

The Study on the Countermeasure and Investigation to the Present Situation of Countryside Sports in Zhejiang

【作者】 李萍美

【导师】 黄滨;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 为了全面了解广大农民开展全民健身活动的情况,以“中央8号文件”为选题依据和理论依托,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访问调查法、典型调查法以及逻辑分析法等,以浙江省农村、农民为研究对象,对全省农村农民从事体育活动的现状进行了广泛的调查。在此基础上,着重对浙江农民享有基本体育服务的形式与内容进行研究。对农村体育现状从以下几方面的内容展开研究:乡镇、行政村全民健身领导机构的设置,农村基层体育健身组织、体育社会团体的状况,农村体育场地设施状况,组织开展农民体育竞赛与体育健身活动的情况,为农民提供体育技术指导与咨询及体质测试的情况,为农民提供体育文化信息和宣传普及体育科普知识情况,开展送体育下乡活动的情况等;对农民接受体育服务,参加体育健身活动的情况进行研究。围绕以上研究内容,对调查结果进行了分析。研究结果表明,广大农民开展全民健身活动中存在的主要问题有以下几方面:1、缺乏法律制度保障具体措施;2、基层农民体育组织不够健全;3、农村社会体育指导员奇缺;4、农村体育经费严重不足;5、村级体育场所和设施相当匮乏;6、农民广泛参与有组织的体育竞赛与活动很少;7、农民体育健身观念和意识亟待提高;8、宣传发动力度不够。根据以上存在的问题:提出以下开展农村全民健身活动,保障农民享有基本体育服务的对策与建议:1、加强法律制度的保障;2、完善农村体育组织与管理的服务体系;3、全民健身的体育资金优先向农村投入;4、优先为行政村提供基本的体育活动场所和设施;5、充分利用农村中小学的体育资源;6、积极组织开展丰富多彩的文化、体育活动;7、送体育下乡要制度化、经常化,并具有广泛性;8、加大宣传力度,提高农民的体育意识;9.积极引导企业与个人支持农村体育事业。

【Abstract】 To fully comprehend the promoting physical activity and exercise service provided for peasants in Zhejiang Province, we investigate the present physical activity situation of our Zhejiang peasants by literature review, questionnaires, interviews, and logical analysis methods in the terms of‘No. 8 Document of the Central people’s government’. Based on all these, we research on the basic form and content of the physical activity and exercise service that peasants have held. Concerning the basic physical activity, we research on the following: Fitness centers and institutions provided for villages and towns; The situation of the physical activity and fitness social organizations in rural areas; The establishment and environment of physical exercise field in countryside; Organizing of promotion of physical competitions and healthy activities among peasants; The instruction and consultation of physical technologies and physical testing provided for peasants; The physical culture and the physical science publicized among peasants; Assistance from the city with the physical education in the country ;Research on the situation, that peasants accept physical service and attend physical activities. Based on the above research items, we analyze the result of this investigation. The research found that there are following problems in the peasants’physical activity and exercise:1. The lack of system guarantee.2. Unsoundness of peasant physical organization; 3. The shortage of physical education instructors in the countryside.4. The insufficiency of outlay of peasants’physical activity. 5. The deficiency of physical field and establishment, especially in villages. 6. The lack of physical competitions and activity attended by the peasants. 7. The concept of fitness needed to be improved. 8. Promotion of physical activity is needed.9.Positively guide the enterprise and personality to support the countryside sports.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 03期
  • 【分类号】G812.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】696

