

The Research on Liang Qichao’s Family Education Thought

【作者】 鲁春燕

【导师】 杨洁;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 梁启超是中国近现代著名的思想家、政治家和杰出的教育家。他一生受到中国本土文化和西方文化的双重陶染,既具有广博扎实的国学基础和浓重深厚的爱国情怀,又具有吐故纳新的宽广胸怀和与时俱进的超凡魄力,在他的身上兼具了传统和现代双重文化素养。他用浓浓的亲情和纯纯的父爱浇筑子女健康的人格和品质,用“化合中西”的思想态度指导子女的学业发展和事业选择。研究梁启超的家庭教育思想及实践,有望对我国当前家庭教育提供借鉴。本文在绪论部分首先对梁启超的生平及其九个子女的不菲成就作了简要介绍,以此证明梁启超家庭教育思想和实践的内在价值,凸现该课题研究的极端必要性。并就梁启超的“爱国”、“务实”、“兴趣”等家教思想进行了整体描述。还介绍了本课题研究的主要内容、研究思路、研究方法以及研究策略等基本问题。文章正文由四个部分组成。第一部分讨论了梁启超家庭教育思想和实践所依托的独特的家庭文化和特定的社会文化,并分析了梁启超家庭教育思想形成的个人因素和其思想确立的理论基础。第二部分研究了梁启超家庭教育的主要内容和相应的家教方法,包括德性修养(即成人于“厚德载物”)和学问研习(即成材于“真材实学”)两个部分。梁启超围绕培养子女的爱国情操,以养成子女的独立人格、爱国精神及积极乐观的生活态度,形成以“务实”为取向,注重中西文化兼容并蓄,追求“兼具传统特质和现代素养”为人格特征的独特的梁氏家庭教育思想。文章第三部分分析和提炼了梁启超家庭教育思想的特征。梁启超以爱为灵魂,既爱国、又爱子;以尊重子女的个性和意愿为前提,因势利导,具体规划子女的生活和择业路线;以务实为取向,兼顾中西;以知行合一为途径,不计个人得失。在拳拳父爱的浇筑下,梁家子女脚踏实地,求真务实,形成了以务实爱国的梁氏学风。第四部分基于对梁启超家庭教育思想及特征的分析归纳,提出对现代家庭教育的一些启示:家长要认识到家庭教育是情感教育,务必明确对子女的挚爱不等于溺爱。父母要培养子女高尚的爱国情操、求真务实的作风、独立自强的人格以及坚忍不拔的毅力,端正子女处世交友的态度,以便使子女学会如何做人。

【Abstract】 Liang Qichao was a famous thinker、politician and distinguishededucator of modern China. He was edified doubly by both the traditional culture andwestern culture in his life. He had extensive and solid foundation, strong and deeppatriotic feelings, and he had a broad mind of discarding the old and satisfying the new,and the extraordinary courage of advancing with the times. There were doublequality-orients of traditional and modern in his life. He used the Strong family ties andthe love of father molding his children’s health personality, and he guided his children’sacademic performance and career choices with the thought of "Combination of Chineseand Western". Studying the family education and practice of Liang Qichao is expectedto provide an example for current family education in China.The life of Liang Qichao and his nine children’s expensive achievements werebriefly introduced in the introduction to prove the intrinsic value of his family educationthought and practice and highlighting the extreme necessity of the research. Then todescribe overall Liang Qichao’s family education thought, such as "patriotic","pragmatic" and "interest" and so on. Also, to introduce the main content and researchideas, methods, strategies and some other fundamental questions.The article consists of four main components.The first part discussed the unique family culture and specific social culture whichwere family education thought and practice of Liang Qichao relying on, and analyzedthe theoretical foundation of his personal factors and ideological formation, from whichto reveal that the quintessence—"advancing with the times", in Liang’s familyeducation, and point out the idea with mean reconcile characters.The second part studied the main content and corresponding education method ofLiang Qichao’s family education thought, including virtue cultivation (being man) andknowledge study(being talents). Liang Qichao focused on cultivating children’s patrioticsentiment and cultural inclusive of Chinese and west to develop children’s uniquepersonality, and the spirit of patriotism, and positive and optimistic attitude towards life,and to form the unique Leung Family Education thought with pragmatic-orientated,seeking both traditional values and modern qualities. To analyze and extract the family education features of Liang Qichao in the thirdpart of the article. He respected for the children’s personalities, and made them the bestof situations, and specifically planned their life and career routes, and detailed guidanceto them. There formed a patriotic-oriented Leung study in the sincere love of father,because of Liang’s children down-to-earth, truth-seeking and pragmatic.Based on the analysis and summaries to the family education thought of LiangQichao in the fourth part, to raise on some inspirations to modern family education:Parents should realize that family education is emotional education; They must cleartheir love for their children does not mean doting. Parents need to develop their childrenlofty patriotism, the truth-seeking and pragmatic style, the independent and self-reliantpersonality and the fortitude. And to teach child to get the attitude of friends for him tolearn how to be a man.

【关键词】 梁启超家庭教育思想爱国务实
【Key words】 Liang Qichaofamily education thoughtpatrioticpragmatic
  • 【分类号】G78
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】958

