

Aesthetic Anlysis about Transmission Form of Phoenix Satellite TV

【作者】 黄颖

【导师】 彭立;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 美学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 凤凰卫视于1996年3月31日启播,至今已迈入第二个十年。十余年来,由于境外媒体的身份而在中国大陆有限落地的凤凰卫视,始终坚持“全球化视野、大中华概念”的理念追求,坚持走“拾遗补缺”的另类路线,将与媒体同行的竞争视为“舞蹈”而非“赛跑”(刘长乐语)。在当代大众传播的语境中,凤凰卫视独具特色的传播形态和“大事看凤凰”的广泛影响,已经构成电视业界一道别致的风景线;学界也因此把凤凰卫视的成功作为一种现象进行研究,“凤凰现象”业已成为当前国内外传媒界关注和研究的一个热点。在此背景下,我们对凤凰卫视的传播形态进行审美观照:凤凰卫视的节目立足于“华人心态”,从受众心理进行定位,审美诉求与受众的心理需求异质同构;“凤凰人”独特的“三名主义”和“老人现象”,从整体上展现出“节目即人”的传者形象;而“凤凰节目”与“凤凰人”又共同体现出了凤凰卫视“以与众不同之形,求与众同乐之本”的传播特色。本文主要运用美学、传播学、文化学和社会学等学科的相关理论和研究方法,尝试从“审美”的角度入手,以“凤凰卫视”中文台和资讯台的部分节目为研究蓝本,对其传播形态从受者、传者和“艺术化”的传播特色等方面进行梳理与研究,从“为谁说”、“谁来说”、“怎样说”等方面来解读凤凰的传播形态和传播特色,以期对“凤凰现象”作出较为具体和深入的专题性理论研究和个人解读。

【Abstract】 Phoenix Satellite TV was launched on 31 March 1996, and now it has entered its second decade. In the past ten years, as a foreign media it is limited landing in China. It sticks to its idea of the global view, Great China and adheres to the different way of Picking up the lost and patching the missed . It looks the competitions with other competitors as dancing instead of racings(Liu Changle’s words). In the words of contemporary mass media, the unique styles and the influence of Phoenix Satellite TV’s event in Phoenix to see have brought exquisite scenery to Televisions; Phoenix Satellite TV has been put the academic success as a phenomenon, Phoenix Phenomenon in the current domestic and foreign media attention and has become a hot research .In this background, we study the transmission form of Phoenix Satellite TV with aesthetical view: the programs of Phoenix Satellite TV are based on the Chinese mentality. Location from the audience psychology, aesthetic appeal and the audience with the psychological expectations heterojunction structure. The Phoenix men show their particular tri- reputation-creed and the-old-phenomenon . And by doing so, they give the masses a image that their programs are their peoples. Meanwhile, the programs of Phoenix Satellite TV and the Phoenix men show the transmission characteristics of seeking the happiness with the masses by different way . This thesis primarily use theory and research methods of aesthetics, communications, and other related cultural and sociological,tries to study in aesthetic perspective, Mainly with some programs of Phoenix Chinese Channel and Phoenix InfoNews Channel, we collect and study transmission form by the viewers, the TV group and the particular artistic characteristics. By studying whom to talk to, who talks, how to talk about, etc, we come to know the transmission form and the characteristics. And then we can make the more concrete and thorough special subject theories to study to the Phoenix Phenomenon by expect and personal interpretation .

  • 【分类号】J901
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】505

