

Research on Appraisal for Ability of Development of Series Product of Medium Small Manufacturing Business Enterprise

【作者】 宋登科

【导师】 彭灿;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 产品系列化开发是中小制造企业集约资源,快速进行品牌和产品延伸、整合以及提升的一项重要举措。然而,对产品进行系列化设计的根本驱动力是市场需求,能否将这些需求最终转换为生产实际和企业利润,则要取决于中小制造企业自身的研发、生产、市场和管理等能力。如果企业在巨大的市场诱惑面前不能正确认识自身的能力而进行盲目和不切实际的产品系列化开发和生产,则可能会给企业带来许多不利的影响,甚至会铸成重大的经营决策失误,使企业蒙受巨大的经济损失。针对以上情况,本文着力研究和解决了以下几个问题,以期为中小制造企业进行产品系列化开发提供较为科学的指导:首先,本文通过深入研究和借鉴前人研究成果构建了中小制造企业产品系列化能力评价指标体系。其次,为使评价结果能兼具总结企业能力和预测发展趋势的作用,在构建评价数学模型中引入了动态模糊综合评价方法。再次,针对企业研发和市场能力的强弱情况,划分出企业现有能力下的产品系列化开发的战略类型,并分析了生产能力对战略选择的影响。最后,探讨和提出了提升中小制造企业产品系列化能力的基本途径。

【Abstract】 Development of series product is an important way for medium small manufacturing business enterprise to enhance brand and enrich product rapidly and economically. The important reason of development of series product is the market requirement. However, whether enterprise can turn market requirements into profits depends on one’s abilities that involve research ability, marketing ability and manufacturing ability. If enterprise carries on development of series product without evaluating its abilities deliberatively, it will suffer grave losing and stick in a mud.To help medium small manufacturing business enterprise to deliberatively evaluate its abilities and develop series product successfully, this thesis carries the following researches:Firstly, on the basis of reviewed and summarized the relevant researches and literature roundly and systemically, this thesis establishes the appraisal index system of abilities of development of series product of medium small manufacturing business enterprise.Secondly, for making the appraisal outcome reflect the trend of enterprise’s ability of development of series product, the thesis inducts the dynamic fuzzy integrated appraisal theory in appraisal math model.Thirdly, the thesis concludes four types of strategies of series development in enterprise present situation by analyzing the enterprise’s ability of technology and marketing and analyses the manufacturing ability’s influences on selection of strategy.Finally, thesis puts forward some ways of enhancing the abilities of development or series product.

  • 【分类号】F424
  • 【下载频次】150

