

Study on the Development and Utilization of the Mineral Resources in Suiyuan Area in 1912-1949

【作者】 郭平若

【导师】 侯甬坚;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文立足于矿产资源(主要指煤、盐碱)开发这个中间环节上,对民国绥远矿产资源的开发利用情形进行初步研究,试图探寻政府和民间行为驱动下的经济活动所带来的环境变化,进而探讨政策因素与环境之间的关系问题。政策导向及商业利润刺激下的资源开发究竟对该区的环境变化有无影响,政府和民间行为是否在影响该区环境的人文因素中起主要作用,将在文中逐一体现。本文主要分三部分进行研究:第一部分为绪论,主要介绍本文选题的缘由、时空界定及研究意义,并对本学科的研究史及相关研究成果述评进行梳理,同时阐明本文的主要内容、重点与难点、研究方法与理论基础以及目前存在的基本问题。第二部分包括第一章到第三章,是本文的主体部分。首先介绍研究区域的自然和人文状况及资源开发的时代背景等各方面情况,这是矿产开发与环境变化研究的基础;第二章针对民国时期矿产资源的调查情况、时空分布状况等作一分析,并对其分布特点的内在原因进行探讨;第三章主要从民国以前及民国以来该区推行的矿政及实施情况、政府对矿产资源的管理、开采利用及产销状况等方面进行详细的阐述,总结出绥远矿业发展迟缓的原因及存在的问题,从中可以窥探政府及民间行为在绥远矿业发展中的影响力度。第三部分包括第四章和结语,为文章的结论部分。这是本文的难点及重点,在探讨资源开发对当地环境的影响及开发过程中所存在的问题,兼及关注各阶层人士对此的认知态度的同时,将对资源开发过程中的政府与民间行为对环境变化所起的作用作出评估。并对本文的研究进行总结,得出结论。从严格意义上讲,绥远矿业是近代以来的产物,发展一直比较缓慢,清末新政一度有所起色。至民国,特别是30年代以来,在开发西北政策影响下,绥远矿业开发再度掀起高潮。但由于时局不稳,社会动荡,政策多变,资金技术等主客观原因,再加上该区本身所存在的一些问题,致使这一时期的矿业发展维艰,过程起伏跌宕,总体趋于缓慢、停滞不前的状态,并没有持续呈现繁荣的商业景象。从某种意义上来讲,这对矿业发展所引起的环境问题也有一定的缓解作用,间接起到了保护生态环境的目的。绥远矿产开发环境效应的特殊之处,在于生态环境脆弱。绥远地处西北边陲,自然条件特殊,生态环境十分脆弱,一旦破坏便难以恢复。由于缺乏资料,民国绥远矿业开发对周边环境的影响力度及破坏性程度难以估计,但其现象是肯定存在的。这一时期绥远矿业基本还是处于简单的手工土法作业,再加上资金技术的不足与缺乏,极大限制了生产的规模,使得大多数矿产无能或未能开采,故总体开发力度还不是很大。抗战时期,日本“大青山煤炭株式会社”在石拐沟进行了近代化的大规模掠夺式开采,这也只是短期内的小区域规模性开发,并不能代表全局。故而,此时期绥远矿业开发所造成的生态环境问题在当时应该不是很突出,短期内未能全面体现,但问题是潜在的,这为今世之环境问题埋下了伏笔。总之,在类似内蒙西部这样自然生态系统薄弱、再生能力差的地区,在开发矿藏的过程中,尤其应该更为注意自然条件的特殊性,更为强调经济价值与生态价值的统一,寻找一条可持续发展的道路。

【Abstract】 This text is based on this intermediate link of development of resourcesof mineral products, carry on preliminary research to the development situation of theSuiyuan regional mineral resources in 1912-1949, attempt to pursue the environmentalchange that the government and folk behavior urge the economic behaviour under tobring, and then probe into the relation question between policy factor and environment.Policy guidance and commercial profit stimulate the development of resources under tomake contribution to the environmental change of this area on earth, whether thegovernment and folk behavior play a main role in influencing the humane factor of thisregional environment, will chase an organic whole in the article now.This text mainly divides three parts and carries on research:Part one, it is the introduction, define and study the meaning in cause, space-timeof introducing the question of this Selected Works mainly, and comb study history andrelevant research results review of this discipline, expound the main content herein atthe same time, with difficult point, research approach, theoretical foundation and basicproblem existing at present especiallyPart two including chapter one reaches chapter three, is a subject part herein, atfirst ,Introduce situations of various fields such as the natural and humane state and thetimes for development of resources of studying the area background, this is mineralproducts to develop the foundation of studying with the environmental change; Chaptertwo does a analysis to state of the investigation situation of the mineral resources,distribution of space-time, etc, in 1912-1949, and carry on the discussion to itscharacteristic of distribution’s inherent reason; Mainly should study ore policy andperformance pursued in area since 1912 in chapter three, respects such as management,exploitation utilizing and state of production and marketing of the mineral resources ofthe government, etc, carry on detailed exposition, summarize the peaceful far miningindustry and develop the slow reason and existing problem, can spy upon thegovernment and influence efforts in the suiyuan mining industry develop of folkbehavior from it.Part three including chapter four and the conclusion part of the article. This is difficult point herein and focal point, Problem existing in probing into the impact onlocal environment of development of resources and development course, when andconcurrently and pays close attention to the attitude of cognition of this of the personageof different levels, until development of resources government behavior with folkbehavior of course use make assessment to whom environmental change blow correctly.Summarize research contents herein, draw the conclusion.Strictly speaking, Suiyuan mining industry is a result since modern times, beendeveloping.all the time slower. Improvement to some extent for a time of new policiesof latter stage of Qing Dynasty. Since the thirties; under the circumstances that thepolicy of developing northwestly influences, the Suiyuan mining industry develops andraises the climax of developing~ once again. But unstable because of the current politicalsituation, social turbulence, the policy is changeable, main odjective causes such as fundtechnology, etc.. It is difficult for the development of mining industry of this period tolink, the course rises and falls and frees and easies, prone to the slowly, state ofstagnating overallly, the prosperous commercial scene appears continuously. Say, thisenvironmental problem caused to development of mining industry has certain functionof relieving too in a sense, get up to the purpose of ecological environment protectionindirectly.Located in the northwest border area peacefully far, natural conditions are special,the ecological environment is very fragile, once it is difficult to resume to destroy.Because of lacking the materials, Suiyuan mining industry develops efforts of impact onsurrounding environment and destructive intensity and has no way of knowing, but itsphenomenon certainly exists. Suiyuan mining industry basically starts from the simplecraft indigenous method homework in this period, combine with deficiency andshortage of fund technology, the great scale of restraining production from, make mostmineral products incapability or fail, exploit, so overall to develop efforts no very muchloud also. Though in period of war of resistance, there were some areas on a large scalerobbing types were exploited, this is only scale development of the small area shortlytoo, can not represent the overall situation. So Suiyuan mining industry developecological environment led to the fact in should no very much conspicuous at that timethis periods, fail to reflect in an all-round way shortly, but the question is potential, thisburies hint foreshadowing for environmental problem of this life.In a word, in similar to Inner Mongol western region so natural ecosystem weak,regenerated ability poor district, during the process of developing mineral deposit, should especially give greater attention to the particularity of the natural environmentcondition, emphasize the economic worth and unity of ecological value, find a road ofsustainable development even more.

  • 【分类号】K258
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