

【作者】 吴亮

【导师】 恽小华;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本篇论文主要的研究对象是x波段中8.5~10.5GHz多功能MMIC,是有源相控阵雷达中的T/R组件的核心部件之一。笔者首先分析、总结了多功能MMIC利与弊、多功能MMIC的发展趋势;其次完成了多功能MMIC方案论证,最终确定运用Agilent ADS软件、GaAs材料、HEMT管芯以及TriQuint Semiconductor所提供的0.25μm xKu pHEMT 3MI Process来实现多功能MMIC,由于在短时间内未能获取0.25μm xKu pHEMT 3MI Process的PDK文件,所以笔者在本篇论文中,将选取与该工艺线相近的0.25μm GaAs HEMT DemoKit模型库作为替代品完成多功能MMIC设计;接着在完成对Demokit-HEMT开关特性(串联型、Single-HEMT、Twins-HEMT三种拓扑结构)研究的基础上,完成了多功能MMIC中主要组成部分:五位数字衰减器、五位数字移相器和微波小信号放大器的结构合理性验证;最后根据现有的相关研究成果,探索性的对GaAs MMIC空间辐射效应:空间辐射环境与空间辐射源;电离总剂量辐射效应、位移损伤效应、单粒子效应;半导体器件的抗辐射屏蔽加固技术做了一些粗浅的分析、总结。在附录中笔者调研了全球目前主要的Opening GaAs Foundry Service。

【Abstract】 Multifunctional MMIC, as one of the hot research topics in Microwave and Millimeterwave IC field, has enjoyed a wide application in modern radar engineering.This paper starts by reviewing the history and development of MMIC, as well as, its statesof art, also containing the brief introduction of its most optimal applicable domain—ActivePhased Array Rader. Next, this paper surveys into Demokit HEMT’s switch characteristicand all notable MMIC structures for attenuator, phase shifter and amplifier, and proposes aframework for 5-bit attenuator MMIC, 5-bit phase shifter MMIC and gain amplifier MMIC,respectively, and all of them are employed in the x band. After the study and analysis ofkey techniques, above mentioned, this paper by means of the Agilent’s Advanced DesignSystem, which is widely used as Microwave and Millimeter wave EDA environment,demonstrates the structural rationality of 5-bit attenuator MMIC, 5-bit phase shifter MMICand gain amplifier MMIC, respectively. In order to keep integrality of this topic, the drivecircuits of phase shifter and attenuator, as well as, the bias control circuit of the gainamplifier. Following GaAs MMIC study, the research is carried on to the GaAs MMICreliability assurance for space applications, including Radiation Environments and Sources,Ionizing Radiation Effects, Displacement Damage Effects, Single Event Effects, RadiationShielding in Semiconductor Devices. In order to maintain the integrality of the GaAsMMIC research in this dissertation, author both describes general arts of GaAs MMICLayout and investigates, along with disposes of the comprehensive information intotabulations, the main Opening GaAs Foundry Services all over the world, at the end of thispaper.

  • 【分类号】TN454
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】399

