

【作者】 魏少琴

【导师】 贾铁飞;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 滨海地带是大陆和海洋的交接地带,同时受到大陆、海洋两种外营力的作用,其自然环境具有敏感性和脆弱性。而滨海旅游的开发不可避免的会对其自然环境产生一定的影响。本论文以崇明县横沙岛和南汇区的滨海旅游度假区为例,运用定量的方法探讨了滨海旅游开发与发展对自然环境的影响。主要的研究工作包括两部分:(1)滨海旅游开发对旅游区水环境影响研究。以地处横沙岛的天使海滩度假村和南汇区的滨海旅游度假区为例,分别在旅游的旺季和淡季在两个研究区的水域采样并将水样带回实验室,对以下四类污染指标进行检测:①感官性物理指标:浊度;②氧平衡因素:DO、BOD5、COD;③营养盐类因子:总磷(TP)、氨氮(NH3-N)、叶绿素a;④酸碱因子:pH。将两次的检测结果进行对比分析,参照GB12941—91《景观娱乐用水水质标准》和GB3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》对研究区的水质进行评价。并将检测结果与水质良好的剑江支流在2001年7月12-13日的监测数据进行对比,分析研究区的水质状况。(2)滨海旅游开发对区域土地利用/覆被变化影响研究。以横沙岛为例,利用横沙岛1987、1996和2006年三个年份的Landsat-5 TM遥感影像图,在对图像进行分类的基础上,首先,计算各土地利用类型的面积,并分析不同时期各土地利用类型在数量上的动态变化;然后通过建立1987年-1996年、1996年-2006年各土地利用类型的空间转移矩阵,来分析各土地利用类型间相互转换的数量关系和转化过程;最后与横沙岛近20年来的部分社会经济统计数据做相关分析,探讨横沙岛土地利用/覆被变化的驱动机制,从而揭示出旅游开发与发展对土地利用/覆被变化的影响。研究结果表明:(1)滨海旅游业的发展会对旅游区的水环境带来一定的污染;(2)研究区的各水体都具有一定的自净能力,但依靠其自身所具有的自净能力并不能完全消除旅游对水体的污染,因此必须采取一定的措施对旅游区的水体进行污染防治和管理。(3)不同的旅游活动对水体的污染程度是不同的,用于划船、垂钓、打水上高尔夫球的水体受到的污染要比用于景观观赏的水体受到的污染重;(4)滨海旅游的开发与发展会间接影响地区的土地利用/覆被变化。

【Abstract】 The coast zone is an area connected by continent and ocean, which is effected by two kinds of outside force from continent and ocean at the same time, its’nature environment is sensitivity and frangibility. While developing coast tour inevitably impacts the environment of the coast zone.This paper takes Hengsha Island in Chongming county and the Seashore Tourism Spending Holiday District in Nanhui District as an example, the quantitative method was applied to study the impact that from the exploitation and development of coast tour to the environment. The main study includes two parts:(1)Study the impact results from the development of coast tour to water environment. Taking the Angel Beach Spending Holiday Village in Hengsha Island and the Seashore Tourism Spending Holiday District in Nanhui District as examples, we sampled water from the two study areas in midseason touring and off-season touring and analyzed the samples. The following four kinds of polluting indexes were inspected:①s ense organ physics index: turbidity;②oxygen balance factors: DO、BOD5、COD;③nutrient salt factors: TP,NH3-N,Chla ;④sour alkali factor: pH. Compared the first testing results with the second testing results and analyzed them. Consulted the standard of recreational water (GB12941—91) and the standard of water quality on the earth surfac(eGB3838-88)to judge of the water quality of the study areas. Moreover, compared my inspection results with the inspection data of the anabranch of Jianjiang which water quality was all right, which obtained in 12th July 2001 and 13th July 2001, to analyze the water quality of the study areas.(2) Study the impact results from the development of coast tour to LUCC. Taking Hengsha Island for an example, using three periods of Landsat-5 TM remote sensing date of Hengsha Island which was sensed in 1987, 1996 and 2006, based on the classification of the pictures ,firstly, calculated the acreage of every land utilization type and analyzed dynamic change in quantity of them in different periods; secondly, analyzed the quantitative relation between their interconversion and the conversion process through establishing the land use change matrix from1987 to 1996 and the land use change matrix from1996 to 2006; finally, did the correlation analysis links with the social economy statistical datas of Hengsha Island in the last 20 years, probed into the drive force, in order to reveal the impact from the development of coast tour to LUCC in Hengsha Island.The study results indicate:(1) The development of coast tour could pollute the water environment to some extent;(2) The water bodies in the research area have the ability to dispel contamination, but it can not dispel all the contamination. So,some measures must be taken to prevent the water from polluting.(3) The pollution grades from the different traveling activity are also different. The water which is used for boating, fishing and playing golf on the water is polluted worse than the water which is used for landscape watching;(4) The development of coast tour could impact the LUCC indirectly.

  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1268

