

【作者】 肖猛

【导师】 蒲智勇;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 参考咨询是图书馆的重要专业功能,其咨询水平在很大程度上体现了一个图书馆的实力和服务质量。虚拟参考咨询系统是数字图书馆的重要子系统。虚拟参考咨询指利用网络,通过同步或异步的方式为读者提供参考咨询服务,同步方式即通过在线交谈、网页推送、同步浏览等途径实现,异步方式即通过电子邮件、电子表单、知识库查询等实现。理想的虚拟参考咨询系统应该能够满足读者不受时间地点限制的咨询需求并且对于有难度的问题可以在全国范围内寻找解答咨询。单个图书馆不可能拥有足够的力量来做到这一点,加之受馆藏和人才等资源的限制,单个图书馆也不可能回答所有类型的问题。在网络技术和计算技术的不断取得突破的前提下,利用分布式计算技术将网络上其他高性能的计算资源用于参考咨询,是解决这一技术难题的有效途径。CALIS数字图书馆系统的联合虚拟参考咨询系统(CVRS Collaborative Virtual Reference Service)就是试图联合全国100所重点大学的图书馆资源,通过网络平台来解决这一难题从而提供完善的、专业的、高质量的参考咨询服务;咨询任务成为联合咨询,咨询任务需要在咨询台之间转移和调度,咨询调度问题对联合参考咨询的实现有着重要意义。联合分布虚拟参考咨询系统是一个典型的多机(服务器)协同工作系统,如何实现一个多级协作的系统是本文研究的重点内容,其中关键技术有:互操作技术,互操作中的异步调用技术、以及消息传输的可靠性技术等,这些都是本文研究的重点问题。本文就作者参与实现的CVRS系统中的异步调度功能展开研究。并给出了功能的实现。

【Abstract】 Virtual Reference Service (VRS) is a very important function of library. The level of VRS incarnates a library’s strength and service quality. VRS is a very important subsystem of digital library. This kind of software provides libraries with tools to interact with users in multiple ways including synchronous way and asynchronous way. Synchronous way is realized by chat-online, Page Push, VOIP, cooperative browse technology and so on. Asynchronous way is realized by E_mail, web-form and so on. Perfect Virtual Reference Service can allows readers apply their questions at any moment and everywhere .The answer for difficult questions can be searched over the countrywide range. A single library was restricted by its resource and teachers, so it can not answer all kinds of questions. CALIS digital library system tries to combine the resource of one hundred national key universities in order to provide perfect professional reference service with high quality. So the task become collaborative consultation, and the task need to be transferred and scheduled form one library to another. The scheduling of consultation task is a very important part of collaborative reference service.With the increasing development computer network and database technology, the distributed computing has become a new trend and model of computer application. In this system interoperability is a very important subject.Interoperability in general includes the communication control and transfer between different system .Interoperability namely is the accessing between systems in function and date level. The task of distributed system is realized by Interoperability .So interoperability was the important support for distributed systems.Collaborative Virtual Reference Service (CVRS) is a kind of typical distributed system. In this paper, we do research for asynchronous scheduling problems in CVRS. Some important technology are studied and analyzed as follows:The communication and Interoperability problem in distribute systemThe asynchronous Interoperability problem over Web ServiceThe reliability of message transfers

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】218

