

【作者】 鸦明忠

【导师】 徐志良;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 高性能的数字采集技术是提高信号处理能力的关键。本文详细讨论了基于计算机PCI总线的高速数据采集系统的设计和实现,主要包括数据传输卡的系统设计、硬件实现、驱动软件开发以及轴角数据采集系统的设计。本文围绕PCI总线突出的数据传输能力,给出了数据传输系统的设计方案。介绍了总线控制器PCI9054的桥接作用、传输卡硬件设计、用可编程逻辑器件逻辑控制设计、EEPROM的配置以及总线的数据传输功能实现过程,然后在此基础上给出了轴角信号采集系统的设计,主要介绍了采集系统的各功能模块设计以及电路设计中一些关键问题。最后叙述了采用DDK开发包进行PCI设备驱动软件的开发。

【Abstract】 The high-performance data acquisition technique is the key to enhance the signal processing ability. This dissertation introduces the design and implementation of high-speed data acquisition system based on PCI bus in detail. The main content includes hardware and driver software development of the data transmission card and the research of the data acquisition card.Focused on the excellent transmission ability of the PCI bus, the dissertation discusses the transmission system design scheme. It includes that the bus controller PCI9054 action, hardware design, the design of the logical control with CPLD on the Local bus side, configuration of EEPROM and the implementation of all bus operation of the data transmission function. Based on these discussions, the angle data acquisition system design is given. It mainly introduces the design of all function module and the key problem of data acquisition system.At last, on the corresponding driver software design, Driver Development kit is adopted to develop the driver programs.

【关键词】 PCI总线PCI9054数据传输数据采集EEPROMDDK
【Key words】 PCI busPCI9054data transmissiondata acquistionEEPROMDDK
  • 【分类号】TP274.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】231

