

Analysis on Current Situation and Countermeasures of Commercial-banks Marketing Management in China

【作者】 夏园

【导师】 李开;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 西方商业银行历来视市场营销为经营管理中的重要内容,是其扩大经营规模,提高生存能力和竞争能力,提高经营效益的重要手段。商业银行市场营销已成为当今商业银行实现全球经营战略的核心内容。改革开放以来,随着我国市场经济体制的逐步建立,国有商业银行市场化改革步伐的不断加快,商业银行经营所面临的宏观和微观环境均发生了重大变化。突出表现在银行业同业竞争异常激烈,业内经营风险日益加剧,金融资产质量有所下降,盈利空间缩小。为保持和扩大市场份额,谋求发展,增强自身竞争能力,提高经营效益,在竞争中立于不败之地,客观上要求我国商业银行树立市场营销观念,采取以客户为中心的整体经营策略,增强业务创新能力,为客户提供多样化的服务,以满足各种不同的需要。特别是加入WTO后,外国银行将和我国内银行站在同一起跑线上竞争,他们的经营战略、组织结构、技术手段、市场网络、服务功能和成熟的业务推销经验、经营品种均对我国的银行业构成了多方位的挑战。而目前我国各商业银行对营销管理的实践尚处在初级阶段,对营销理论的运用还不够系统和全面,在提高金融产品的层次、技术含量以及产品的科学定价,网点的统筹设置,产品促销手段的有效组合,营销管理计划控制的系统化建设等方面都存在许多不完善之处。本文旨在借鉴国际上商业银行营销管理的理论和方法,结合我国商业银行市场营销管理的现状,从营销环境分析,营销战略思想的形成,营销策略的制定和实施等环节入手,探讨进一步完善和发展我国商业银行市场营销管理的理论和实践,以期推动我国银行业整体经营管理的进步。本文共分为六章。第一章是全文的导入部分,阐述市场营销与商业银行经营管理之间的必然联系以及国外商业银行市场营销的发展情况。内容包括三个问题的阐述:首先阐明选题的意义,提出所要研究的问题。其次是研究背景和研究综述,简要介绍商业银行营销管理的发展阶段,系统阐述了国内外研究动态和最新进展。最后概括本文的研究内容、研究方法和创新之处。第二章商业银行市场营销相关理论阐述引入商业银行市场营销的理论背景,阐述始于20世纪50年代末的商业银行市场营销的发展历程和现状,为以下商业银行市场营销环境分析做准备。第三章国外商业银行营销模式分析分别以美国和日本两个国家为代表,从市场细分、服务方式、内部管理等方面分析国外商业银行市场营销模式,这对我国商业银行营销管理对策和思路的提出具有很好的启发意义。第四章商业银行营销环境分析主要介绍了商业银行营销环境,是指对银行营销及经营绩效起着潜在影响的各种外部因素的总和。它分为宏观环境和微观环境。宏观环境是对商业银行影响较间接的约束力量,包括政治、经济、人口、社会文化、科学技术等。微观环境是与实现商业银行营销目标直接相关的那些环境,包括金融、政策、法律、客户、竞争者等,对银行的营销活动有着直接的积极或消极影响。本文着重分析了竞争者因素,包括竞争者数量分析、竞争者市场份额分析、竞争者营销活动分析,特别是运用SWOT分析法对比分析国内外商业银行营销环境。第五章对我国商业银行市场营销发展的现状和问题进行了较为全面的分析。文章从商业银行市场营销组合的几个环节,即产品、定价、营销渠道和促销手段出发,研究了我国商业银行实施市场营销战略的发展现状。并从营销观念的树立、营销机制的建立、市场定位、营销组合以及营销管理的系统化建设等方面,指出了我国商业银行营销管理和策略实施中存在的问题和差距。第六章提出,商业银行微观管理手段必须在一定的宏观条件下才能得以有效的实现,因此要不断加快经济市场化和银行改革进程,逐步实现利率和费率的市场化。在此基础上,提出了进一步完善和发展我国商业银行营销管理和策略实施的建议:营销管理中应注意系统化建设,推行新的客户管理方式——客户经理制;分析了客户期望与知觉服务之间的缺口,针对如何缩小这一缺口,提出了客户满意度经营和全方位质量服务的观点;建立健全内部组织,建立有效的绩效评估体系;开拓目标市场,发展中小客户;营销策略的创新等。

【Abstract】 Commercial banks in Westem countries always consider marketing as anessential part of management, which is used to enlarge its business scale, enhanceexistence rivalry and ability, and increase the banking benefit. Thus marketing incommercial banks becomes the key strategy to realize the global operation. Alongwith establishment of market economic system of our country, reform of NationalCommercial Banks and uninterrupted foundation, the macro-environment andmicro-environment of commercial banks have been changing a lot. Competitionamong banks gets very fierce. The operating risk in the financial industry gets muchhigher. The quality of financial assets is continuously getting worse, and theprofitable capability gets smaller and smaller. In order to keep or enlarge marketshare, to raise competitive capability, and to increase profit, the commercial banks inour country have to build up the concept of marketing management. They must usethe concept of managerial strategy which views customers as the heart of management.The commercial bank must increase the capability of business innovation, and providea variety of services to satisfy different needs of customers. After China enteringWTO, foreign banks will compete with our banks in the same policy-surrounding.Marketing strategy in foreign banks, their organizations, technologies, marketnetworks, services, marketing experience and business varieties will constitutechallenges to China commercial banks. At present, the practice of marketingmanagement in our commercial banks has still stayed in initial stage. The banks can’tuse marketing theory systematically and comprehensively. There are manyshortages not only in valuable combination of product, price, place and promotion,but also in process management such as plans and control. In the thesis, the author’spurpose is using the marketing management theory and practice of internationalcommercial banks, analyzing the success and failure of marketing management ofcommercial banks in our country, probing into how to improve and develop the theory and practice of marketing management in our country from the analysis of marketingenvironment, marketing strategy and implement.There are altogether six chapters in this thesis.Chapter One describes the link between marketing and management of commercialbanks. There are three points. The first give the meanings of the topic. The secondintroduces the grounds and the study of commercial banks marketing currentcondition. The third introduces the content and ways of research and the newopinions.Chapter Two introduces the developing course of banks marketing which began in1950’s 20th century, and which makes preparation for the illustration of what thecommercial banks marketing environment is.Chapter Three includes some research on the bank marketing management modelsin USA and Japan from market division, ways of service, internal management, etc.Chapter Four illustrates what the commercial banks marketing environment is. Itis various external factors that influence banks marketing and business achievement,which includes macro environment and micro environment. The macro environmentmeans the factors that give indirect influence to commercial banks, including nationalpolitics, economy, population, cultural and technology, etc. While the commercialbanks micro environment is restricted by its macro environment, which is directlyrelated to the target of commercial bank, including finance, policies, laws, customersand competitors, etc. Micro environment has positive and negative influence overcommercial banks marketing activity. This chapter especially analyzes the differenceof marketing environment between foreign banks and China commercial banks,taking the rule of SWOT. The chapter also makes market segmentation on Chinacommercial banks indicating the target market.Chapter Five analyzes China commercial banks marketing current condition andproblems, and provides thorough discussion of the four essential factors of marketingmix, i.e. Product, Price, Position and Promotion. It talks about problems of thecommercial banks marketing from marketing idea and mechanism, processmanagement etc., and last analyzes the reasons about marketing current condition. Chapter Six talks about that micro-management of commercial bank would runin the macro-surroundings. So the macro-surroundings of bank should be improvedstep by step. The reformation of market economic system and banking system shouldbe quicken. Then, the author suggests how to improve and develop marketingmanagement in our bank. The commercial banks in our country should improve themanagerial opinions, systematic management, internal structure and marketing mix,etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期
  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】2108

