

A Study on Belief in Huang Daxian

【作者】 金妙珍

【导师】 王从仁;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 关于黄大仙的最早资料见于东晋葛洪的《神仙传》。黄大仙从最初典籍记载中的称谓“皇初平”,到后来的口头与书面资料的一致称谓“黄大仙”,正是其信仰发展的轨迹。在黄大仙信仰发展过程中,主要依托典籍记载、文人吟咏、民间传说和签语这四种系统,这四种系统内部各有其发展规律和特点,自成体系,又相辅相成,共同推进信仰的发展。黄大仙信仰集儒释道于一身,具有持久的生命力和丰富的历史内涵。其社会功能体现在医治疾病,解除人民的生理痛苦;行善惩恶,扶弱济贫,是穷苦百姓的“救世主”;帝王借助信仰来实现自己的统治;通过信仰,以心理暗示的方式,调适心理状态。在现当代,黄大仙信仰具有情绪调节、增强心理承受能力的功能,利于维持良好社会秩序、构建和谐社会;也有助于我们重新审视人与自然的关系。它的珍视生命、注重养生、不排斥财富、提倡快乐人生的内涵非常吻合当代人的思想观念。上世纪八十年代开始,黄大仙信仰在香港、东南亚等地掀起高潮。作为黄大仙信仰发源地的金华,积极回应这股热潮,着手搜集、整理有关黄大仙资料,并对其出生年月、出生地、修炼地、信仰的发展过程等进行研究。黄大仙信仰对金华经济也产生了深远影响。它在吸引境外游客、吸引旅外华人回乡投资方面都有积极作用。但总体来说,金华本土对黄大仙文化的研究、对黄大仙旅游资源的利用都还只是起步。

【Abstract】 The earliest document about Huang Daxian can be found in Ge Hong’s Fairy Tales of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (265-420). People can see the development of Huang Daxian Belief from the change of the title, which originally as Huang Chuping, and later as Huang Daxian both orally and in written form.The development of Huang Daxian Belief mainly depends on four channels, namely, the documentary records, the poetic writings, the fairy tales, and the poems written on book marks. And the four systems, each having its own way of development and characteristics, and each being systematic and complementary to each other, jointly promoted the development of the Belief.Uniting Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism as one, Huang Belief has enduring vitality and rich historical connotation. Its social function lies on the treatment of diseases, the relief of people’s physical suffering; doing good and punishing the evil, helping the weak and the poor. Thus, it had been "savior" of the poor people. Monarchs relied on Huang Belief to achieve their rule, and the grass roots, through Huang Belief, adjusted their psychology by means of psychological hint.In modern time, Huang Belief functions as mood regulation, psychological enhancement, and the maintenance of good social order and the building of a harmonious society. And it is also helpful for us to re-examine the relationship between man and nature. It cherishes life, and focuses on health; not exclusive to wealth and promotes a happy life. With all these concepts, Huang Belief is very close to the values of modern people. Since 1980s, belief in Huang Daxian in Hong Kong, Southeast Asia and other places regained its climax. As the birthplace of the Belief, Jinhua holds a very positive response to this wave and begins to collect, collate materials about Huang, and a study of Huang’s date of birth, place of birth, place of meditation, and the development of faith is also under progress.Huang faith also has a profound impact on Jinhua’s economy. It plays an active role in the attraction of foreign tourists and investments from overseas Chinese. But on the whole, the study about Huang Daxian culture and the utilization of its tourism resources merely rest on the preliminary stage here in Jinhua.

【关键词】 黄大仙信仰金华
【Key words】 Huang DaxianbeliefJinhua
  • 【分类号】G122
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】366

