

Research on Insurance Beneficiary

【作者】 梁雅丽

【导师】 史浩明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以保险受益人为研究对象,目的在于科学地界定保险受益人。一是为正在修订中的《中华人民共和国保险法》提供参考:二是为保险纠纷的司法处理和保险实务提供一些指导性建议。本文主要采用了比较研究的方法。一是以中国区际之间的法律作为比较的范围:二是中国法与两大法系主要国家法律的比较;三是保险法与民商法中其他法律制度的比较,尤其是制度价值和功能的比较。本文除序言和结束语外,分为五章。第一章围绕保险受益人的定义,对国内外立法的定义性规定和学者的不同见解进了梳理并归纳出四种类型,即保险受益人说、人身保险受益人说、人寿保险受益人说和死亡保险受益人说,并给出了本文的见解。第二章从两方面讨论了保险受益人的构成条件:一是以自然人、法人、非法人组织以及动物(含宠物)为类型和范围,讨论了他们为保险受益人的资格;二是讨论了作为保险受益人的根本性条件,包括作为保险受益人的根据以及因产生根据不同而对保险利益之要求也有所区别。第三章探讨了保险受益人存在的范围。重点就财产保险和非以死亡为保险金给付条件的保险中是否有受益人存在,从理论和实务两个方面进行了分析和论证并得出了肯定结论。第四章对保险受益人从不同角度进行了分类,并对每一分类的根据进行了说明,且从实务中寻找存在的实例加以证明,尤其是第七种分类虽然实务中存在,但学界尚未有人提出过这一分类。第五章讨论的是保险受益人与受赠与人、遗嘱继承人(受遗赠人)和法定继承人的比较。同时将以被保险人死亡为保险事故而无指定受益人存在时,保险金的归属的两种立法例进行了比较并主张以保险金非遗产化立法例为当,并建议我国保险法修改采此立法例。本文的研究结论为:保险受益人作为保险合同利益的享有者既存在于人身保险之中,也存在于财产保险之中。被保险人作为保险标的之权利人或归属者和保险保障之中心而为当然之受益人。第三人为受益人时,是被保险人让渡其保险合同利益之表现,该他人即为指定受益人;若保险法明文规定保险金之归属时,该保险金受领者,就是法定受益人。

【Abstract】 This thesis is on insurance beneficiary with the purpose to give a scientific definition to insurance beneficiary,which intends to offer some reference to the <Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China> being in amended and some suggestion to the court in hearing insurance cases as well as insurance practice.This thesis mainly uses the method of comparative research,which first made a comparation among the laws of different regions in China,then a further comparation between the laws of China and important countries of the two legal systems,and lastly a comparation between insurance law and other legal branches of private law,esp.between the legal functions or value.The thesis consists of five chapters besides the preface and the conclusion.Chapter I ,with the focus on the definition of insurance beneficiary,has made a thorough review on the legal definitions of different countries and scholars’opinions with a result of four classifications of insurance beneficiary,which are theory of all insurance beneficiary,theory of personal insurance beneficiary,theory of life insurance beneficiary and theory of insurance beneficiary with death perils.At last,the thesis has come to a new defeintion of insurance beneficiary of its own.Chapter II discusses the qualifications of insurance beneficiary in two aspects.first the qualifications of natural persons,legal persons,non-legal person organizations and animals ( including pets ) as well;second,the fundamental conditions as an insurance beneficiary,i.e.the cause of becoming an insurance beneficiary and whether insurable interest is necessary or not of beneficiary.with dependence on the cause of being a beneficiary.Chapter III has made a discussion on the range an insurance beneficiary exists,with focus on whether beneficiaries exist in property insurance and insurance not.with death as events insured against,and arrived at an affirmative conclusion.Chapter IV has made a complete classification of insurance beneficiary at different angles and explained each class with illustrations.The last class actually exist in practice,but no one has mentioned it in theory or in practice.Chapter V focuses on the comparation between insurance beneficiary and beneficiary in other civil law branches.such as donees,heirs,etc.This chapter also made a comparation between two legislative examples:insurance proceeds as heritage and not as heritage;the thesis agree with the latter.The conclusion of the thesis is that:insurance exist in property insurance as well as personal insurance;the insured is the original beneficiary as the owner of matter-in subject insured and the core insured.A third party as insurance beneficiary,called designated beneficiary,results from the insured’s transfer of his benefit.If the law prescribes in writing that someone is the beneficiary,the person who gets the benefit is the legal beneficiary.

【关键词】 保险保险受益人保险利益
【Key words】 InsuranceInsurance BeneficiaryInsurable Interest
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】315

