

Fantasy or Reality: A Study of E.B.White’s Three Works

【作者】 赵宁宁

【导师】 赵凯;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 美学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要是从对文本的分析与阐释入手,试图对E.B.怀特的三部作品做一次力所能及的分析与阐释。在中国的儿童文学范围内,“童话”(Fairy Tale)一直是个含糊的概念,而外来词语的不断引入难免加剧这一情势,因此区分“童话”与“幻想文学”(Fantasy)显得尤为重要。因此,在第一章里,我们主要是为廓清E.B.怀特的三部作品的性质做了一次努力,试图把它们引入到一个界限清晰的范围内;同时本章简要叙述了对于“幻想文学”很关键的一个词语“第二世界”(The Secondary World)的概念,这是理解怀特三部作品的关键概念;最后,在这一章里我们还简要分析了E.B.怀特的现实主义的手法,对于他来说,这个词的用法不仅仅局限于创作手法,更是一种写作态度。第二章上承前章内容,在已确定的范围内分列专节分析了E.B.怀特的作品,主要是从隐喻、象征的角度入手,分析了E.B.怀特在他的三部幻想文学作品里用现实主义的手法所创造出的属于他的第二世界。在这个第二世界里,可以找到很多令人深思的问题,怀特在作品里写进了他对这些问题的思考;同时我将阐述怀特的这个第二世界所具有的独特的意义与内涵,以及它与其它幻想文学作品的不同之处。事实上,这个过程是在分析文本的过程中逐渐呈现,它更多是隐藏在作品中的。第三章主要就作品本身所体现的一些悬而未决的问题比如“轻逸”(Lightness)与“沉重”等等做了一次自己的陈述,这些问题并不一定有一个确定不移的答案,相反,解释的多样性更能显示作品的魅力和品质。这样的品质在每一部优秀或者伟大的作品中都是存在的,也是它们之所以被称为经典的原因之一。实际上,E.B.怀特除了在散文领域享有崇高声誉外,在儿童文学领域更是一个里程碑式的人物。可以说,他以自己独特的文笔为儿童文学确立一种美学品质,在他的文中,充满了值得玩味的隐喻色彩与张力,因此,分析他的作品对我们来说并非是一次可有可无之举,而值得投入更多的精力。

【Abstract】 The paper is mainly employed to analyze and interpret E. B. White’ sthree works on the basis of text analyzing within my ability.Fairy Tale is a conception without clear definition in Chinese ChildLiterature, worsen by the continuous invasion of foreign words,therefore it is crucial to clarify the difference between Fairy Tale andFantasy. In chapterⅠ, firstly, we are intended to make a clear definitionof the characteristic of E. B. White’ s three works; then we go to makean interpretation of an important concept The Secondary World, which iscritical to Fantasy and to the understanding of White’ s three works;finally we will analyze the realism (which means an attitude rather thana mere writing method to White) of White’ s writing style in brief.In chapterⅡ, from the viewpoint of metaphor and symbolism, we tryto make an full understanding of the Secondary World which was createdby White with his realism style. White has written his thoughts in theworks on many inspiring issues that are enclosed in the Secondary World.We will make clear of the unique definition and the significance of thisSecondary World and its distinction in contrast with other Fantasyliterature works. In fact, all of these is implied in the context andgradually become clear with our analyzing.In chapterⅢ, I express my views on some unsolved questions such asLightness and Heaviness in the works. These questions must not necessarilyhave unchanged answers; otherwise, the variety of explanation may enhancethe glamour of the works. Such a quality is embedded in many great worksand is one of the reasons why they are regarded as classics.In fact, E. B. White was not only endowed with great fame in the areaof pose, but also was regarded as a man of milestone in the ream of ChildLiterature. It is reasonable to say that E. B. White has created animportant aesthetic quality in Child Literature with his unique writing style. It is of much significance to analyze White’ s works and isworthwhile to put more efforts in the study of his context, since whichis full of the glamour of metaphor and tension.

【关键词】 E.B.怀特幻想文学现实
【Key words】 E.B.WhiteFantasyReality
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期
  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】732

