

【作者】 朱业鹏

【导师】 方斌;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 PID控制器因为结构简单、鲁棒性较强,并且具有实现简单的特点,因而被广泛应用于各种工业过程控制中。作为一种广泛的控制规律,PID控制在相当长的一段时间内,并没有因为各种先进控制算法的出现而遭到淘汰。相反,经过时间的考验,PID控制仍然在各种控制技术中占着主导地位。PID控制器参数整定优劣与否,是PID控制器能否在实用中得到好的闭环控制效果的一个前提。近年来,随着计算机技术的飞跃发展和人工智能技术渗透到自动控制领域,各种整定PID控制器参数整定方法层出不穷,给PID控制器参数整定的研究带来了活力与契机。另外系统稳定是控制器设计首先需要考虑的问题,只有在系统稳定的前提下,提高其它性能才是有意义的。针对上述问题,通过研究,本文所做的主要工作和研究结果如下:首先就PID控制器的发展过程及其基本原理作简要介绍,由于传统PID控制器存在局限性,人们设计出非线性PID控制器来克服。本文重点讨论了一些非线性PID控制器的设计方法,仿真实验的结果验证了非线性PID控制器的优点。然后综述了近几年在PID参数整定方面的研究发展情况。其中,着重探讨了继电型PID自整定方法及其改进型,并且给出了仿真的示例。最后,针对高阶线性系统,根据关于多项式的Hermite-Biehler推广定理,本文提出了一种如何确定闭环系统PID控制器参数稳定域的方法,并且给出了仿真的示例。这为系统PID控制器的参数整定的提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 PID (Proportional, Integral and Differential) controller is used widely in kinds ofIndustry circumstance for its simple structure, easy strong robusmess and implementation.And as an abroad control law, during along period, PID control has not been knocked outfrom the emergence of different advanced arithmetics, and on the contrary, it plays anmajor role in sundries of control technologies.Whether the PID controller can keep the control performance good is due to thetuning of the PID parameter. With the development of computer technology and artificialintelligence in automatic control field, auto-tuning PID controllers began to be used inrecent years. These methods have brought the energy for the research of the tuning of PIDparameter.The stability of the closed-loop system is first considered in controller design. If thesystem is not stable, it is not benefit to improve other performances. Based on the aboveproblems, the main research ideas and results obtained in this paper are as following.Firstly, the paper introduces the developing process and the brief introduction of PIDcontrollers. Against some the weaknesses of Conventional PID controllers, we proposeimproving measures-by nonlinear PID controllers, and introduce several designingmethods of nonlinear PID controllers. The results of Simulation show that the nonlinearPID controller advantages. We also summarize the research situation on the tuning of PIDparameter, highlight the basic and improved methods based auto-tuning relay-PIDcontrollers, and give examples of the simulation. At last, for the high-step system, by themultinomial Hermite-Biehler generalized theorem, a new method is introduced, whichcould determine the stability region of PID parameter in the closed-loop system.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】2310

