

【作者】 刘方

【导师】 李时人;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文旨在对明代湖广籍作家进行较为全面地考察和研究,为明代湖广文学,进而为整个明代文学地深入研究提供一些参考。“作家数量众多,名家大家辈出”是明代湖广作家的主要特征。本文借助《明史》、《明人传记资料索引》、《湖北通志》、《湖南通志》、《千顷堂书目》、《中国善本书目》、《丛书综录》、《国朝献征录》、《皇明词林人物考》、《列朝诗集》、《明诗综》、《明诗纪事》、《沅湘耆旧集》、《湖北诗征传略》、《湖北文征》、《楚风补》等工具书和有关载籍,查阅了《四库全书》、《续修四库全书》、《四库全书存目丛书》、《四库全书存目丛书补编》、《四库禁毁书丛刊》、《四库未收书辑刊》等大型丛书中所收文集和有关善本,调查出明代湖广共有1642名从事过文学创作的作家,并为其中1251名作家撰写了生平小传,为近70部诗文别集写出了比较详细的叙录。在掌握第一手资料的基础上,本文对明代湖广各个时期相对较有影响且有作品传世的60余位作家进行了分析评论,并从时代先后、地域分布、影响力等方面进行了综合考察和研究,从而大体勾勒出有明一代湖广文坛的整体风貌,揭示出了湖广文学的一些地域特点。本文除“绪论”和“结语”外,分九章:第一章“明代湖广地区概况及作家概述”;第二章“杀伐决断与崇儒复雅——明初期的湖广作家”,论述刘三吾、韩守益、彭友信等作家;第三章“治平之世与台阁之音——明前期湖广作家”,论述杨溥、夏元吉、王伟等作家;第四章“茶陵继起与人才辈出——明中期的湖广作家”,论述李东阳、刘大夏、彭泽、鲁铎、何孟春、王廷陈、李承芳、李承箕等作家;第五章“复古变调——明后期湖广作家之一”,论述吴国伦、李维桢、高岱、陈柏、陈文烛、王格、方逢时、魏裳、刘景邵、刘尧诲、龙膺、车大任、郭正域等作家;第六章“性灵风起——明后期湖广作家之二”,论述公安“三袁”(袁宗道、袁宏道、袁中道)、江盈科、雷思霈、李腾芳、丘坦、钟惺、谭元春等作家;第七章“明后期其他较有影响的湖广作家——明后期湖广作家之三”,论述冯世雍、朱廷立、廖希颜、曹一奎、庄天合等作家;第八章“末世雅音——明末湖广作家”,论述杜濬、陶汝鼐、胡承诺、郭都贤等作家;第九章“专题研究”,论述“容美田氏土家族作家群”(田九龄、田玄、田宗文、田圭等)、华容孙氏家族作家群(孙继芳、孙宜、孙羽侯等)及介绍明代湖广作家的小说创作。文末另有四个附录:《明代湖广作家及著述一览表》、《明代湖广主要作家小传》、《明代湖广作家诗文别集叙录》、《明代湖广进士题名一览表》。本文提出:(一)就明代湖广作家的历时分布来看,洪武至景泰近90年,是湖广文学相对沉寂的时期。天顺至正德的近70年,是湖广文学开始抬升的时期。至嘉靖、万历100年,湖广作家进入了井喷时期,而这种井喷的态势一直延续到明末及入清后数十年不断。(二)就明代湖广作家的地域分布来看,以长江为分界,湖广作家的南北地域分布基本平衡。长江以南的常德、永州、衡州、长沙、岳州、宝庆、辰州七府及直隶郴州、直隶靖州作家,占除卫籍之外作家总数的50.2%;长江以北的襄阳、荆州、德安、黄州、武昌、承天、汉阳、郧阳八府作家,占除卫籍之外作家总数的49.7%;南部的辰州、直隶郴、靖,北部的汉阳、郧阳、襄阳,四府二州作家数量较少。同时,湖广南北各自分布着一块文化重心:长江以南以长沙府为中心由北自南辐射到岳州、衡州、永州、宝庆,五府作家数量占到总数的38.9%;长江以北黄州、武昌、承天、荆州四府至西向东连成一片,作家数量占据总数的40.2%。(三)从整个明代文坛来看,刘三吾之于明初,杨溥之于台阁,李东阳之于茶陵,吴国伦之于复古,“三袁”之于公安、“钟谭”之于竟陵、杜濬之于遗民,湖广各个时期的著名作家与明代文学的走势之间有着很高的契合度。其中杨溥、李东阳、吴国伦、“三袁”、“钟谭”这些湖广作家更是在相当程度上成为引领明代文坛走向的领袖人物,从而体现出湖广作家和湖广文学在整个明代文学发展中的重要地位。

【Abstract】 The author carried out comprehensive exploration and research of the writers from Hunan and Hubei province of Ming dynasty in this thesis, which provide profound meanings and explicit references to the research of the literature of the said areas in Ming dynasty, and other areas as well.The literature development in Hunan and Hubei province features in“a large number of outstanding writers evolving from a huge number of writers”. Through the exploration of《History of the Ming Dynasty》、《The index of Biography about the Characters of Ming Dynasty》、《Hu-Bei province Annal》、《Hu-Nan province Annal》、《Bibliography of Qianqingtang》、《Ancient China’s Bibliography of Rare Books》、《Zhongguo Congshu Zonglu》、《Biography about the Poems of Ming Dynasty》、《Biography of Poetry Anthology in Dynasties》、《The commentary on the Poems of Ming Dynasty》、《Poems of Ming Dynasty》、《Peotry Anthology of Hunan province》、《Biography about the Poets of Hubei province》、《literary writings of Hubei province》、《Peotry Anthology of Hunan and Hubei province》、《Complete Library in Four Branches of Literature》、《Revised Continuance of Complete Library in Four Branches of Literature》、《The Existed Catalogue Series for the Complete Library in Four Branches of Literature》、《The supplement of the Existed Catalogue Series for the Complete Library in Four Branches of Literature》、《Prohibition and destruction of Complete Library in Four Branches of Literature》、《The ex-included Catalogue Series for the Complete Library in Four Branches of Literature》,the author revealed that 1642 writers had involved in writing, and composed the bibliography for 1251 of them. In addition, the author introduced almost 70 collections of the articles and poems in detail. The overall characteristics and some local characteristics associated with the geographic distribution were obtained through the analysis and comparison of more than 60 writers who had played significant impact and had insightful works.Besides the introduction and the epilogue, the thesis is consisted of 8 chapters. The first chapter is the overview of Hunan and Hubei province and the writers in those areas in Ming dynasty; the second chapter is about the authority and the personality of the writers in the early Ming dynasty, which include Yang Pu, Xia Yuanji, and Peng Youxin; the third chapter is about the prosperity of the writers in the mid-Ming dynasty, which include Li Dongyang, Liu Daxi,Pengze,Luduo,He Mengchun,Wang Tingchen,Li Chenfang,Li Chenfang; the fourth chapter is about the writers of the Chaling school, which include Wu Guolun,Li Weizhen,Gaodai,Chenbai,ChenWenzhu,Wangge,FangFengshi,Weishang,LiuJingshao,LiuYaohui,Longyin,Che Daren,Guo Zhengyu; the sixth chapter is about characteristic and personality of the writers in the late Ming dynasty, which include“The Yuans’”、Jiang Yingke,Lei Sipei,Li Tengfang,Qiutan,Zhongxing,Tan Yuanchun; the seventh chapter is about some other influential writers in the late Ming dynasty of this area, which include Feng Shiyong,Zhu Tingli,Liao Xiyan,Cao Yikui,Zhuang Tianhe; the eighth chapter is about the literature characteristic of the writers in the late Ming dynasty, which include Dunjun,Tao Runai,Hu Chennuo,Guo Duxian; the ninth chapter is about some special topics, which include the Tian’s and the Sun’s. Attached are 4 appendix at the end of the thesis, including the list of the literature works of the writers, the bibliography of major writers, explicit description of the literature works, and the list of the official candidates.The conclusions in this thesis include: 1. Time-wisely, during the 90 years from Hongwu to Jingtai, the literature development was in a inertia mode; during the 70 years form Tianshun to Zhengde, the development began to start; during the 100 years from Jiajing to Wanli, the development began to boost, which lasted until the end of Ming dynasty and early Qing dynasty;2. From a geographic point of view, the distribution of the writers is even all around Hunan and Hubei province. The number of the writers from the cities located in the south of Yangzi River, such as Changde, Yongzhou, Changsha, Yuezhou, Baoqing, Chenzhou, Chenzhou, and Jingzhou, accounted for 50.2% of all the writers; while the number of the writers from the cities located in the north of Yangzi River, such as Xiangyang, Jingzhou, Dean, Huangzhou, Wuchang, Chengtian, Hanyang, and Xunyang, accounted for 49.7%. Meanwhile, Changsha, Yuezhou, Hengzhou, Yongzhou, and Baoqing were the major cities in South Yangzi River; while Huangzhou, Wuchang, Chengtian, and Jingzhou were for the North;3. Taking the literature development in Ming dynasty as a whole, the characteristics of the writers in the said provinces had a high coincidence with the development of Ming dynasty. And Yang Pu, Li Dongyang, Wu Guolun,‘The Yuan’s’, and‘Zhong-Tan’had ever lead the trend of the development for a while, which testified the importance of the literature in Hunan and Hubei province.

【关键词】 明代湖广作家研究
【Key words】 Ming dynastyHunan and HubeiWriterReasearch
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1024

