

Research of Goddess Downgrade

【作者】 刘勤

【导师】 李诚;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对近来盛行的“女神的失落”观点,通过探讨其产生的理论渊源和事实表现(尤以女娲、西王母为例),揭示其偏颇和失误。笔者建议用要素分析法,多角度、多层次地对女神加以研究,从而得出比较客观的结论。全文分为三个部分:序论、正文和余论,其中正文分为三章。序论重点回顾了20世纪20年代以来女神研究的成果和失误,提出了本文的研究对象,并交待了本文的写作目的、结构和方法。第一章分析了认为女神降格的理论基础。认为女神降格的理论存在一系列假命题,将“母系制”等同于“母权制”乃其基础。第二章以女娲、西王母为例,驳斥了认为女娲、西王母降格的事实论据。从而得出女娲、西王母并非降格而是升格的发展趋势,进而讨论了诸女神发展演变的复杂性。第三章回应前两章,提出了影响女神价值评价的诸多因素,并主张运用文化要素分析法多角度、多层次地对女神加以研究,从而得出比较客观的结论。余论部分强调了降格论者的理论基础――将“母系制”等同于“母权制”的谬误,并进而指出了这种谬误对女神研究和现实社会的不良影响,重申了本文研究的意义。

【Abstract】 Abstract: This paper, as for the recent rise of the "Goddess of the lost" perspective, by exploring the theory of its origins and facts performance (particularly Nuwa and Mother Queen of the West, for example), reveals its bias and errors. I propose the method of analysis of cultural elements, and multi-angle, the multi-level study of the Goddess, in order to draw objective conclusions.The full text is divided into three chapters, foreword, body composition and the end.The forward reviews the achievements and mistakes of the study of Goddess since the 20th Century by the present study. The forward also presents the objective, structure and methods of this paper.Chapter I: This part analyzes the theoretical foundation of Goddess downgrade. In a series of false propositions, looking "matrilineal system" as a "motherhood" concept is the base.Chapter II: Take Nuwa and Mother Queen of the West for example, we refute some facts for their downgrade. At the same time, we conclude that Nuwa and the Mother Queen of the West are upgrading Goddess, but not downgrade Goddess. We also discuss the complexity of various goddesses in their development and evolution later.Chapter III: In this part, we discuss many factors that affect the value of the Goddess in the evaluation, and advocate the use of factor analysis and cultural perspectives, the multi-level study for Goddess research, so that a more objective conclusion we will get.In the end, we stress the errors of the theoretical basis for the downgrade–looking the "matrilineal system" as a "motherhood" concept. We also goes on to state that this error concept will have some adverse impacts on Goddess studies and social reality, then we reiterated the significance of the writing of this paper.

【关键词】 女神降格文化要素分析
【Key words】 Goddessdowngradedebateanalysis of cultural elements
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】471

