

【作者】 何孔蛟

【导师】 邵雍;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 会道门是会门和道门的合称,是带有宗教和封建迷信色彩的民间秘密结社。解放战争时期,由于社会的动荡不安、大面积的灾荒和饥馑,社会控制的弱化,为会道门提供了孽生和迅速蔓延的社会环境,安徽会道门得到了急剧的膨胀和发展。会道门在特定的历史条件下具有一定的社会功能,往往成为农民和其他下层组织进行反抗斗争的组织者和领导者。在北洋军阀时期,会道门在防匪、护庄、抗税方面都起了一定的作用,在抗日战争期间,一些会道门组织还抗击过日本帝国主义的侵略。然而解放战争时期,由于国民党政府的扶植利用和客观环境的变化,安徽会道门的封建性、落后性和破坏性益发显露出来,并通过制造政治谣言和发动暴乱,导致了安徽乡村社会的失序。新政权通过政治瓦解和武力镇压的方式,将安徽会道门组织发动的暴乱一一平息,并在平息暴乱后进行了积极的宣传和善后处理。通过采取正确的政策和策略以及大规模群众运动的方式,新政权彻底取缔瓦解了安徽会道门组织。但是由于建国初期多从政治角度去认定社会问题,社会问题往往被视为政治问题,取缔会道门运动中也出现了一些偏差,有些地方打击面过大并出现了冤假错案。在取缔会道门的同时,新政权通过国家权力的扩张,加强了对地方的社会控制;通过土地改革实现了乡村社会权威的转换;通过建立农民协会等群众组织和互助组、合作社等经济组织,实现了对乡村社会组织的革新;通过发展农民教育、破除封建迷信,实现了乡村社会信仰的重塑。乡村社会的重构使得取缔后的会道门组织在安徽未能再次大规模复兴并渐趋消亡。

【Abstract】 “Hui-dao men”is the combination of“huimen”and“daomen”, which is one of the religious and fetishistic secret societies born in the end of the feudal society. In the period of liberation war, the turbulence of society, the famine and hunger in large area and the weakness of social control provided appropriated social environment for the growth and spread of Hui-dao men. In this period , Anhui Hui-dao men expanded and developed sharply.Hui-dao men have certain social function in particular history context, and frequently became the organizer and leader of mutinous struggle of farmers and other lower organization.In the period of the Northern Warlords, Hui-dao men play an important role in the aspect of preventing bandits, safeguarding village and resisting tax. In the period of Anti-Japanese War, Hui-dao men also resisted the aggression of Japan. Nevertheless, in the period of liberation war, with the supporting of Kuo Mingtang and the changing of objective environment, the Hui-dao men’characteristics of feudalism, dropping behind and destroying still further emerging and cause the out-of sequence of rural society.The new regime not only calmed down the commotion of Anhui Hui-dao men by the way of political disintegration and force, but also propagandized and arranged positively after that. After the founding of New China, the new regime have adopted sound policy and tactics, by the way of large-scale mass campaign, banned and disintegrated completely the organization of Hui-dao men.The new regime judged the social problem from the angle of politics mostly in the early period after the founding of New China, and the social problem is sometimes looked upon as political matter. A little deviation also appeared in the motion of banning Hui-dao men, and the striking face was too big and cause a little of unjust, false or wrong case.By the expanding of state authority, the new regime reinforced the local control who bans Hui-dao men simultaneous, by the land reform realized the change of rural social authority, by the founding of mass organization such as peasant association and economic entities such as mutual aid team, cooperative realized the innovation of rural social organization, by the developing of peasant education and abolishing feudalism superstition realized country society belief moulds. The reconstruction of rural society made the organization of Anhui Hui-dao men fail to revive once again large-scale and tend to die out gradually.

  • 【分类号】K27
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】299

