standard of internet regulation can restrict its range with reason, provides a conversational platform on the internet regulation disputes internationally and offers a theoretical support. This dissertation proposes that taking protecting human rights as the standard of internet regulation, perfecting several basic principles, setting up the organization to protect network human rights, and imposing procedure and proceeding etc. to perfect the system of guarantee of Network Human Rights, and at last, prospects the legislation of Network Human Rights. Meanwhile, the trap of dropping into Network Imperialism also should be guarded and avoided completely.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 03期
  • 【分类号】D920.4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】370

