

【作者】 林本昌

【导师】 周少元;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 法律史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 孝是一个古老而永恒的话题,作为封建社会主流意识形态,对整个中国传统文化和民族性格、行为模式、法律意识都产生深远影响。孝作为人类本身特有的亲亲之情,是处理家庭父子关系的道德准则,不论是古代还是现代,孝对于家庭的稳定都具有重要作用。而在中国封建社会,由于各家学说的孝加工改造,统治阶级采纳推行利用,孝异化为父辈单极的权力,子女单向的义务,并用国家强制力来保证实施,孝同中国封建法制紧密联系,相互融合,走向道德法律化的道路,成为封建法律的重要组成部分。统治阶级以孝来维护父权,以家庭秩序稳定社会秩序,从而实现齐家治国的政治目的。孝不仅是道德纲领,还是法律规范。孝作为人类特有的一种道德情感,对今天的法治建设仍具有一定的意义。本文从宏观的角度全面探讨了封建社会有关孝的法律制度和司法活动,揭示在封建社会倡导孝是如何单维度地重视父权、强调子女对父辈的义务并以此强化人们的顺从意识、义务观念,为君权服务,最终成为统治阶级治世工具这一本质,同时分析其存在原因背景和实施社会效果,为现代社会法治建设提供借鉴。全文分为三个部分:第一部分就孝的有关立法规定作了探讨,首先分析了从奴隶社会到封建社会这一时间段孝的演进过程,在形式上由一种抽象的观念发展具体化的行为规则,在内涵上演变为父权中心,成为封建伦理纲常,为道德法律化提供了立法理论指导;接着以唐律为蓝本并结合历代封建法律用比较的方式论述法律赋予父辈权力的广泛性,对子女违反义务遭受惩罚的严密性和严酷性,指出父权的本质是服务君权。第二部分分析孝在封建社会司法中实践的体现。以案件的审判程序为顺序,从起诉、审判、执行三个方面进行论述,运用大量的史料和各个朝代的司法案例,突出对比了在起诉上父子起诉权利的差异,重点描述了整个封建社会中从一般司法官员到最高统治者在审判中以孝为指导原则之一,因孝曲法,从各个方面对违法孝子予以减免褒奖、而对不孝子则处以重刑,在刑罚的执行上采取代刑、缓刑等方式以成全孝子,维护父辈的利益,说明在孝在封建司法的特征是“枉法”和“变通”。第三部分对封建社会法律实施孝的原因和社会影响做出剖析。从特定的社会结构和生产方式、主流思想和统治者需要主客观两方面说明孝在封建社会起到齐家治国的作用是孝存在的原因,对封建法律实施孝的社会效果做出理性评价,并从立法和司法两个方面分析孝同封建法律相适应的一面,以此为借鉴,对现代法治建设提出要重视道德的建议。

【Abstract】 Filial piety is an old and hot topic forever. As the main idea of Chinesefeudalistic society, filial piety has deep influenced on nation character、action modeand legal idea. And it influences on Chinese legal system profoundly and widely.eing an only emotion of man, the ethical concept of filial piety has always beenconsidered as the core of traditional ethics of ancient Chinese society, plays animportant role on relation between father and son, means both duty and right. Atfirst, the means of filial piety is father’s love and son’s respect, in Chinese feudalisticsociety, it been interpreted as only filial obedience by thinkers, the ruler accepted itand use it as the idea of law, instruct the construction of law, and become one part ofChinese ethic law. So we can see, filial piety intact relation with Chinese feudalisticlegal system, they are united one point. From a legal point of view, we point out howfilial piety influenced on the theoretical research and judicial practice, become a toolof ruler. On the other hand, the filial piety has two faces, the good and the bad, sowe can study from the good contents.The thesis consists of three parts:The first part we discuss about legal system. First starts with the developmentof filial piety from slave society to feudalistic society, from a abstract concept turninto concrete principles, the main idea of filial piety become power of father, as thecore of Chinese feudalistic ethics, give a lead to legislation; then compare thefather’s power to son’s duty by using law of Tang dynasty and other dynasty pointout the power of father server for empire.The second part is mainly a careful analysis and research on the judicialpractice, we study it from three aspect such as prosecute、trial、penalty on judicialprocedure, on the basic of a lot of historical materials and judicial cases, compare thedifferent from right of sue between father and son, put emphasize on trial that filialpiety become main idea, to son who is filial obedience, every judge reduce penaltyand praise and honor, the son will suffer more punish who is not filial obedience, even let son suffer for penalty of father and temporary suspension of theexecution of sentence according to father’s demand, so we can see the symbol ofjudicial practice is "bend the law" and "adapt to father’s behave".The third part mainly reexamines the existence reason and social effect of filialpiety, from four aspect such as the special construction of Chinese feudalisticsociety, mode of production, main idea and the demand of ruler analysis that filialpiety play a important role on manage a household and run the country, give advisefor the construction of modern society of law we need strengthen and pay attentionto traditional of ethics.

【关键词】 父权立法司法
【Key words】 Filial pietyPower of fatherLegislationJudicature
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期
  • 【分类号】D909.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】383

