

Study on Development Strategy of Shanghai Suburban Tourism

【作者】 李维秀

【导师】 朱海森;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 人文地理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 城郊地区凭借其优越的区位条件和独特的资源环境成为城镇居民休闲度假的理想场所,城郊旅游正成为城镇居民的一种重要的旅游方式和生活方式。本文以上海城郊旅游为研究对象,立足于上海大都市这样一个特殊区域,以上海城郊旅游与都市旅游以及都市整体发展之间的关系为研究问题的立足点,阐述上海城郊旅游开发的战略意义,从战略的高度与全局的视角来审视上海城郊旅游开发现状与问题,提出上海城郊旅游开发的战略与措施,以期为上海城郊旅游快速、健康、可持续发展奠定理论基础,也为国内其他城市郊区旅游开发提供思路借鉴。全文分为六部分。第一章绪论,说明选题依据、研究对象、研究意义、研究内容与方法。第二章研究综述与理论基础,梳理了国内外城郊旅游研究进展以及本文写作的相关理论基础。第三章上海城郊旅游开发的背景与战略意义,从时代背景、区域背景及产业与政策背景三个方面分析上海城郊旅游开发的有利条件,并分析上海城郊旅游开发对满足上海市民休闲旅游需求、拓展都市旅游空间与内涵、促进新郊区新农村建设以及统筹城乡发展构建和谐社会等方面具有的重要意义。第四章上海城郊旅游开发现状与主要问题,从城郊旅游发展阶段、空间布局、客源市场、产品类型等方面分析了上海城郊旅游开发现状,并对开发中存在的主要问题进行总结,为上海城郊旅游开发战略的制定提供了依据。第五章上海城郊旅游开发战略,为论文写作的重点,提出了开发战略目标与步骤、战略选择、战略措施以及战略保障体系。第六章结语,阐述论文的主要结论、创新之处以及有待进一步研究的领域。

【Abstract】 With favorable location and unique sources, the suburban areas are ideal choice for citizens to make leisurely holiday, and the suburban tourism has became a crucial travel style and life style. The paper, based on the condition of the modern metropolitan–Shanghai, takes its suburban tourism as the studying objects and makes the relationship between suburban tourism and metropolitan tourism as researching point. This paper analyzes the strategic significance of suburban tourism development and the existing problems and makes a framework of development strategy, aimed to lay a theoretic foundation of fast and sustainable development of suburban tourism of Shanghai, also to put forward the advisable thought for suburban tourism of other cities.This paper consists of six parts.Chapter 1 Preface: Identifies the reason why I choose this subject, and the significance, content, research methods of this thesis.Chapter 2 studies the overview of related research of the suburban tourism and theoretic basis of the paper.Chapter 3 presents the backgrounds and strategic importance of the suburban tourism development in Shanghai, to analyze the available conditions. Put forward the significance of suburban tourism such as the accomplishment of travel demands of Shanghai citizens, the spatial extension of metropolitan tourism, the construction of a new socialist countrysideChapter 4 analyzes the current situation of suburban tourism development in Shanghai from such point of views as development stages, spatial layout, demanding market and products types. It also points out the existing problems in development, which is the foundation of strategy-making for suburban tourism developmentChapter 5 is the highlight of the paper. It focuses on the strategy of suburban tourism development in Shanghai and presents the principle and subjects of development, along with the strategy priority, strategy actions and the supporting system.Chapter 6 makes a conclusion of the paper and makes a prediction of researching fields for further study.

【关键词】 城郊旅游开发战略上海
【Key words】 suburban tourismdevelopment strategyshanghai
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】775

