

【作者】 惠伟波

【导师】 舒运国;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 世界史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着21世纪初非洲联盟的成立和《非洲发展新伙伴计划》的制定,学术界对泛非主义的研究更多地转入经济领域。在此背景下,探讨非洲联盟成立就需要分析非洲独立后的发展概况及泛非主义。从泛非主义发展历程来看,非洲联盟是泛非主义复兴的产物,所以非洲联盟和非洲复兴在经济全球化进程中的发展前景将是本文探讨的主要内容。本文分三个部分对非洲联盟进行分析论证:第一部分为非洲联盟成立背景的相关内容,主要介绍非洲国家独立后的政治经济发展概况,以及20世纪80年代以来经济全球化的发展趋势和非洲在经济全球化中的地位,该部分是非洲联盟成立和非洲复兴战略制定的重要依据。该部分进一步分析了泛非主义运动在非洲历史中的地位,同时分析了非洲联盟成立的意义。第二部分分析了非洲联盟在推行非洲复兴中采取的行动,包括理论和实践。文章透视了三个层面:一是国家层面的战略,二是地区层面的战略,三是国际层面的战略。第三部分为结语,对非洲联盟及其推行的非洲复兴行动前景作了总体的归纳。

【Abstract】 With the setup of African Union and the signing of New Partnership for Africa’s Development ( NEPAD ) at the beginning of 21st century, Pan-Africanism studies tend to be done in the economic field. To know the future of African Union, we need to analyze process of the development of Africa since independence and the progress of Pan-Africanism. From the perspective of the latter, Africa Union is the fruit of Pan-Africanism. So,this paper lays its emphasis on the prospects of African Union and African renaissance in the progress of globalization.This paper is divided into three parts:Part I is about the background of the establishment of African Union, including the political and economic development since independence, and the tendency of globalization at the 21st century and the status of Africa in the economic globalization as well. This part plays an important role for the setup of African Union and formulation of the strategy of African renaissance .Furthermore, this part analyzes the importance of the Pan-Africanism movement and the establishment of African Union in African history. Part II analyzes the strategies for the renaissance of Africa in the national, regional and international gradation. The ending tells that the way for the renaissance depends mainly on the self-reliance and active participation in the process of globalization, but it also tells the uncertainties for the real development with a cautious but hopeful conclusion about the future of African Union and African renaissance.

  • 【分类号】D74
  • 【下载频次】229

