

Investigation of Protection of Rights and Interests of Farmers on Confiscated Land

【作者】 吴丽文

【导师】 符启林;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 经济法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 土地是农民的生存之本,是农民重要的生产资料,也是农民最基本的生活保障。依法保护农民的土地权益,实际上就是保护农民的物质利益,尊重农民的生存权利和民主权利。由于我国的土地征用制度产生于计划经济时期,在目前许多条件发生了变化的情况下,征地制度仍基本保持原有的做法,使得在征地中暴露出许多问题,从而引发了许多上访案件的发生。本文从各个角度分析我国土地征用制度所存在的缺陷,积极借鉴国外相关的先进经验,提出完善我国土地征用制度的建议。本文主要由以下五部分组成:第一部分主要论述了我国失地农民权益保护,通过分析我国城市化过程中农民权益损失,进而提出保护失地农民权益的重要性和必要性。第二部分主要分析由于我国“公共利益”界定不清导致我国土地征用权滥用,进而提出清楚界定“公共利益”是完善我国土地征用制度的前提条件。第三部分通过论述我国土地征用制度中补偿标准偏低、土地征用补偿费用分配不合理,农民权利易受侵犯,进而提出确立公平、合理土地征用补偿制度。第三部分主要论述了我国土地征用制度中社会保障制度的缺陷,进而提出制定社会化的社会保障制度。第四部分主要论述了我国土地征用制度中公告程序缺失、审批程序不合理、纠纷解决程序不合理、监督程序不完善、征地裁决制度的不完善,进而提出确立规范、合理的土地征用程序。第五部分主要内容是鉴于我国土地征用制度缺乏保护弱者的司法救济途径,故提出我国土地征用制度中需要积极引入公益行政诉讼。综上所述,本文认为,我国现行的土地征用制度不能很好的保护失地农民权益,需要积极引入新的制度对我国土地征地制度进行完善,以期为国家顺利征地扫除障碍,保持社会安定团结,促进社会经济的发展。

【Abstract】 Land has always been the basis for farmers to make a living, and the essential means of production and the most fundamental security for farmers during their material benefits, to pay respect to their living rights and their civil rights. Because the institution of land acquisition in China was set up in planned economy period, the problems are exposed in the process of the land expropriation. But at present, the system of land expropriation doesn’t change when many conditions have been changed so that many farmers appeal to the highter authorities for help. The author brings five her opinions on how to consummate the legislation of our country on the basis of comparing the foreign land expropriation legal system.It is consist of six partsIn Charter 1 this is part which analysis the protection of rights and interests of farmer on confiscated land. Through describing the losing of rights and interests of farmer, we point out the importance and necessity of protection of rights and interests of farmer.In Charter 2 because of confusion of public interest, it result in eminent domain abuse. The author points out to consummate the system of our land expropriation through clearly definition of public interest.In Charter 3 because low standard and irrational distribution of compensation for land expropriation lead to infraction of rights and interest of farmers. And so it is very important to set up the system of fair and reasonable compensation for land expropriation.In Charter 4 through ana]ysis the flaw of social security, the author point out to consummate the institution of social security.In Charter 5 our system of land expropriation have the flaw of the process of land expropriation such as short of process of bulletin、unreasonable process of examination、unreasonable process of settling dispute、fault monitor、fault institution of arbitrament, so we need to set up canonical and reasonable process of land expropriation.In Charter 6 the peasant is an inferior group. In order to protect the peasant, we need to actively introduce commonweal lawsuit.In a word, this article consider that the institution of land expropriation doesn’t well protect the rights and interest of farmer, so we need to introduce new measure to consummate the institution of land expropriation, in order to clean off obstacle for the land expropriation, to keep the society stable and united, and to improve the development of our economy., it have done great contribution for the economic development of China. This kind of institution don’t meets the present requests any more. So the reform of land acquisition institution have been increased into schedule and become a hot issue in the scientific circles of land and in the land management educational domain.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期
  • 【分类号】D922.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】412

