

The Evolution of the Legends of Heroes of the Yangs

【作者】 万甜甜

【导师】 翁敏华;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 “杨家将”故事是我国人民喜闻乐道的传统故事,在我国流传已有近千年的时间了。在这漫长流传的历史中,故事从最初的民间传说、曲艺,到稍后的戏剧,再到以后的小说、传奇,流传敷演,愈演愈繁,致使“杨家将”故事中的人物,如杨业、佘太君、杨宗保、穆桂英等等,都成了家喻户晓的英雄偶像。自宋代以来,“杨家将”的事迹通过口头传说、曲艺、小说、戏剧(主要是戏曲)等形式演绎,在我国民间广为流传,其主要的情节、人物逐渐偏离历史事实,不断发展衍变,形成了蔚为大观的“杨家将”故事系统,其演变主要经历了三个发展阶段:宋、元两代为“杨家将”故事的萌芽期,明代为“杨家将”故事的定型期,清代为“杨家将”故事的鼎盛期。其间,有关“杨家将”的民间故事、说唱、戏曲、小说等多若繁星。“杨家将”故事之所以受民众欢迎,盛行不衰,是因为它具有民间文艺的所有特点和优点,是劳动人民、民间艺人、进步文人协同合作的典范,符合我国民间故事形成的一般规律——雅俗结合律。本文拟结合史实,以戏曲演艺为主要考察对象,对“杨家将”故事的演变过程进行梳理,探讨“杨家将”故事产生、发展及流传的原因,并通过对此个案的研究,反映作家创作与民间文艺相结合是中国民间故事形成的特点和规律。

【Abstract】 Heroes of the Yangs is one of the favorite traditional stories in China, which has come down through almost one thousand years. During the long history, the stories concerning Heroes of the Yangs have evolved from the initial folklore to the later theatre plays and novels and full-length operas. They have been so widely spread and developed that the main figures in the stories, such as Yang Ye, She the Elder, Yang Liulang and Mu Guiying etc. have all become well-known heroes.Since the Song Dynasty, the legends of the Yangs have been passed down in the forms of oral narrations, folk performing arts, theatres, novels and etc. and widely spread among people. The major plots and figures gradually deviate from the historical facts and keep evolving, and finally constructed an enormous story system. The evolution has undergone three main stages: the emerging period of Song and Yuan Dynasty; the settling period of Ming Dynasty, and the peak period of Qing Dynasty. The oral narrations, folk performing arts, theatres and novels are truly innumerable. The reason for Heroes of the Yangs’long-lasting and popularity can be attributed to all the specialty and merits of folk arts it carries. Because it is carried out by the cooperation of labor class, folk artists and avant-garde literati, it conforms to the general law of Chinese folk stories’forming----the combination of elegance and vulgarness.This paper tries to discuss the cause for the initiation, evolution and spreading of Heroes of the Yangs on the basis of a re-organization of its evolution process. The theatres and other folk performing arts are the main objects for our observation. Some historical facts will also been taken into consideration. We hope through this case study, the viewpoint that the Chinese folk tales are usually formed by the co-operation of literati and folk arts could be supported.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】435

