

A Cognitive Approach to Indirect Anaphora Resolution in English Poetry

【作者】 程红红

【导师】 王军;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 作为篇章的重要衔接手段之一,间接回指越来越受到学术界的重视。在以往的间接回指研究中,人们较多地关注其句法层面的因素。随着语言学的发展和进步,人们逐渐意识到间接回指基本上不可能进行纯粹的形式句法分析,只有把语用,认知,语义等因素有机结合起来才能对其进行有效的阐释。为了说明诗歌中间接回指的特殊性以及突出本研究的意义,本文的作者部分地借用了王军在其博士论文中对英语叙事文体中间接回指实例的统计结果,通过英语叙事文体和英语诗歌中的间接回指的对比分析,以期获得有意义的发现。为了获取特别的诗歌表达效果,诗人在诗歌创作中往往都会设法避免常规思维模式。此外,诗歌语言时常会违反和背离日常语言的表达习惯,这些表达技巧不可避免地会影响到诗歌中间接回指的表现形式,因此,许多用于解释基于叙事文体中间接回指的理论就不能令人满意地在诗歌体裁中应用。本文在总结分析的基础上认为概念整合理论能较好地解决这一难题。根据分析,诗歌中间接回指的可能先行项所构成的心理空间之间往往具有一定的关联性,每一个可能先行项又与其回指项构成特定的间接回指关联,并又赋予该先行项一定的角色地位。

【Abstract】 As an important means to establish coherence in discourse, indirect anaphora is gaining more and more attention from the academic community. In the early and traditional research on indirect anaphora, scholars put emphasis on the syntactic level. With the development of linguistics, they come to realize that indirect anaphora resolution is more a mental process than a pure syntactic linking, and cognitive and pragmatic factors must be taken into consideration.In order to present the special features of indirect anaphora instances in English poetry and demonstrate the significance of the present study, the author borrows the statistical results of indirect anaphora instances in English narrative discourses analyzed by Wang Jun in his doctoral dissertation for comparison. From that, the author obtains some valuable findings.The creative poet tends to avoid conventional ways of thinking. Poetic language usually violates or deviates from the generally observed rules of language. All these are conducive to achieving extraordinary poetic effects, but at the same time, exert great influence on the representation of indirect anaphora inevitably. Consequently, some very useful principles and theories, such as the topic/focus model, the scenario model, the relevance model, frame theory, comparatively-privileged associative strength and so on appear to be powerless to indirect anaphora resolution in English poetry. The author suggests that such a linguistic phenomenon can be desirably explained in light of Conceptual Blending Theory. Connections are established between or among the mental spaces, formed by all the possible antecedents in the process of mapping and blending, which provides strong evidence and basis for one antecedent to be the deep antecedent for indirect anaphora resolution, although its relation with the anaphor is not obvious.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 03期
  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】115

