

【作者】 陈莉

【导师】 陈橹;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,道德生活中的知行分离现象已成为我国社会各界关注的焦点。比如,几乎所有的人都倡导助人为乐,但仍有许多人对求救者的呼喊充耳不闻;几乎所有的人都宣称会抵制假货,但制假贩假仍屡禁不止;为什么道德认知与道德践履相互脱节现象会长久存在?自古以来,许多哲学家从不同的角度分析原因,提出对策。当代学者也对我国道德生活知行不一的现象的进行了深入的研究。但是,这些对知行分裂的认识和研究存在着许多局限。大多从个人的认知层面来寻找知行分裂的原因,寄希望于个人的主观道德努力或空洞的道德教育。本文认为,知行分裂之所以在当前我国的道德生活领域盛行,关键在于既有的伦理规范的缺陷和现有的道德建设的失误。首先,本文追溯了传统伦理规范对个体道德情感的影响。其次,探讨了转型时期社会的多元价值对人们道德观念的影响及现代道德建设的缺陷。本文在总结前人学者研究的基础上,提出了旨在减少乃至消除我国社会存在的知行分离现象的对策:一方面需要净化外部环境,建立有效的机制以保障社会公平,重建人们对社会主流规范的信仰基础。另一方面,要优化道德建设,需给予道德目标一个合理的定位,使道德教育向生活回归。第三,重视教育对象的德性发展规律,实现道德建设范式由空洞说教向真实生活转化。只有建立和谐而又为大众真正认同的道德规范,才能让公民对其产生最自然的依附与向往,从根本上提升社会道德水平。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the separation of ethical knowledge and moral action have been thesocial focus in China. For example, Nearly all people initiate to take pleasure in servingothers, but still had many people turns a deaf ear to the other’s shout to praying for rescue.Nearly all people declared can resist the counterfeit goods, but the Manufacture counterfeitgoods to endure continues. Why does the moral cognition and the moral practice comeapart the phenomenon to be able mutually to exist for a long time? The disjunction of whatto know and what to do in moral field of China is not a new phenomenon. Manyphilosophers had discovered this disconnection and tried to explain it from different anglesand give solutions in alt periods of the world. And many contemporary researchers alsostudy the separation in depth. Their understandings of the separation and theircountermeasures, however, have some limitations. Many of them have tended to attributethe separation to the individual cognitive limitation, to the wrong understanding therelationship of ethical knowledge and moral action, or to the moral education failure. Andmany of them have overlooked the other social factors. Furthermore, as for the way ofunification of ethical knowledge and moral behavior, they lay their hope only on thedesire-free and self-devotion of the public, and on the personal efforts such as individualresolve and wise discrimination, or on the vague and general moral education.In contrast, this article believes that the fundamental causes that the division ofknowledge and action has been in vogue lie in methods of moral construction andfaultiness of our traditional codes of ethics. First and foremost, the traditional moralprinciples are family ethnics regulated the relationships within extended families, second,the economic globalization has made the mufti-dimension of culture, moral and value, theconstruction of economic system has made the whole social change, and the manyproblems occur in the moral education, in this ease, the solutions for above problems couldbe made as follows: Strengthen the research and innovation of moral theory; Improve andoptimize the moral education further; Intensify the moral evaluation; Optimize the socialculture environment for the moral construction etc..

  • 【分类号】B82
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】398

