

The Origin and the Development of the Chinese National Government’s Supports Toward the Korean Independence Movement

【作者】 王琦

【导师】 周乾;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 专门史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 韩国民族独立运动与中国的反帝爱国运动是近代东方民族反帝独立斗争的重要组成部分。1910年,朝鲜被日本吞并后,一些爱国独立运动者便在朝鲜与中国东北一带组织反日斗争。1919年朝鲜“三一”运动后,朝鲜流亡政府——韩国临时政府在中国上海建立。它以中国为舞台,为推翻日本对韩国的殖民统治,恢复韩国的独立,在华进行了26年的艰苦斗争。在韩国独立运动的各个阶段,中国国民党从孙中山开始就对韩国独立运动予以关注和同情。孙中山明确表示支持韩国独立运动,给予韩国临时政府以外交承认,帮助其培养复国军事人才,为韩国独立做出了积极的努力。孙中山逝世后,蒋介石继承了孙中山确立的扶助弱小民族的原则,给予韩国独立运动多方面的援助。尤其是抗日战争时期,随着韩国独立运动与中国的抗日战争融为一体,组成了东方反对日本法西斯的统一战线。中国国民党对越南和韩国独立运动的援助,不仅公开化而且其规模和力度也大大扩展和加强。他积极促成韩国两大独立党派间的团结,支持韩国义勇队和光复军在华开展抗日活动,经济上给予接济,国际会议上仗义陈词,积极协助其获得国际社会的承认。但由于英美和苏联在远东的矛盾和利益冲突,中国这一目标未能实现。在对中韩这段历史进行研究的过程中,由于资料不足及语言的限制,研究重点多集中于蒋介石国民政府时期。对中国援韩过程中的一些问题,观点分歧也较多。如,孙中山的南方护法政府与北京政府的对韩态度上是否存在区别?此外,关于国民政府为什么一直未正式承认韩国临时政府的问题,也值得进一步探讨。本文以时间为脉络,试通过各方面史料,结合当时的国内、国际环境形势,考察和分析国民政府援助韩国独立运动的缘起和发展,以及各个历史阶段中韩关系的特点。本文试图通过这一研究,推进近代中韩关系史的发展和中韩反日斗争史的研究。

【Abstract】 The National Independent Movement of Korea and the anti-imperialism patriotic movement in China are important parts of modern anti-imperialism struggle for independence in oriental nations. Korea was annexed by Japan in 1910. Many patriotic revolutionaries organized the anti-Japanese struggle in Korea and the northeast of China. The Korean Provisional Government (KPG) was an exile government established in Shanghai in 1919 based on the Korean 3.1 Independence Movement. With the help of China, Korea spent 26 years in strugglling with Japanese for independence. In each historical stage, Kuomintang began to render concern and sympathy to the Korean Independence Movement from Sun Yat-sen.Sun Yat-sen explicitly expressed support to the Korean Independence Movement. He acknowledged the KPG and trained soldiers. He made positive efforts to assist Korea with independence. After Sun Yat-sen passed away, Chiang Kai-shek inherited the policy that assisted in the small and weak national established by Sun Yat-sen. Various aids were offered by Chiang for the Korean Independence Movement. Such independence movements united with the Anti-Japanese War and fighted against Japanese fascism. Kuomintang not only aided the Korean Independence Movement overtly, but also increased in both scale and force. With the help of Chiang, the political parties and groups of Korean Independent Movement united in a degree. He actively supported the Voluntary Team and the Guang Fu Army of Korea to carry out anti-Japanese activity in China. And he gave the KPG economic aid and positively assisted the KPG to obtain the recognition of the international community at the international conference. However, as a result of the contradiction between UK-US and Soviet Union in the Far East, the target was not achieved in the end.In the process of the research on the history of Sino-Korean relationship, because of material insufficiency and language limit, many researches concentrate on the Chinese National Government. In the researches, academic circles have different viewpoints on the questions. For example, are the attitude of South Government and Beijing Government to the Korean Independence Movement different? Why did not the Chinese National Government acknowledge the KPG officially finally? It is also worth further discussing.This article takes the time as a vein, attempting to inspect and analyze the origin and the development of the Chinese National Government supporting the Korean Independence Movement, according to the international environment and various historical materials. Moreover, the article studies the characteristic of Sino-Korean relationship in each historical stage. This article attempts to promot researches on the development of modem Sino-Korean relationship’s history and Sino-Korean history of anti-Japanese struggle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】K258
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】188

