

【作者】 王金洪

【导师】 许书明;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在今天,变革语文学习方式,作为语文课程标准的四大理念之一而被提出,标志了语文课程改革将从以教师为中心转向以学生为中心:转变学生的学习方式,促进学生在教师指导下主动地、富有个性地学习,逐步形成“自主、探究、合作”的学习方式,是目前新课程改革的重点之一。但不可忽视的是,过去那种单一、机械、被动的学习方式,仍然在当前中学语文教学中普遍存在,形成中学语文教学改革的这种裹足不前状态的众多原因中,有一个重要的原因,那就是教学实践的改革缺乏真正有效的理论指导。因而,要全面变革旧有语文学习方式,必须加强中学语文学习方式及其变革的系统理论研究,为中学语文学习方式的真正变革,提供思想、视野和方法的引导。本论文通过对语文学习方式在古代、现代、当代三个时代呈现出的不同特点,进行综合描述。然后从行为理论、认知主义理论、信息加工理论、人本主义理论和建构主义理论等学习论的角度对语文学习方式的变革进行分析。进而从语文学科特点、语文教师因素、学生因素等三方面对语文学习方式的制约因素进行了分析。在此基础上,提出通过提高语文教师素养;优化教学环境;优化教学方式;转变教学评价等四个方面来全面推进语文学习方式的变革。

【Abstract】 One of the highlights of the present new curriculum reform lies in how to alter the ways of learning of students, how to promote students to study initiatively with their own personalities under the direction of teachers and gradually form the ways of learning characterized by self-orientation, exploration and cooperation.In the meantime, the transformation of the ways of Chinese learning was brought forward, on the basis of the above-mentioned factors, as one of the four fundamental concepts of Chinese Curriculum Criterion. The fact is, however, that a great number of monotonous, inflexible, passive ways of learning remain common in the practice in teaching Chinese in middle schools. Therefore, analyzing relevant factors affected the transformation of the ways of Chinese learning is of great necessity to further promoting the transformation.Firstly, this thesis focused on a comprehensive description on the ways of Chinese learning, according to its characteristics taken on in ancient, modern and contemporary times respectively. Secondly, from the learning theory’s point of view, such as Behavioristic Theory, Cognitive Theory, Information Processing Theory, Humanistic Theory and Constructivism Theory, this thesis analyzed the transformation of the ways of Chinese learning. Thirdly, this thesis analyzed the three factors restricting the ways of Chinese learning, including the subject characteristics of Chinese, teacher-based factors and student-based factors.Four strategies on how to promote the transformation of the ways of Chinese learning in an all-round way, based on discussions and analyses, were brought forward as follows:Enhancing the teachers’qualities in Chinese teaching by altering their concepts, upgrading their abilities of integrating. Optimizing the environment of teaching by making up an open-up teaching circumstances, creating a harmonious interpersonal situation for teaching and making the environment of teaching in class enjoyable. Optimizing the ways of teaching by breaking the teaching set in traditional teaching, encouraging teachers to think their own thoughts and teaching in more creative ways. evaluation system transformed by paying more attention to the evaluation of procedure, abilities and multi-faceted estimations.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】515

