

Research and Realization on Speech Recognition Algorithm Based on DSP Platform

【作者】 唐尧

【导师】 周洁敏;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自动语音识别系统(简称ASRS)的实用化研究是近十年语音识别研究的一个主要方向,目前在嵌入式系统中的应用主要为语音命令控制,它使得原本需要手工操作的工作用语音就可以方便地完成。使用语音作为人机交互的途径对于使用者来说是最自然的一种方式,同时设备的小型化也要求省略键盘以节省体积。本文论述了一种ASRS由计算机辅助的设计方案,并给出了具体的实现方法。本文采用的识别方法类属于小词汇量孤立词语音识别,主要应用根据文献设计的算法进行语音信号的采集、特征抽取、概率计算、建立数学模型并处理,最终获得识别结果。本文实现的ASRS在功能上主要由硬件设备和相应的算法软件组成。硬件设备构成该系统的硬件平台,通过麦克风实现语音信号的采集,然后由高性能A/D转换芯片接收,并将采集的信号传送至数字信号处理器的存储器,按照复杂可编程逻辑器件输出的时序进行处理,得到最终的识别结果输出。软件部分主要由语音信号的采集算法、预处理算法、前向后向算法、训练算法及维特比算法组成,先将编写的算法在数学运算软件Matlab环境下仿真成功,然后将代码移植到基于TI公司的DSP开发软件CCS平台,实现了硬件仿真。为了满足语音识别在实际应用环境中的抗噪声需要,本文还探讨了基于盲信号分离思想的语噪分离算法,并在Matlab平台下仿真成功。

【Abstract】 Auto Speech Recgnition System (ASRS)’s utility research has been a leading direction in the research of speech recognition for 10 years.Nowadays,most of it’s appliances on embedded-systems are speech controling,which makes the complex manual operation easy and convenient.It’s one of the most natual mode of communication between human and computer.Meanwhile,the miniaturization of equipment also requests omitting the keyboard to save volume.In this paper,a kind of ASRS design project is dissertated and put forward.The method applied in this paper belongs to the small glossary’s isolated words’ speech recognition,mainly bases on the algorithm proved by the reference literature,which accomplished the assignment of sampling,extracting,computing,modeling and marking,finally,the result is obtained.The function of this ASRS primarily formed by the software and the hardware.The hardware structured the hardware platform,first,it samples the speech signal through a microphone,then receives the sampled data by a high performance A/D,and transmits the data to the RAM of the DSP.These sampled data,will be processed by the programed algorithm here to output the final result.On the other hand,the software includes programes to implement the algorithm of sampling,pre-processing,forward and backward,training,viterbi and so on.Firstly,these algorithms are simulated in the Matlab,then transplanted to the DSP’s CCS platform,to emulated the code on the DSK board.To meet the requirement of the anti-noise property, this paper also discusses a kind of algorithm based on the BSS,and triumphantly simutates the founctions in Matlab.

  • 【分类号】TP391.42
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1001

