

The Relationships Study of Achievement Goals, Self-Efficacy, Learning Strategies, and Academic Achievement in Mathematics Course

【作者】 顾正刚

【导师】 鲍建生;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪60年代以来,随着认知心理学的兴起,心理学家们开始从社会认知的角度来解释说明个体的成就动机和成就行为,而对于成就目标的研究是这一领域中一个非常引人注目的课题.从20世纪80年代初该理论提出后,国内外众多研究者给予了极大的关注.学生的成就目标对学生学业成绩有着重要影响,而自我效能感是重要的中介认知因素,对成就行为起到积极的影响作用.自班杜拉在1977年提出自我效能的概念后,自我效能受到了国内外教育学家和心理学家的重视.许多学者对自我效能进行了广泛的研究.学习策略作为学会学习的重要手段,对学生的学习成绩有重要的影响,历来受心理学家的关注, 20世纪90年代以来,学习策略即成为我国教育心理学领域的一个热点课题.中学生成就目标、自我效能、学习策略及学业成绩之间有着密切的联系.但针对具体学科的整合研究还很少,而且结果存在分歧.本研究以苏州市两所中学507名学生(初一至高二年级)为被试,以数学成就目标、数学自我效能和数学学习策略量表为工具,运用相关分析、路径分析等统计方法,综合考察了成就目标、自我效能感和学习策略这三个因素对学业成绩的影响及其路径.结果发现:(1)中学生数学成就目标水平随着年级的升高从总体上呈现出一种下降的发展趋势,而成绩-回避目标则呈上升趋势,中学生的成绩-趋近目标在初二前的变化比较显著,初二以后变化不大,呈现一种比较平缓的发展趋势.中学生数学成就目标水平在性别上不存在显著差异.中学生数学自我效能水平处于中等水平.初一与初二年级之间存在显著的差异,其它年级之间并没有发现显著差异.整体来看,初中阶段自我效能感水平要显著高于高中阶段.男女生数学自我效能水平差异不显著.中学生各数学学习策略中,资源管理策略得分最高,其次复述策略水平较高,监视策略得分最低.在认知策略上,初一年级学生得分显著高于其他所有年级,与其他年级差异显著;在元认知策略、资源管理策略上,初一与初二年级学生得分之间没有显著差异,均显著高于其他三个年级.女生的资源管理策略得分极其显著地高于男生,认知和元认知策略两个维度均不存在的显著性别差异.(2)在数学学科中,掌握-趋近目标、成绩-趋近目标与自我效能、学习策略有显著的正相关,掌握-回避目标、成绩-回避目标与自我效能、学习策略存在显著的负相关.自我效能与学习策略有显著的正相关.(3)在数学学科中,掌握-趋近目标、自我效能和学习策略与学业成绩有显著的正相关,而掌握-回避目标、成绩-回避目标与学业成绩则有显著的负相关.(4)在数学学科中,学习策略直接影响学业成绩,成就目标对学业成绩的影响是间接的.掌握-趋近目标、成绩-趋近目标、掌握-回避目标、成绩-回避目标、自我效能通过学习策略中介间接影响学业成绩.自我效能中能力自我效能可以直接影响数学学业成绩.四种成就目标都影响自我效能,进而间接影响学习策略和学业成绩.研究结果期望能为数学相关课程教师提供对于提升学生成就目标、自我效能、学习策略、学业成绩的参考依据.

【Abstract】 Since the 1960s, with the rising of cognitive psychology, psychologists have begun to explain the individual achievement motivation and achievement behavior from social cognitive perspective, and the study of the achievement goals theory has become a noticeable subject. After this theory was proposed at the beginning of 1980s, the domestic and foreign multitudinous researchers have given it enormous attention. Achievement goals significantly impact on the academic achievement. While, self-efficacy is the key cognitive factor in an intermediary way, and positively influences achievement action. Since the conception of self-efficacy was proposed by American psychologist Bandura in 1977, researches of self-efficacy have been highly emphasized by pedagogic educations and psychologists all over the world. As an important method, learning strategies have significant influence on academic achievement. Since the 1990s, the study on learning strategies has been a central issue in the psychological field.In mathematics course, the relationships between achievement goals, self-efficacy, learning strategies and academic achievement were very close. However, in some aspects there are seldom studies that integrating the triple factors. Nevertheless the results in these studies exist many difference.The present study investigated the relationships between achievement goals, self-efficacy, learning strategies and academic achievement in mathematics course.Questionnaires were group administered to 507 middle school students in Suzhou from junior middle school grade one to senior high school grade three.Correlation, regression, and path analyses indicated that:(1) In general, the level of mathematics achievement goals of the middle school students is on the decline. In contrast, the level of achievement -avoidance goals is ascending. The level of achievement-approach goals significantly mount up in junior middle school grade two, and it appears a smooth trend in senior class. However, in general, the difference in gender has no significant difference in it.The level of mathematics self-efficacy is medium. The significant difference only exists between the students in junior middle school grade one and grade two. But the difference between junior middle school students and senior high school students is marked. And the difference in gender has no significant difference in it.Among the six learning strategy categories investigated, social strategies are employed the most frequently, and are followed by rehearsal strategies. The least frequently used strategies are monitoring strategies. The students of junior high school grade one have a better command over cognitive strategies, and the difference between itself and other grades is significant. The students of junior high school grade one and grade two have a better command over cognitive and social strategies, and there is no significant difference between the two grades. The frequency of the use of social strategies by schoolgirls is much higher than it by schoolboys. But in gender there is no difference in the frequency of the use cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies.(2)In mathematics course, mastery approach goals and performance approach goals are positively correlated with self-efficacy and learning strategies, and mastery avoidance goals and performance avoidance goals are negatively correlated with self-efficacy and learning strategies. While, self-efficacy is positively correlated with learning strategies.(3)In mathematics course, mastery approach goals, self-efficacy and learning strategies are positively correlated with academic achievement, while mastery avoidance goals and performance avoidance goals are negatively correlated with academic achievement.(4)In mathematics course, learning strategies influence academic achievement directly, but achievement goals and self-efficacy influence academic achievement indirectly by raising the level of the use of learning strategies.In addition, learning ability self-efficacy influence academic achievement directly. Four kinds of academic achievement influence self-efficacy, then influence learning strategies and academic achievement indirectly.The results of this study will provide the understandings of the impact for math teachers to improve the level of achievement goals, self-efficacy, learning strategies, and academic achievement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 03期
  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】938

