

The Design of Digital Storage Oscilloscope and the Realization of Control System Based on ARM

【作者】 仇杰

【导师】 王成华;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 电路与系统, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 示波器在工程测量中有着广泛的应用,是工程技术人员在科研工作中最常用的电子测量仪器之一。数字存储示波器(DSO)更是以其特有的优势,成为近年来发展最快的电子测量仪器之一。随着现代测量对电子仪器精度、速度、智能化等各方面要求的提高,32位的高性能ARM微处理器逐渐替代传统的8位单片机成为复杂系统主CPU的首选。本文通过对传统DSO技术方案以及本项目具体功能和指标的分析,提出了ARM+FPGA架构的技术方案。ARM微处理器强大的控制性能和灵活的接口技术,使得系统的控制变得简单,系统的编程大大简化。FPGA的采用实现了数据的高速采集和慢速处理,其丰富的逻辑资源也提高了系统的集成度。论文重点讨论了ARM控制系统的设计思想和实现方案。作为一个典型的嵌入式系统,本DSO采用SAMSUNG公司的ARM9微处理器S3C2410作为系统的硬件核心,并采用实时操作系统μCOS-Ⅱ对其任务进行调度。软件部分开发主要基于嵌入式开发环境ADS1.2,并通过JTAG调试口对系统的软件进行在线调试。经测试,移植的操作系统能成功运行,系统能实时地响应键盘的输入,在有效带宽200MHz内能实现波形的准确显示。论文最后还给出了系统测试的过程和结果,并对系统的改进做了适当的探讨。

【Abstract】 As one of the most common equipments the engineers use in research and development,the oscilloscope has been widely used in project measurements.The Digital Storage Oscilloscope(DSO)has become one of the most fast-developed equipments because of its proper characteristics.With the enhancing requirements on speed、precision and intelligentization,the 32-bit high-powered ARM microprocessor has become the best choice as a main CPU in complicated systems instead of the 8-bit singlechip.According to the schemes of traditional DSOs and requirement details of this project,the ARM+FPGA scheme is presented.The ARM microprocessor makes the control simple as well as the programming because of its strong control ability and flexible connectors.The design and realization scheme is highlighted in the paper.In this typical embedded system,an ARM9 microprocessor S3C2410 of SAMSUNG is employed withμCOS-Ⅱreal-time operation system running upon it.The software design is based on ADS1.2 with JTAG debugger.Practical testing verifed that the operation system can run successfully,the system can respond to keyboard’s real-time input and show precise image of signals in its effectual bandwidth. Rear part of the paper gives testing procedure and results,along with possible improvements being discussed.

  • 【分类号】TM935.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】613

