

【作者】 任冉冉

【导师】 邵雍;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 鸦片战争后,西方近代体育伴随着西方文化一起涌进中国。开埠后的上海逐渐成为西方文化传入中国的窗口,西方近代体育项目作为一种娱乐活动由侨民带到上海并在租界内最先开展,上海也因此成为中国最先开展西方近代体育的地方之一。经过基督教青年会的体育培训和学校教育,以及在热爱运动的上海市民的不懈努力下,20世纪20年代,上海的社会体育事业打破了侨民一统天下的局面。与此同时,民族传统体育项目尤其是武术倍受重视,上海滩上出现了大量的武术团体。上海近代体育萌芽于上海开埠,经过数十年的发展,终于在20世纪二三十年代步入繁荣,领跑全国。这一时期,有助于体育发展的各种事物不断涌现,诸如体育专业教育的完善,体育运动竞赛机制的形成,体育行政管理制度的建立,体育法规的制定,各类综合专业体育组织的创立,各种体育书籍报刊的发行,都促进了这一时期上海体育事业的发展。民国时期上海华界体育事业的发展成为上海体育史上的一大亮点。多个阶层以不同的方式参与到体育运动中来,体育运动成为他们生活中的重要组成部分;频繁举行的体育比赛吸引了大量市民观看,体育比赛同其他娱乐方式一样成为上海市民消遣休闲的方式之一。本文认为:体育文化作为文化事业的一部分,并不是东西方两种异质文化的核心,因此东西方的体育项目可以在中国并行发展;在业余运动精神盛行的20世纪上半叶,这种精神切合了南京国民政府发展国民体育的理念,1927年至1937年,上海的社会体育得到了前所未有的发展,出现了浓厚的运动气氛,体育运动逐步成为一种时尚生活方式,与普通市民的日常生活也发生了密切联系,上海的体育事业呈现出前所未有的繁荣景象。

【Abstract】 After Opium War, west-modern sports swarmed into China along with west culture.As one of treaty ports, Shanghai became the window gradually by what the west culture swarmed into. Therefore, Shanghai also became one of the earliest places where the modern sports carried out.Under the influence of colony and the experience since1840, Chinese contacted the modern sport. Through sport-trained by Y.M.C.A. and schooling, Chinese people began to learn western sports and tried hard to dig national sports. Those citizens who loved sports in Shanghai tried hard to break the complexion that the foreigner controlled, and in the 1920s, this aim came true.Modern sports budded when Shanghai became a treaty port, and finally prospered during the 1920s and 1930s. During this period, many parts contributed to the development of sports, such as the improvement of physical education, Sports competition mechanism, the establishment of the system of sports administration, laws and regulations respecting sports had been enacted, various types of professional sports organizations formed, sports books and periodicals issued, promoted the development of sports in Shanghai in this period.The development of social sports in the Chinese regions of Shanghai during this period became a bright spot. During this period, people in different occupations participated in sports in a different way, Sports has become an important part of their lives; different items of sports held frequently enriched the lives of the people of Shanghai, and cultivated a large number of sports fans. They watched sports competitions as part of life.Physical culture as a kind of culture, it is not the core-culture in both the west and the east, so two kinds of physical cultures could develop together and form a new physical culture in Shanghai, also in other cities of China. From 1927 to 1937,the social sports in Shanghai was unprecedented development, a strong atmosphere of sports was formed. Sport has gradually become a fashionable lifestyle. Sports in Shanghai was showing unprecedented prosperity

【关键词】 社会体育近代体育业余运动上海
【Key words】 Social sportsmodern sportsamateur sportsShanghai
  • 【分类号】G812.9
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】540

