

【作者】 芮忠宁

【导师】 钱焕延;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机网络经历了几十年的发展,在人们的生产、生活中占有越来越重要的地位。作为计算机网络主要协议的IPv4已经十分成熟,成为计算机网络的基石。但是由于自身的限制,已经逐渐暴露了许多问题和缺点,于是IPv6被IETF设计出来用以替代IPv4。整个网络从IPv4过渡到IPv6需要比较长的时间,所以两种网络将在今后长期共存。中国教育与科研计算机网络(CERNET)也将面临这种情况,所以研究基于校园网的IPv4向IPv6的平滑过渡技术是十分必要且有前景的。本论文将介绍IPv6的原理,并对IPv6协议和IPv4协议进行比较,分析几种常见过渡技术:双栈技术、隧道技术、NAT—PT协议转换。结合目前大多数校园网的网络部署情况,将这些过渡技术合理的运用于其中,实现在当前以IPv4为主的网络中兼容IPv6网络。以期在今后将来很长的一段时间内做到在校园网内IPv4网络和IPv6网络互联、互通、互相能够访问。

【Abstract】 The computer networks, especially the rapid development of Intemet brings lots ofvalues for society today and it almost has covered all kinds of fields. But the main protocolof Internet, IPv4 has not satisfied the need of the development in future because it has beenlimited by the defects in present system,IPv6 was devised to substitute IPv4 by IETF.The entire transition from IPv4 to IPv6 will spend much time, and the coexistence willIast for a long period of time. Campus network is also confronted with the samequestion.In this situation, the research on the smooth trasmition from IPv4 to IPv6 is ofnecessity and prospect.In the thesis, we compare IPv4 with IPv6, introduce the fundament characteristics ofIPv6, analyse some varieties of familiar transition technique: tunnel technique, Dual stackand NAT-PT Network Address Translation Protocol Translation. Combined with thecampuse network dispose, these transition techniques are operated reasonably, to apply theIPv6 compatibly in current IPv4 network. In the future, the users could connect and visitmutually between IPv4 and IPv6.

  • 【分类号】TP393.18
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】700

