

【作者】 翟艾平

【导师】 傅安球;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自我监控一经提出,就受到了心理学界的广泛关注。在我国,对这一领域的研究虽然起步较晚,但近十余年来,在理论与实践领域也取得了一些有价值的研究成果。但研究主要集中在对自我监控学习能力及其与学习成绩的关系方面,研究对象也主要是学生,对挫折应对的研究少见,对服刑人员挫折应对自我监控的研究几乎没有。然而,服刑人员的心理健康不容乐观,加强对其心理健康状况以及心理矫治等的研究,尤其加强对服刑人员挫折应对,特别是挫折应对自我监控的实证研究,是一项十分重要和迫切的任务,这对于服刑人员、其家庭及社会都会有极大的现实意义,而且还可以为教育、监狱等机构对服刑人员的改造提供必要的心理学依据。本研究运用文献分析法、问卷调查法、教育实验法等研究方法,在借鉴已有研究成果的基础上,运用大声思维法等训练模式,着眼于通过提高即将出狱男性服刑人员挫折应对的自我监控水平,来达到有效地提高其应对挫折的能力,进而提高心理健康水平,使其出狱后顺利适应社会生活的目的。整个研究包括:编制男性服刑人员挫折应对自我监控问卷,男性服刑人员自我监控的特点研究,挫折应对方式与自我监控的相关分析,以及即将出狱男性服刑人员挫折应对自我监控训练的实验研究。综合本研究结果,得出以下结论:(1)编制了男性服刑人员挫折应对自我监控问卷。本问卷有两个维度,分别是自我监控知识与自我监控调节,前者包括两个亚维度:知识与策略,后者包括五个亚维度:注意识别、评价、计划、检查总结和体验。该问卷具有一定的信度与效度,同时制订了适用于上海市的区域性常模。(2)男性服刑人员自我监控特点如下:年龄越大、文化程度越高、从事的职业越需要脑力的参与、从事需要更多脑力参与的经济方面的犯罪类型、刑期越长或者在应对挫折时越会采取积极方式去应对挫折的服刑人员,其应对挫折的自我监控水平越高;但离出狱越近,其自我监控能力会下降。(3)积极的挫折应对方式—解决问题、求助与自我监控在总体上相关显著,而消极的挫折应对方式,如自责、幻想、退避,以及处于中间应对方式的合理化皆与自我监控不相关。(4)实验后,男性服刑人员挫折应对方式有所改变,部分地由退避等消极方式向解决问题及求助的积极方式转变,但其差异并不显著。焦虑亦然。(5)挫折应对自我监控训练可以部分地提高服刑人员应对挫折的自我监控水平。

【Abstract】 Once appeared, Self-monitoring has gained much attention in the field of psychology. Although it was comparatively late in our country to have it studied, there still has been a lot of production about the theory and practice on it, especially since the last ten years. But it largely focused on the relationship between the abilities of self-monitoring for learning and academic performances, and most researches were about students. On the other hand, articles of studying frustration coping were infrequent, and there was nearly no article of studying criminal’s self-monitoring of frustration coping. But it is known that the situation of criminal’s mental health is bad, so it is quite an important and urgent task to study their mental health situation and ways of treating, and to strengthen the researches of frustration, especially the researches of self-monitoring of frustration coping. Such researches plays an important role to criminal themselves, to their families and to the whole society, and it can offer prison staff necessary psychology bases and support for educating and rebuilding criminals .Based on the previous researches, this study used think aloud training mode, and other strategies, focusing on improving male criminals’ ability of self-monitoring of frustration coping to gain its aim , which will improve their mental health and make them accommodate life successfully. This study included several parts: developing male criminals’ self-monitoring of frustration coping; analyzing male criminals’ characteristics about self-monitoring ability; analyzing the correlation between frustration coping and self-monitoring; and conducting experiments about male criminals’self-monitoring ability in frustration coping. The results indicated that:(1)The“Male criminals’Self-monitoring of Frustration Coping Questionnaire”has reliability and validity that can be accepted. A first-order model of male criminals’self-monitoring of frustration coping , named knowledge of self-monitoring, consists 2 factors: knowledge, strategy. A second-order model of male criminals’self-monitoring of frustration coping , named regulating of self-monitoring , consists 5 factors: noticing to identification, evaluating, planning, examining and summarizing, experiencing. And a criterion of Shanghai is finished.(2)There are some male criminals’ characteristics about self-monitoring ability:The older a criminal is, has good education, has a good job , is a economy criminal , his term of imprisonment long enough, or can use active mode to settle frustration, the more he will be apt to have high level self-monitoring of frustration coping. But the nearer the term comes to its end, the more his level of self-monitoring will be low.(3) There exists significant positive correlation between active mode of coping frustration(such as settling question and appealing)and self-monitoring in the whole; but the negative mode of coping frustration ( such as self-abusing, fancying, retreating, and rationalization, which is a adiaphorous coping frustration)hasn’t any correlation with self-monitoring.(4)Male crimimals’ frustration coping method has some change after training, witch was retreating. So on passive coping method changed to settling question and appealing, and so on positive coping method; but the difference wasn’t significant, so did anxiety.(5) The training of self-monitoring of frustration coping can partly improve male crimimals’ self-monitoring to frustration coping ability.

  • 【分类号】B841.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】348

