

【作者】 杨骐瑞

【导师】 邵一明; 贾书和;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工业工程, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 在欧美“三网合一”已成为现代社会发展的潮流,在经过相关的法律修改后,许可广电和电信相互渗透,并在初期对广电产业政策扶持较多。跨入2006年,我国经济已经进入了一个新的阶段—“十一五”建设时期。而作为与经济建设紧密配套、与社会发展密切关联的信息化建设来说,同样进入了一个新的建设周期。整合,这是“十五”期间针对“信息孤岛”问题时被提到最多的一个词。从一定程度上解决问题,但同时也意味着整体成本的增加和人力浪费。本论文结合国家“十一五”总体规划,采用可行性研究的方法,对当前“三网合一”中存在的多种问题,如有线电视网区域性、全国性整合及发展趋势,以及“三网合一”技术和经济方案的可行性进行了认真的分析、研究,并就广电、电信、互联网等行业及本公司现状进行了详细分析,对项目整体方案进行了设计,且在此基础上确定了本课题的基本方案,作为投资者和管理层的参考依据。该方案完全符合目前信息产业和广电总局的发展要求和企业客观实际需要,具有先进性、实用性和经济性;该项目的成功实施,充分实现了网络融合的愿望,为广大的电视机用户和计算机用户,提供一体的丰富多彩的多媒体互动娱乐生活,为未来的4C时代,即计算机(Computer)、通信(Communication)、消费类电子产品(Consumer Electronics)和内容(Content)融合发展的时代,提供广泛的市场基础和需求,并创造良好的经济和社会效益。

【Abstract】 "Three Networks in One" have been very popular in American and Europe. Alongwith revising of the law, the telecom and television industry can enter each other.Especially in the initial stages, the television industry was supported by the policies.After 2006, our country has entered "the eleventh Five years" and a new stage. Theconstruction of the information system also has entered the new stage, for it is correlativeon the community and economy. "Combination" has been tied to the "informationisolated island" in "the tenth five years". Partly solving the problem would lead toincreased cost and labor.This article analyzed all kinds of problem about "Three Networks in One", e.g. theseparated of the CATV, the trend of the conformity over all the whole country. We triedthe feasibility study of the "Three Networks in One", and investigate the television,telecom, web industries and our company, study out the project of the "Three Networksin One". This project can be referenced by investors and governors.This project can meet the requirement of the information industry, SARFT(theState Administration of Radio, Film and TV, the People’s Republic of China) and ourcompany. It is advanced, applicable and profitable. It will combine all the networks,bring great benefits to TV consumers and computer consumers by the nice and colorfulcontents. Also it will hasten the coming of the 4C(Computer, Communication, ConsumerElectronics and Content) era.

  • 【分类号】TN915
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】792

