

Evaluation of Se Content in the Tea and Tea Garden Soil and Studies on Controlled Release of Se Fertilizers

【作者】 徐玉梅

【导师】 谢安建;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 无机化学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 微量元素硒作为人体必需的微量元素,对人体健康有着十分重要的作用。硒缺乏会引起多种疾病,补硒则可以防治。由于硒有益量与中毒量之间的范围非常窄,所以补硒要安全、适量。饮用富硒茶是一种安全的补硒方式。安徽是产茶大省,因此,研究和分析茶叶及土壤中硒的含量,采取措施提高茶叶中硒含量,这对提升茶叶品质,促进地方经济的发展具有重要的意义。首先,本文系统地研究了测定硒元素的方法。研究表明,断续流动-氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法较适合测定土壤及茶叶中的硒。该方法可同时测定各类土壤及植株中的硒含量,适用范围较以往的方法更广泛。其次,在确定测定方法的基础上,我们对安徽省几个著名茶园的土壤及其茶品进行了硒含量水平的调查及其评估。得出以下结论:安徽省茶园土壤,除石台县茶园硒含量很高,达5.7mg/kg外,其余茶园土壤含硒量均属于中等偏低水平,平均值为0.212mg/kg。相应茶品的含硒量除了石台县的茶叶含硒量达到国家富硒茶标准,其余均远远低于国家富硒茶标准。依据评估结果,我们针对安徽茶园土壤营养元素硒偏低的情况,自制了4种控释硒肥,并采用土柱淋溶法对控释硒肥的控释性能进行了初步评价。

【Abstract】 Selenium is a necessary trace element for the health of people. Lack of selenium can cause many diseases, which can be prevented and cured by the complement of the selenium. The appropriate complement of Selenium is required because of the little gap between the deficiency and the excess. To drink selenium-enriched tea is one of the best ways to complement selenium. Anhui province is famous for the mass production of tea. So it is significant to mensurate Se content of tea and soil in tea gardens. Based on the results, many measures can be taken to improve the quality of tea, helping promote the development of our provincial economy.Firstly, we studied the way of trace selenium determination systematically. The results indicated that the hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry could be applied to analyze the Se content of tea and soil. The method was more suitable for all kinds of tea and soil than others.Subsequently, the Se content of the tea products and soil, which were obtained from several famous tea gardens in Anhui province, was appraised. The results suggested that except Shitai county, whose Se content in the soil was 5.7mg/kg, others could be all classified with the middle or lack level, with the average content of 0.212mg/kg. Correspondingly, only the tea products of Shitai county could reach the Se-enriched criterion of the People Republic of ChinaFinally, in order to solve the problem of the lack in tea, we invented four kinds of controlled-release Se fertilizers, and the longevity of the fertilizers was evaluated using water leaching in soil column.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期
  • 【分类号】S571.1
  • 【下载频次】333

