

On the Translation of Children’s Literature from the Perspective of Skopostheorie

【作者】 袁毅

【导师】 杨铭;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【副题名】兼析Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland的两个汉译本

【摘要】 本文旨在讨论目的论指导下的儿童文学的英汉翻译,并以Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland的两个汉语译本为范例。本文作者认为任何翻译都必须以明确的、并且恰当的目的为指导,儿童文学作品的翻译也不例外。鉴于此,本文第一章首先简明扼要地介绍了目的论的产生,阐明目的论和以往的以对等为基础的翻译理论不同,目的论认为翻译是一种有目的的行为,这种行为应该特别关注目标文本的功能,而不是原文本的功能。目的论的这一观点开辟了翻译研究的新视角。以目的论为指导,中国目前儿童文学翻译领域急需解决的问题有望得以解决,儿童文学翻译事业的繁荣有望得以实现。作为对传统翻译理论对等原则的突破,目的论在翻译史上的作用举足轻重。本文第二章在系统介绍了目的论产生的背景,发展过程之后,详细介绍目的论的一些主要概念,例如:目的,翻译纲要,充分,和文化等,了解这些概念对理解和应用目的论至关重要。与以往的理论不同,目的论提出了两种翻译准则,普通准则和特殊准则。在普通准则下,篇际一致准则应从属于篇内一致准则,篇际一致准则和篇内一致准则又都从属于目的准则。本部分对目的论的详细介绍为后面分析儿童文学的翻译打下了坚实的理论基础。儿童文学的翻译是否成功取决于儿童文学翻译目的是否明确,是否恰当,而儿童文学翻译目的是否明确、是否恰当又取决于对儿童和儿童文学的充分理解。鉴于此,本文第三章首先介绍了儿童在各年龄段的语言能力发展特点,为后面探讨儿童文学的翻译作了理论铺垫。然后在回顾了儿童文学在国外、国内的出现、发展、繁荣的基础上,重点介绍儿童文学的概念、特点、作用,以及和成人文学的不同。本文作者通过实践调查指出:相对于繁荣的儿童文学作品市场而言,儿童文学作品的翻译无论是在理论上还是在实践上不仅严重匮乏,而且存在严重问题。鉴于此,在详细回顾中国的儿童文学翻译的历史的基础上,在吸取翻译前辈的经验的前提下,本文作者提出儿童文学的翻译应该以为儿童服务这个目的来做指导,以达到最终可以服务于儿童。第四章是本论文的核心所在,包括两个部分。在第一部分,本文作者首先论证目的论完全可以用来指导文学翻译,既然儿童文学是文学的一个分支,无疑可以以目的论为指导。于是在本章第二部分,本文作者在对文本Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland和该文本的作者以及该文本的两个汉译本进行简单的介绍之后,即以翔实的翻译实例为证据,从词汇、句法、修辞、其他等四个方面对这些翻译实例进行详细的分析、比较,论证翻译目的可以决定翻译手段,确切的翻译目的——为儿童服务是决定儿童文学的翻译是否成功的决定性因素。第五章是本文的结论部分。作者在此提议译者应该向Lewis Carroll和赵元任先生学习,学习他们能够全面地了解孩子。儿童文学的翻译也应该与时共进,这样才能达到真正地为孩子服务的目的。本文作者的目的在于抛砖引玉,引起我国译界对儿童文学翻译的关注,解决儿童文学翻译目前存在的一些问题,促进儿童文学翻译在理论和实践上的双发展,双繁荣。

【Abstract】 In this paper, from the perspective of Skopostheorie, the author attemptsto discuss four aspects of E-C translation of children’s literature with examples takenfrom the two Chinese versions of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.The author maintains that any translation should be directed by a clear andappropriate purpose. The translation of children’s literature is no exception. Thuschapter one of this chapter begins with a brief introduction to Skopostheorie, atranslation theory different from equivalence-based ones. This theory brings fresh air totranslation studies since it views translation as a purposeful activity and focuses on thefunction of the texts and translations, especially the target-text’s function. With theguideline of this theory, considerable problems existing in the translation of children’sliterature can be dealt with.As a break with the traditional idea of equivalence and an important complement totranslation theories, the functional concept of translation, in which the Skopostheorie isthe first and utmost important, has opened up a new perspective to translation studiessince it was introduced. Therefore, chapter two is devoted to detailed information ofSkopostheorie. After full and accurate data about the development of Skopostheorie,attention is paid to some basic concepts, including Skopos, translation brief, adequacyand culture, which are of great importance for understanding Skopostheorie. Thentranslation rules proposed by the Skopostheorie occupy the rest space of the secondchapter, in which Skopos rule is the top-ranking, and fidelity rule is surbodinate tocoherence rule.Having a definite and appropriate Skopos in the translation of children’s literatureinvolves thorough knowledge of children, of children’s literature, and of the translationof children’s literature. Accordingly, chapter three is composed of two sections. The firstsection is devoted to information about children at different ages, especially theirlanguage abilities. Then with a brief review of children’s literature’s development abroad and in China, a great deal of systematical information on children’s literature isgiven, such as its definition, its features, its functions, and its differences from adults’literature. The second section of this chapter comes to the translation of children’sliterature mainly in China from four periods of time, late Qing and early RepublicPeriods, the May 4th Movement period, from the 1930s to 1960s and contemporarytranslation. Each period has its own features which can shed light on the presenttranslation of children’s literature. By analyzing some translated versions and byabsorbing some experience in the translation of children’s literature, the author proposesthat translating children’s literature should be children-oriented, and be guided by thetranslation purpose, that is, to serve children.The fourth chapter is actually the kernel of this paper. Skopostheorie can be madefull use of in the translation of literature. Since children’s literature is a branch ofliterature, Skopostheorie can also be applied to the translation of children’s literature.Following brief introductions to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, to the text’s author,Lewis Carroll, and to the case text’s two Chinese versions, ample examples from bothversions are given, compared and analyzed at diction, syntax, rhetoric, and other levelsso as to show that keeping the Skopos to serve children in mind can have the translationof children’s literature well done.The fifth section is the conclusion of this paper. In this section the author suggeststhat translation should learn from Lewis Carroll and ZhaoYuanren, who both try theirbest to learn about children cognitively and mentally. Moreover, the translation ofchildren’s literature is a developing cause, greatly influenced by the time. Translatorsshould follow the time and understand children thoroughly. Only in this way can atranslator of children’s literature achieve his goals——to serve children heart and soul.This thesis is written in the hope that more attention may be dawn to the translationof children’s literature in both theory and practice.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1115

