

On the Legal System of Remuneration for Land Requisition in China

【作者】 郝秀凤

【导师】 杨海坤;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以我国征地过程中的标准偏低,各种利益主体争夺征地补偿款,失地农民权益受损为背景,采用规范分析与实证分析相结合的方法,对土地征用补偿制度中的补偿标准,征地补偿款的受益主体两个问题进行了深入论证,指出我国征地补偿标准严重偏离了土地的实际价值,出现了“农民为政府买单”的现象;在征地补偿款的分配上,截留补偿款现象频频发生,严重损害了农民的利益。文章提出,征地补偿过程中存在问题的根本原因在于我国法律规定不健全;其直接原因是地方政府急功近利的短期行为,“土地经营城市”的错误理念;由此造成的后果是:征地范围随意扩大,侵犯了集体土地产权;征地补偿标准悖离市场规律,不仅不科学且明显偏低,损害了失地农民利益;征地收益处置困难,诱发了农村社会矛盾。本文针对上述问题,参照市场经济发达国家和地区的成功经验,提出了完善农地产权制度、提高土地补偿标准、合理处置征地收益等建议。

【Abstract】 This article considers the background of the low standard for land remuneration, retaking sum of indemnity among interest group in the process of land requisition and the decreasing profits of land-losing peasants. Through normal and positive study on some typical cases of farmland requisition, it demonstrates two issues: standard for land remuneration and beneficiary of land remuneration. It also analyzes the reality: the low standard for land remuneration; peasants are paying for the government; retaking sum of indemnity among interest group happens frequently; then the profits of peasants are harmed.Legal defection is set forth as the main reason which causes the infringing land-losing peasants’ right in the process in China, while local government who is eager for quick success and instant benefit is imputed to as the direct cause. Both bring harm to peasants, increase difficulty in the profit disposing of land requisition, and result in more suburban social contradictions with their malicious effects such as enlargements of the area of farmland requisition, decrease the compensation for land requisition. To solve the said problems, the article summarizes successful experiments in the market mechanism developed countries and areas raises such suggestions as perfecting farmland property rightsystem, promoting the standard of land compensation, disposing land requisition profitsrationally.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】347

